US Conservatives call Canada 'Retarded'


Nov 19, 2003
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For the most powerful country in the world, the US sure is sensitive...

what can I say? the truth hurts. We think you've done wrong by us and the world, and as you're friend, we're letting you know.

We're the kind of friend that tries to talk you OUT of robbing a 7-11, not the friend who waits in the getaway car outside. We're also not the friend who will stand silently as we're exploited and treated unfairly.

It seems that without the Commies to occupy us, we've started to notice each other's annoying qualities.
wow, and I thought politicians were meant to be adults.
it was a talk show host? its true anyway.
mortiz said:
wow, and I thought politicians were meant to be adults.
Watch C-SPAN. Most middle school classrooms seems more mature.
Isn't conservatism the political form of keeping things held back (aka retarded) anyways? :p
Indeed it is, keeping old ideas sacrosanct and resitant to change, but there's something funny going on in the British Conservative party.

They urged the Liberal Democrats to defect over to the Conservative party, because "The Conservatives hold a common base of very liberal ideals"

After listening to American politics for a few weeks, that made my head implode.
shut up and give us the money you owe us you freeloading welchers all 3.5 billion of it
All this sparked because of the Canadian's the Parties' fault. The liberals, Conservatives and the NDP are all to blame for this circus.

But it's also because the Bush Administration is almost impossible to get along with. I think Canada should wait until 2008 then we can start building our relations again. Right now, it's impossible to do so.
CptStern said:
shut up and give us the money you owe us you freeloading welchers all 3.5 billion of it
I'd like to see you try and come and get it, cause i know plenty of pissed off rednecks who don;t know the difference between a terrorist and a Canadian (not that there really is a difference) - :hmph:
Icarusintel said:
I'd like to see you try and come and get it, cause i know plenty of pissed off rednecks who don;t know the difference between a terrorist and a Canadian (not that there really is a difference) - :hmph:

wouldnt want to tangle with those! they might outsmart me :dozey:
CptStern said:
wouldnt want to tangle with those! they might outsmart me :dozey:
you'd be surprised, it takes a lot of thought to come to the conclusion that if you have a hot sister or cousin it's ok to have sex with her :|

on topic - eh, politicians say the darndest things
CptStern said:
shut up and give us the money you owe us you freeloading welchers all 3.5 billion of it
Give us the rest of the falls and we'll call it even. ;)
you already have the ugly part what more do you want? ;)

actually that's not true ..they're both ugly
French Ninja said:
Give us the rest of the falls and we'll call it even. ;)

Turn all baseball stadiums into hockey rinks...then maybe will think about your offer. :smoking:
i would like to say it wasnt really conservatives it was a conservative: tucker carlson and it was his own opinion. Canadians dont get your panties in a bunch for some loose lipped slaps.

Definition of Retarded: To cause to move or proceed slowly; delay or impede.

i think that labels canada perfectly. Im so sick of seeing rip off commercials coming from that country.
dantewilliams said:
Definition of Retarded: To cause to move or proceed slowly; delay or impede.

i think that labels canada perfectly. Im so sick of seeing rip off commercials coming from that country.
exactly.. dont they just wear flannel shirts and race polar bears on the ice-flotes? i hear most can even out-swim them...

falconwind said:
For the most powerful country in the world, the US sure is sensitive...
i just had to reply to this. do you think we got that powerful by sucking the rest of the worlds collective wiener?

hell no, we beat hitler, we beat spain, we beat britain, we beat mexico, we beat the phillipines, grenada, we beat the NVA and the commies and were gonna beat the terrorists. maybe if another country did that they could be the greatest in the world too.
hell no, we beat hitler, we beat spain, we beat britain, we beat mexico, we beat the phillipines, grenada, we beat the NVA and the commies and were gonna beat the terrorists. maybe if another country did that they could be the greatest in the world too.

With Russia and Britain's help, along with most of the free world - ever read a history book ? The United States isn't the hero in the giant red-white and blue cloak that flies in to save the world ... but I do like the patriotic statements you make gh0st, it's a pity that you have nothing to back them up with. :D

One thing that I'd like to mention, is the animal anology that Tom Clancy uses in his book - America is a "Tiger", strong, fierce and cunning is actually mostly wrong. The better anology (credit to one of the guys in the endless forums of the internet) is that America is much more like an "Elephant" - Big, Thick in the Head (i.e George Bush), but when it throws it's weight around it often damages other things in it's way.

You could say the terrorists are jackels, moving in packs so the elephant can't focus on one of them at a time, but the elephant attacks them anyway, slamming into trees and houses in the process ... something to think about, eh ? :upstare:

(Again, credits to the guy who thought these concepts up)
yea were a big ****ing badass elephant.

youre one of those tools that belittle americas involvement in world war 2, just because we didnt have to burn half our country to beat the germans, or lose 20000000 troops. britain was pretty much done for had it not been for our initial support by the "hawkish doves" in our legislature at the time (ie massive aid in the form of ammunition, foodstuffs, construction material, etc), it was all the US and canada (god help us) who switched shit around for europe. russia took care of the east, and i concede that saying either the US or the USSR won alone is ridiculous. but no one likes to hear that commies won. fact is our contribution is far greater because russia fought almost exclusively on one front (the european eastern front) whereas the US fought in southern europe, the pacific, and western europe. plus were way cooler than russia.

additionally russia was only as successful as they were because of our massive assistance granted to them under the lend-lease agreement.

oh yeah, add imperial japan to that list, we pretty much reamed them.
You could say the terrorists are jackels, moving in packs so the elephant can't focus on one of them at a time, but the elephant attacks them anyway, slamming into trees and houses in the process ... something to think about, eh ?

Strange you give them such a cunning creature for representation -- ... I'd prefer a Desert Fox. :D Jackles are just scared little scavengers that could'nt begin to devour an elephant.

Whats Israel? :D
gh0st said:
youre one of those tools that belittle americas involvement in world war 2, just because we didnt have to burn half our country to beat the germans, or lose 20000000 troops. britain was pretty much done for had it not been for our initial support by the "hawkish doves" in our legislature at the time (ie massive aid in the form of ammunition, foodstuffs, construction material, etc), it was all the US and canada (god help us) who switched shit around for europe. russia took care of the east, and i concede that saying either the US or the USSR won alone is ridiculous. but no one likes to hear that commies won. fact is our contribution is far greater because russia fought almost exclusively on one front (the european eastern front) whereas the US fought in southern europe, the pacific, and western europe. plus were way cooler than russia.

And you're one of those tools that belittles everyone else's involvement in World War II. Well done.
And your just one of those tools that belittles a single persons perspective meant to remind everyone that America was, along side Russia, the bigger of the muscles that brought Hitler down, and that everyone should at least be a little bit more thankful that America beat the Russians to controlling Europe.
You completely missed the point. Congratulations.

Also - the Americans never controlled Europe.
gh0st said:
yea were a big ****ing badass elephant.

youre one of those tools that belittle americas involvement in world war 2, just because we didnt have to burn half our country to beat the germans, or lose 20000000 troops. britain was pretty much done for had it not been for our initial support by the "hawkish doves" in our legislature at the time (ie massive aid in the form of ammunition, foodstuffs, construction material, etc), it was all the US and canada (god help us) who switched shit around for europe. russia took care of the east, and i concede that saying either the US or the USSR won alone is ridiculous. but no one likes to hear that commies won. fact is our contribution is far greater because russia fought almost exclusively on one front (the european eastern front) whereas the US fought in southern europe, the pacific, and western europe. plus were way cooler than russia.

additionally russia was only as successful as they were because of our massive assistance granted to them under the lend-lease agreement.

oh yeah, add imperial japan to that list, we pretty much reamed them.

Who beat Britain? Who's "We". The irony is that despite your animosity towards the French if it wasn't for the French there's a good chance The United States wouldn't have come to be. If it wasn't for Britain and other European countries for that matter, the United States certainly wouldn't have ever come to be. So enough with all this "if it wasn't for us, you'd to speaking German". If it wasn't for us, you wouldn't exist.

Why has the United States become so powerful? Primarily through the fact that white colonials were able to garner a huge amount of resources when they first settled there, as the population in the Americas grew it became harder and harder for Britain and other European countries to control since incase you didn't notice, there was an ocean separating the two continents. American farmers knew the land and were beginning to outnumber the British presence, and with the help of the French what would you expect to happen?

The colonials basically went in, screwed the Native Americans for all their gold, found the huge oil deposits and were set up for a long time to come, it's not like the U.S. ancestors had to fight through huge adversity in order to mold the U.S. into what it is today. As for the WW2 stuff, your ignorance astounds me, Russia was probably the most influential presence in WW2, the fact that it was the Russians who entered Berlin first says something doesn't it?
gh0st said:
exactly.. dont they just wear flannel shirts and race polar bears on the ice-flotes? i hear most can even out-swim them...

i just had to reply to this. do you think we got that powerful by sucking the rest of the worlds collective wiener?

hell no, we beat hitler, we beat spain, we beat britain, we beat mexico, we beat the phillipines, grenada, we beat the NVA and the commies and were gonna beat the terrorists. maybe if another country did that they could be the greatest in the world too.

Boy, you're proud of your country... Following your logic, we have to beat every others nations to be titled the "greatest country in the world"?
gh0st said:
hell no, we beat hitler, we beat spain, we beat britain, we beat mexico, we beat the phillipines, grenada, we beat the NVA and the commies and were gonna beat the terrorists. maybe if another country did that they could be the greatest in the world too.

and my, what a fantastic job you did too.
Wow, and I thought the US-canada animosity was a joke. Oh wait, it is. A bad joke.
Actually, the greatest nation in the world is not the US but the great RO... *looks around at people* *runs*
I find it ironic that the French probably helped the American nation more than any other nation did, and now they are one of the most disliked nations (for an ally) by Americans.
mortiz said:
Well, since baiting is against the forum rules...

Never underestimate his abilities - he's a master baiter.
gh0st said:
exactly.. dont they just wear flannel shirts and race polar bears on the ice-flotes? i hear most can even out-swim them...
Don't all americans sit at home eating micky Ds while watching fox news? I hear most of them don't even know where their country is...

gh0st said:
i just had to reply to this. do you think we got that powerful by sucking the rest of the worlds collective wiener?

hell no, we beat hitler, we beat spain, we beat britain, we beat mexico, we beat the phillipines, grenada, we beat the NVA and the commies and were gonna beat the terrorists. maybe if another country did that they could be the greatest in the world too.

And you wonder why people hate you so much...
MaxiKana said:
And you wonder why people hate you so much...
I like gh0st when he's not breathing :) This is too much flamage, without making it sound like that, i just find him incredibly immature and naive. Someone who only see's something their way and only listens to others to take apart their points rather than consider them, silly boy.