uninventive weapon selection?


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
I found as I progressed through Half-Life 2 that the selection of weapons seemed much less fun and inventive as the assortment of weapons you see in Half-Life and it's expansions. First off there are no living guns what so-ever as opposed to the Hive-Hand the green blob shooter with gills and the barnacle (op4). I just wish they're was something more exciting then the regular old fps crap you see. At least one living gun, or at least some repeats of the Half-Life ones with better anim/models. I also think it makes deathmatch much less fun with the lack of gauss jump and the crowbar and snarks etc. I am one of the people who thinks overall hl2 has less inventive flavor then half-life it seems almost...overpolished to me during the development of half-life they seemed to allow more crazy ideas to spring up and be used (read raising the bar) but in half-life 2 things seem more adult novel'ish and not crazy/wacky fps'ish . :( /rant off
I was thinking the same as I played through...
it sucks, don't it?
Sh4mp00 said:
I just wish they're was something more exciting then the regular old fps crap you see.

There's the gravity gun, but bar that, yeah I agree, some more unorthodox weapons would be nice.
i'm not asking to be able to piss on people like in postal 2 or anything :p but at least some living guns :)
Sh4mp00 said:
i'm not asking to be able to piss on people like in postal 2 or anything :p but at least some living guns :)
that wouldnt work cuz gordon might have a different size :eek: then you

/dont get mad at me :x
Not really, the weapons were quite sufficient if you ask me. Yeah, they maybe could have thrown in the tau cannon but would it have really made that much difference?

I mean alot of people mention the hundreds of weapons in the leak, i know for a fact i would want to have tons and tons of weapons in the game.
I don't see what's so appealing about the living guns. I hated them. I made an extra effort in Half life and Opposing Force just to dodge them.

Something like the Gauss or Gluon gun would have been nice to see again though...
If it weren't for the
super grav gun
I'd agree with you. It might have been nice to have something else in there, but I think the abovementioned weapon makes up for everything in that department.
well, I suppose I have to agree to that comment... I hope HL3 will employ more weapons.
that weapon is soooo fun, i remember throwing combine around by the head :p
Well actually, they could've put the tau cannon, gluon gun, or the hornet launcher in, but if you look at it, they just dont fit. The reason those were in the first half life is because it took place at Black Mesa, a research facility. And the aliens there as well. In HL2, there arent any aliens other than zombies, headcrabs, vortigaunts, and barnacles. Now, it'd be neat to have the barnacle back again (I'd love to see rope swinging physics in HL2) but you really cant make a weapon out of a zombie or a headcrab, and I dont know how a vortiguant arm would work, since they're technically friendlies anyways.

In HL1, you were a scientist fighting to survive. In HL2, you're a rebel fighting to overthrow the combine. You're fighting with rebel weapons, usually things stolen from the overwatch.

Yet I still agree though, the weapon selection was dry. If the pulse rifle fired like an actual rifle than a HMG it'd be more useful, but it's crap at medium-long range, and it has a really low ammo capacity. And yes, I know there's the sk_max commands for ammo, but honestly, 90 rounds in a fully automatic weapon is next to nothing.

I'm anxious to see what mods come out though, especially those that use the physics engine. Bola launcher, anybody?
Sid Burn said:
well, I suppose I have to agree to that comment... I hope HL3 will employ more weapons.
I don't want more, I want different.

Reoccuring weapons would be the Manipulator, Shotgun, Pistol of some kind - preferably with a secondary burstfire to spice things up, Crossbow (No HL without the Crossbow) - Might not remain in the same form though!!, A simple assaultgun like the one in HL2 now (The first, less powered one).

Above that there should be new weapons. However, there shouldn't be a LARGER range of weapons, it'd fill no function. Everything you'll EVER need to wage war is already in the game.
Also the combine attack helicopter thing would be too easy to shoot down with the gauss even though yes it was an awesome weapon, I liked the way you had to dodge the rockets out of its weapon range so that it wouldnt shoot it down.
Sh4mp00 said:
At least one living gun, or at least some repeats of the Half-Life ones with better anim/models.
Actually, we do get one living gun, well, kind of: the pherapods (plus combined with Antlions makes it pretty living). And we do get repeats of HL1 weapons with better graphics: crowbar, magnum, shotgun and the RPG. :)

Although I would also love a living gun that can actually fire stuff. Though I never used the hornetgun, I loved using the snarks, spore launcher and the barnacle gun, but as TigerRei said, they just wouldn't fit in storyline-wise.
Well, since those head-humpers can stick around in the sequel, so should snarks!! SNARKS 4EVER :D
Well I don't know about you, but I'd rather have a few useful weapons than a bunch of weapons that I never use.
As for the creativity, I think that the secondary fire for the pulse rifle is really cool, and the pheropods were something I haven't seen in a game before.
To be honest I only really used the standard SMG and the Shotgun, occasionally the Combine Rifle.

IMO the Pherapods were criminally under used - they just sat in my inventory after Nova Prospekt, I kept trying them in case the antlions were still about but nothing! Secondary Fire should have been break them open and it releases more pheramone (spelling?) to call an Antlion Guard. Sure it's as likely to attack you as it is the Combine but causes absolute chaos - fun fun fun!!!

I really liked the snarks from the first game, sit in a vent and launch them into the crowded room below. Satchel charges and Tripmines were pretty cool too - definitely could have done with more trap setting moments. Instead we had to deal with those infuriatingly dangerous 'Hoppers'.
I liked all the weapons. I'm glad they were almost semi-normal. I just wish there were more.
poseyjmac said:
i really miss the satchel charge

The laser bombs you stick to the walls. Set some of those up + turrets and you'd be set.
CookieCuttah said:
I liked hoppers.

Are you talking about the mines, or the hopwires?
the hopwires had great potential, but crashed for all sorts or crapola reasons, Imagine throwing one in a room, it bounces and then fires wires that impale people and stick to the wall.

from the beta, didnt play it, just read all about it on a russian website that got blocked.
i found the living guns to be some of the only things i disliked in hl and its expansions. hl2 has a good weapon assortment. of course i would like a few more, but the weapons we have work rather well, and each has its own strengths/weakness. they all have a good "feel" and i wouldnt like to mess up the balance by throwing in a pointless goofy gun.

p.s. and besides the zero-point, i thought the secondary fire for the overwatch standard issue was very cool/inventive.
The only gun I really miss is the Egon. It burned ammo like a mofo, but it was powerful as one too.

And snarks, I love snarks.
I miss the secondary fire mode of the pistol. Pretty underpowered, I know, but - BANGBANGBANGBANGBANGBANG!!! hehehehe....
you know what would have been cool?

If gordon could have one of his weapons be a sack. Then he could catch headcrabs with it and use them as weapons later. Throwing headcrabs at the enemy. That would have been fun
Sh4mp00 said:
I want a headcrab launcher :)

One of the ideas was to use fast-headcrabs like you would with snarks in hl1, but they canned that :\.

I'm just gonna sit around and wait for HL3. More than likely you're going to end up facing the true combine and whatever else which would mean you get to see some truely different weaponry. Hell, might even fight the synths this time.
I thought the guns were fine. They fit the style and look of the game. I don't like guns that are too over the top. I did miss the satchel though. :(
The satchel would have been awsome. Place it down and use the gravgun to launch it elsewhere then detonate it. So far the best you can do that with are the grenades and I didn't find much use for those.
I don't really understand why the pheropods were even weapons/in the game. Basically all they were there for was a contrived way of doing squad-commanding for the antlions. With the humans you press 'e' where you want them to go, but with the antlions you have to throw a spore. Of course, because these spores are unlimited, and didn't even really work that well, they were more of an annoyance than anything useful or neat. I would have been fine if the antlions just acted on their own and just followed you around. I would have been fine if the levels were made differently so that you never -needed- to have the antlions anyway.

To sum it up: IMO the pheropods were a lame attempt at trying to have a 'living' non-conventional weapon in the game, but because of their ineffectiveness, unlimited ammo and very low usability (can only use them in nova prospekt), they didn't really work that well.

As for people saying "the organic guns wouldn't fit in HL2" - sure, they wouldn't fit in HL2 as it is now, but there's no reason they couldn't have changed the game storyline/whatever in order to make them fit.
Lanthanide said:
I don't really understand why the pheropods were even weapons/in the game. Basically all they were there for was a contrived way of doing squad-commanding for the antlions. With the humans you press 'e' where you want them to go, but with the antlions you have to throw a spore. Of course, because these spores are unlimited, and didn't even really work that well, they were more of an annoyance than anything useful or neat. I would have been fine if the antlions just acted on their own and just followed you around. I would have been fine if the levels were made differently so that you never -needed- to have the antlions anyway.

To sum it up: IMO the pheropods were a lame attempt at trying to have a 'living' non-conventional weapon in the game, but because of their ineffectiveness, unlimited ammo and very low usability (can only use them in nova prospekt), they didn't really work that well.

As for people saying "the organic guns wouldn't fit in HL2" - sure, they wouldn't fit in HL2 as it is now, but there's no reason they couldn't have changed the game storyline/whatever in order to make them fit.

Good point, I liked antlions more than humans to be honest, though. You could just blow them to shit if they got in the way, and you could have them go somewhere PERMANENTLY if that didn't work... Where humans, were just a hassle at best.... Innefective too. Though barney was pretty cool, I just let everyone except barney die... Cuse barney really kicked some major ass 7 combine < Barney.
Lanthanide said:
To sum it up: IMO the pheropods were a lame attempt at trying to have a 'living' non-conventional weapon in the game, but because of their ineffectiveness, unlimited ammo and very low usability (can only use them in nova prospekt), they didn't really work that well.
You can use them after Nova Prospekt. Throw them at a Combine soldier anytime and you'll freeze him from combat.
Samon said:
I mean alot of people mention the hundreds of weapons in the leak, i know for a fact i would want to have tons and tons of weapons in the game.

What valve should have done:

1) Leave all the weapons they had in the beta (leak) for retail final.

2) Locked all but the current ones we have. Using "sv_cheats" unlockes all the guns.

That way for the new players, they would be playing as valve had intended with the balanced weapons.When completed, they would enable the cheats and play again with full arsenal. That would of up'd the replay value alot.
Molotov cocktails, a useable stun baton, sachels, the OICW, another SMG, and a useable fire extinguisher were all in development at points. All cut.

I wish the sachels were still in, honestly. They were a good weapon, even if not really popular.
sfc_hoot said:
You can use them after Nova Prospekt. Throw them at a Combine soldier anytime and you'll freeze him from combat.
yeah... they are a very effective weapon IMO. Try trowing at groups of combine soldiers. and you can kill them all after that wthout any of them firing a single bullet at you. :cool: