today's the day, Spike TV's VGA

its called money
money from publisher + spike executive = biased awards
Warlock said:
...Ah, I see. Fair enough, then.

Anyway, looking at all of this from a non-HL2 biased perspective, I still have to say, these awards just aren't right. Though given that there are indeed quite a lot of very good games here competing against each other, whoever wins, people aren't going to be happy. Heh, I want draws, darnit, just so everyone gets loved.

Go back to the 60s, you dirty hippy! (plays "all you need is love")
whats the problem whit GTA:SA?

is a very cool game
If you guys had seen last year's awards though you'd have known what to expect. Rap, scantily clad women, more rap, more women, few shots of some crap console game, lame attempt at video game humor, more rap, etc etc. I mean, why the **** even call this the video game awards? Call it 'Rap-fest 2004 feat. Video Game Footage' or something.
<RJMC> said:
whats the problem whit GTA:SA?

is a very cool game

Its the same as all the other damn GTAs.. theyve had their day.. time to step down..

I have my own personal reasons as to why the game won.. but doesnt really matter.. they did Half-Life 2 a disservice..

Half-Life 2 won best graphics and Best PC Game.. but they didnt even get an award for either one..

So its a dinky Spike TV award, i do agree valve deserves better.. but give credit where credit is more than due.
C-O-N-Spiracy said:
Its the same as all the other damn GTAs.. theyve had their day.. time to step down..

I have my own personal reasons as to why the game won.. but doesnt really matter.. they did Half-Life 2 a disservice..

Half-Life 2 won best graphics and Best PC Game.. but they didnt even get an award for either one..

So its a dinky Spike TV award, i do agree valve deserves better.. but give credit where credit is more than due.
IMO it hav big diferences
is more interactive and hav a lot more stuff that the others ones
the fact that halo 2 won best fps doesnt bother me the most. What ticks me off is that I know for a fact that atleast 70% of the people that voted for it didnt play any other game in there. Its rediculous the people that choose what game is the best havent played all the games in the comparison. The same thing applies to goty and several others. Its just common sence look and compare and anyone with half a brain can tell. Xbox vs pc (best fps) xbox wins, who has more sales xbox or pc ??. Xbox vs pc vs ps2 (GOTY) ps2 wins, again everyone knows theres like 10x more ps2s then gaming pcs, and xboxs.

all of you defending this show, and the winners really need to open your eyes. This was money making popularity contest shceme by spiketv for higher ratings for one night. they might as well have just had 1 category whats the best platform of the year ps2, xbox, gamecube, or pc.
The thing was is that this is a viewers choice award show. And think.. who is Spike tvs viewers. But i do have to say one thing, it is better than last year (Every thing was won by Sports games and GTA). Now i really don't care for GTA but they nominated the right stuff and thats all they control (hell they nominated Katamiri). there is one thing you cant argue with and that is that the award show it's self just sucked.
you should see the gamespot's Halo2 and GTA:SA boatds

It was a suk ass show. Was really hard to watch the whole thing. Than I figure,Time to have some FUN. So I fire up the pc and now I'm gonna play some cool half life 2 levels and relieve the stress of the show only to find I can't get any of valves games to work for me. I tried HL2, css,and steam. NOW I"M PISSED, I click on the desktop and nothing happens. WTF is going on and how do I fix it?
I dont really like sports games, why not just go play it in real life or go watch a game? It just doesnt make any sense to me...
who cares about anything at gamepot, a console biased site that basis its review scores off the popularity of the game.
Well, I recorded, and started watching, but I had to stop after five minutes because appearently I got BET instead.

I couldn't really care less about what HL2 got or didn't get. It's the complete misconception of what "gamers" want, presented in the only way SpikeTV knows how to do it, loud and stupid. It's a pity such ignorance gets promoted so well.
That was pretty gay...the only thing HL2 won was best graphics. It should have one game of the year or best action game and I don't even remembering those retards announcing the best pc game...
That show was terrible. The only thing that made me smile a little was Christopher Walken's "audition" for Everquest 2.
I agree with you all about the crap awards. To much singing and music for my taste, I just wanted to see who ****in won, not dancing and half naked chicks giving out a cheat code for an xbox game. "Oh wow"

To release the tention, I fired up a good long 3 hour session of HL2DM and boy do I feel better.

I wonder what the gayspot will give for goty or best fps this decemeber.
Digital_Junkie said:
That show was terrible. The only thing that made me smile a little was Christopher Walken's "audition" for Everquest 2.

Yeah, I heard Walken's little tid bit and I seriously don't know why he didn't get the part.
Shouldn't come as a surprise that some stupid gangsta rap show gives SA GOTY :p

And yeah it's probably rigged, it was possible to vote on the same vote all the time :D
hl2 got some good awards at least, best pc game, and best graphics, i was rooting for it on best game of the year and best first person though, stupid gta and halo 2
GTA deserved it.
Ive played it for weeks and still have a blast playing it today.

as for HL2 i played it and wraped it in 3 days..played again on hard and took my time, but in the end it just got boringly repetitive and linear.

gta's open endedness will keep me entertained for months.
The ONLY good thing about SA is Samuel L. Jackson in it. THAT'S IT!!!
Everything else is SAME graphics, SAME gameplay, SAME EVERYTHING!!

"Mmm! This is A GOOD BURGER!"
-Pulp Fiction
mmm maybe, SA has an insane amount of new features, worthless features yes but an insane amount of them, the gang wars is maybe the only cool new feature, the eating/clothes/working out/instert worthless pointless feature here were all for content and to make the game apeal more to morons who like driving around in a car and buying clothes and getting a new haircut.
Lame stereotypes.

Ohwell can't blame the idiots if they have nothing better to do.

indy said:
GTA deserved it.
Ive played it for weeks and still have a blast playing it today.

as for HL2 i played it and wraped it in 3 days..played again on hard and took my time, but in the end it just got boringly repetitive and linear.

gta's open endedness will keep me entertained for months.

GTA open ended? oh god you have to be kidding me. An open game is called an RPG nothing else comes close to being open. Gta is a big ass city with a huge wall around it, whats so open about that?

I'll buy GTA when I have the option to cut my throat with a razor and no sooner.

GTA has the most repetitive gameplay i've seen since pong.
Just like music, I don't listen to people telling me "You must buy this game, because we gave it so many awards and stuff"

I bought Half-Life 1 because I enjoyed Uplink, only then did I discover it got 50 awards and was called "The best game ever"

As for San Andreas. Yeah 'tis a good game, exceptional even. But for me it still does not compare to HL2.

TV networks know jack shit about games and their heritage. Lets leave it at that.
The GTA series is not my kind of game but I always enjoy them for at least a week before getting tired of them. It is the most foolproof game design ever thought up. As long as you keep throwing in more and more stuff around the core of the game, you can keep putting out sequels guaranteed to get 9+ scores and make lots of people happy.
I think you mean, 'frat boys', and 'xbox fanatics' happy.

(including frat boys, (and or girls) who don't live in a frat... yeah... YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN! :flame: )
I don't like the GTA series for the same reason I don't like sports games: If I wanted to play sports I'd go outside and do it.

Games are better when they let you do things you can't go outside and do. It doesn't mean I'm going to run outside and stomp some old lady on the curb so I can have her huge Cadillac which I'll use to get a hooker and then subsequently run her over to get my money back; I just know that doing that in real life would be thousands of times more fun than playing GTA. Bah, it's the Sims with guns if you ask me.

Give me a story about the hostile conquest of earth any day. As long as it doesn't look like a Saturday morning cartoon ala Halo 2. PC will reign as the best gaming platform (for true gamers) for a long time.

We'll see what the best game is in three years once 99.7% of the online gaming community is playing an HL2 mod and Xbox owners are saying Halo 2 sucks ass because it doesn't have the latest shader/lighting/bump-mapping/volumetric-fog/light-blooming/hand-that comes-out-and-slaps-you-for-buying-and-X-box effects. We all know that it's graphics that make a game fun; not how much fun it is.

God, I need to go to bed.
Lets compare.

San Andreas: Open-ended gameplay. Basically you have freedom to go around the city (even after all it IS just a big city themed arena). What new features? New clothes, cars, mini-games, overstretched graphics etc but still featuring the addictiveness. But after I finished Vice City's single player game, I messed around with it until I did all the cool stuff. I loved it, have I played it since? No.

HL2: Linear gameplay but expertly guided. What new features? The animation is first class, introduction of physics, major setpieces (Dog...) and best of all - emotion. Vice City never moved me only to say "cool" a few times. HL2 had some "holy shit that is awesome" moments. Blowing up barnacles with barrels (better when you do it yourself). Flying over a wall of fire with the airboat, slicing a zombie with a bladesaw. And the ending (I won't go no further for obvious reasons).

Both games are distinctive. But for me its HL2 that'll win out in the end, it felt like my money truly was well spent.
Styloid said:
The GTA series is not my kind of game but I always enjoy them for at least a week before getting tired of them. It is the most foolproof game design ever thought up. As long as you keep throwing in more and more stuff around the core of the game, you can keep putting out sequels guaranteed to get 9+ scores and make lots of people happy.

Features are like food throw to many in and your ateries become clogged and you die.