Tons of BIG News.


Jan 19, 2004
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"The main problem is that the state of concurrency in modern software is pretty poor. Single threaded software is going to benefit almost nothing from the up and coming trends in software, 10,000 cores will not speed up a single threaded app. To get more speed, you need an advance much more profound than current out of object oriented programming. You need to get past locks."
"The bomb was that the first generation of Xbox titles, all of them, are single threaded. Not good.

The Inq has gotten its hands on an Xbox360, yes, there is a Wal-Mart near us, and was completely underwhelmed by the quality of the games. Graphics quality was poor, and pixels were showing up blocky, ruining the wow-factor of the new console."

So really the first Xbox360 and Ps3 games wont even compare at all when it comes to how many cores they have. Basically all the current games are using is just 1 3.2Ghz Cpu and a very good graphics card. If I had 2 overclocked 1ghz Radeon 1800XT's im sure my computer would basically blow past the console. Costs alot more money but hey, I can still do my PHP coding, dl my mods, play starcraft, chat, use x-fire, play internet games free, etc... so im happy.
"Guys said to me that with right cooling and enough power, there was potential to crack the 1 GHz barrier. And, that happened even before the retail product hit the shelves and before official, butt-kicking Nvidia driver is made available.

Unlike their fellow countryman Kimi Raikonnen, their GPU engine didn't blew up and with the power of OC-friendly finnish weather and some liquid nitro, the guys managed to get the GPU core rocking at 1.003 MHz, while memory run happily at 940.5 MHz DDR (1.89 GHz). 60 gigs per second of memory bandwidth on a single board. Can you say... OMG? "

HOLY SHIT! 1ghz reached.....ahahahahahaha.....!
"The fresh date for release has been set for December 16th, and you can expect leading companies from the world of graphics to launch their official or not-so-official drivers on their homepages.

Beta 2 was specced to use the Aeroglass user interface, which will debut 3D rendering to Windows-world and finally make use of all those dozens of GigaFLOPS that today graphic chips posses."

Pushed back, but hopefully for the better.
"With the recent release of the Satin Silver Slimline PSTwo, it looks like there are some problems with current generation compatibility, let alone the 40 PS1 games it won't play. This turned attention firmly back to Sony and the PS3. Joystiq is reporting that Sony spokesperson Reiko Sakamoto said, "It’s hard to say the PlayStation 3 will be 100 percent backwards compatible, but as we said earlier this year we aim to make it so as much as possible."

On much the same note, the Xbox 360's list of backwards compatible games is already set to include improved versions of both Halo and Halo"

Will the "Revolution" be the only console fully backwards compatible?
"To long of an article, and I couldn't find the right snippet, but basically the X1800XT non-overclocked kept up with the 7800GTX in Quake 4, an Open Gl game. As X1800XT's can be overclocked past the 1ghz mark far more than the 7800GTX im sure that it will be able to pwn even the 7800GTX with Quake 4. ATI had come up with a nice hack for open gl a few weeks back that give outstanding performance boosts."
"Just whem ATI said it should be ready with the Radeon X1800XT, its overarching rival plans to reveal its Geforce 7800 GTX with 512MB of memory. As far as we know this card won't have different clock speeds from its 256MB brother but this could easily change.

Nvidia knows that ATI will be one or even two weeks late with the Radeon X1800XT as we don’t expect to see any cards before the twenty something of November, and Nvidia will be there to nail ATI with its 512 MB cards.

However, according to intels we found out, we don’t expect that the 512MB version of Geforce 7800 GTX will be any faster but you never know your luck in the big city. "
Thanks Mineral, some pretty decent findings you got there.
Can't really read them now, in college and gotta work on my "Pets Palace" website project :p
Thanks :). Not everyone visits news sites and alot of us that do read it and well then those that don't read em don't get the information.

ATI is really starting to kick Nvidia's ass.
Minerel said:
Thanks :). Not everyone visits news sites and alot of us that do read it and well then those that don't read em don't get the information.

ATI is really starting to kick Nvidia's ass.

not really. most benchmarks show a minimal gain or no gain at all. The fact that they spent a lot of time making it run well on Open GL is kind of stupid, since Microsoft is getting rid of Open GL in Windows Vista.
not really. most benchmarks show a minimal gain or no gain at all. The fact that they spent a lot of time making it run well on Open GL is kind of stupid, since Microsoft is getting rid of Open GL in Windows Vista.
Windows Vista is not getting rid of Open Gl. Just in Beta 2 they will be wrapping it around DX because Aeroglass in unfinished. Plus even if they did do that for the final version, it wouldn't affect games it's for Aeroglass.
(Aeroglass is windows ability for 3d graphics on desktop).

It has been confirmed by Bethesda that TES: Oblivion DOES use all three cores.
Either way that wont really make a diffrence for that particular game if it uses all or 1. It only pushs the envelope in Ai and Graphics. Trust me a 3ghz cpu can handle that AI, and that graphics card can handle those graphics. Basically where are the other cores behind put to use in TES? Also I don't know is TES considered a 1st gen or an early 2nd gen?
Also, what's stupid about supporting a multiplatform graphics API when Apple's OS is about to move to the x86 platform (increasing the potential number of user by opening them up to a larger market) and, combined with Linux, is already slowly eating away at Microsoft's dominance? Supporting an open standard is a good thing in my book. I'm glad ATI is starting to get off their ass and work on OpenGL support... because their driver quality and performance hasn't been up to nVidia quality in Linux, although it has been improving.

Minerel said:
Either way that wont really make a diffrence for that particular game if it uses all or 1. It only pushs the envelope in Ai and Graphics. Trust me a 3ghz cpu can handle that AI, and that graphics card can handle those graphics. Basically where are the other cores behind put to use in TES? Also I don't know is TES considered a 1st gen or an early 2nd gen?
Do you comprehend the massive scale of the computation just being used for AI in that game? Everything every character does is governed by radiant AI... and there are tons of NPCs in that game. Their entire lives are acted out on-the-fly. It also has to deal with a lot of physics calculations. Even moving just the AI to another core/thread will free up a lot of room for the many other processor-intensive calculations. Anyway, wasn't the general consensus that very few games, if any, would use most of the potential of the new multi-threaded consoles right from the start? I don't see how these results are suprising in the least.