UK Yr12 Students - Bristol Uni Open Day - Look here!



Ok, as there seems to be alot of UK guys here, who are in yr12.. well 16-17. Who just did AS levels and plan to go to uni..

anyway, are any of you planning to go to the Bristol Uni Open Day on thursday?
I became part of yr12 today ..... I'm only 15 :).... I think you mean yr 13
Well, my bday is right near the cut-off point, so Im only just in yr11... and we got promoted to yr12 today :)
Personnaly, I finished all my A's (well cept maths cos for some reason my maths teacher wants me to stay over the summer break and continue doing maths)... And am going on to a National Diploma In Graphic Design (what I was going to do originally, but thought I'd do some A lev, so that I had something to fall back upon...