Unusual lagg issues



I've just bought CS: Source and am quite impressed with the game - however I seem to have some extreme lagg issues. When I'm playing my character will move forward randomly and not respond to mouse movements/key movements (Which I have died countless times because of). Could anyone offer some advice on how I can rectify these issues please:

My system specs are:

AMD Athlon 64 3200+ (2.0Ghz)
2 Gig Ram (DDR config)
NVidia 6200 128mb (Ouch.. I know its bad but the game said it was sufficent and when I ran the stress test it came out with a figure of 30fps. It also defaulted to high on all graphics settings)
160 Gig HDD (SATA)
ABIT Av8 3rd Eye Motherboard

2 Mb ADSL Connection (256kbps up)

I tried reducing all graphics settings to low and it still didn't work and I am starting to get slightly desperate. All help is appreciated.

Many Thanks

EDIT: All graphics drivers were updated yesterday in a bid to fix it - shame it didn't work :(
hmm sounds like your internet more than anything. Are you using a Wireless connection on your computer by any chance? What's your average ping in-game, and goto your console before you go into a server, and type net_graph 3. What are your choke and loss values during an average firefight?
My average ping is about 85ms and during a firefight my choke can range from 0-50 (completley random) with no loss at all. During my "lagg" events none of the loss/choke/ping are any different I noticed although usually within 10 seconds my ping has increased. I also use a 100mb Ethernet connection to connect my PC to a broadband Router

Hope that info helps
Hmm well let's just be on the safe side with everything:

Have you tried lowering your graphics settings? I know you probably got CSS for it's eye candy but it could be that the lag is caused by your graphics card's inability to keep up with the textures in-game, and so has to sort of freeze your game so it can unload things it no-longer needs at that time, and load some other textures.
If you've got them pretty low at the moment, try mat_picmip 3. It lowers everything lower than the options can, but will look like shit. Really the stress test probably isn't as stressful as an average 20 man server in a firefight, so it's not an accurate representation.

As for your internet, you could have blocked ports, so you'll need to forward them if you haven't already. This is no mean feat and I probably couldn't explain it on a forum, so here's a site that should help: www.portforward.com
The actual link you need to get started is: http://www.portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/routerindex.htm
and select your router model from the list.

Hope this helps.
Thanks for your help - I've been able to deduce a couple of things. although the port forwarding did reduce my ping (I had to forward anyway as I host game servers so me and my friend can 1 v 1) the lagg kept occuring and my friend had a ping 5* higher and he wasn't experiencing it! - So I've come to assume that it must be my computer - although I cannot see where it would happen as I have the required specs to run the application by far