Valve + release date(s)


May 25, 2003
Reaction score
Did Valve actually release their previous games at the dates they first said? i.e not delay them several months? I'm thinking 30:th sept is basically October, and october=not very far from christmas holidays:o
who cares about release dates, just get the game on xdccs when it goes gold then you can buy it later :D
*knocks on wood*

Don't jinx it :flame:

It will be released on Sept 30.
Originally posted by simmo2k3
xdccs ?
"buy" it on IRC ;)

I *know* i'll get it "before everyone else";) but I'm sure as hell going to pre-order it:)
thought it was sumin to do with irc...god what a good guess, i'm so cool
Originally posted by simmo2k3
thought it was sumin to do with irc...god what a good guess, i'm so cool
Can I touch you?:cheese:
I am in no way going to Warez dah shizzle, cuz i want dah original game in dah original package (limited editionn if possible :D) for the original price.. I am so Heavenly.......... EVIL :devil:
I am waiting with Pre-ordering untill there is any sign of the limited box. But I will pre-order it \o/
More than likely they are gonna knock it back a month so it's release date will coincide with that of the original Half-Life.
Originally posted by GOoch
Lets just pray that it dosent SLIP..:eek:

Heh...I can imagine it now...Another MOO3 (for you heathens, that's Master of Orion 3) -- a few years late, and still sucking. Ha. That'd be a hoot....well, I guess not.

Well if the Mod Confernce slips into septemeber (supposed to be in August with the release of SDK) then the game will likely slip back as well.

I'm assuming it will be mid to late october.
I like to set my sights low, so I won't be disappointed.
Originally posted by ValVed RaY
who cares about release dates, just get the game on xdccs when it goes gold then you can buy it later :D

talking about warez in any way what so ever will get you banned
Originally posted by ValVed RaY
who cares about release dates, just get the game on xdccs when it goes gold then you can buy it later :D

What do you mean by "When it goes gold"?

Surely even if you downloaded it, you would get it the same time (most likely later) than everybody else who showed their respect to Valve by buying their product which they worked on for 5 years..?
"gold" is a term used for the finsihed product. I'm not sure if it actually came out of programmer's methodolgy (alpha, beta) or marketing. The first time I ever heard the term Gold was about 5 years ago when I was a beta-tester for AOL. AOL referred to their final releases as "Gold". In the last year+ I even saw it on AOL discs released to the public.

Prior to AOL's use I had never heard a programmer call it that or recall hearing about it while studying programming (late 80's)
Oh yeah of course, I was reading an article today about when Half-Life went "Gold", the team celebrated and smashed a toy headcrab to bits :E
Gold must come from the term "Golden Master" which is the last period of produkt testing, where the produkt already should be finished.
Atleast thats my guess...
Am I way off?
No it is reffered to what some term "Golden Master". Just never heard that term until the last two years or so either. Some companies come up with terms. I never heard of "release candidate" until Microsoft used it publicly. I think of RC as a public beta versus the company's own internal Beta process.

As product have gotten bigger you'll see non-existant code and alpha code for specific features in beta releases, which means nothing is really beta'd properly. Once they introduce the other code the whole product will need to be tested again or risk bugs.
after the game goes gold "ready for sale" xdccs get it in 0 hour
so you can play the game aprox (2-3 weeks) before it comes out on stores. that waiting period is because they have to close deals and make box art, manuals, ect. after the game comes out on retail i will buy it of course :cheers: but who would want to wait for retail when you can play it before.
buying it would be better, supporting the developers etc. and ofcourse wouldnt the full game that you buy would come with extra features ? eg. demos/trailers etc ?
maybe the Special or Limited edition would come w/ extras, the but normal game probably just comes w/ ads a manual and the game. maybe a coupon or something too
Originally posted by -S30Ul
buying it would be better, supporting the developers etc. and ofcourse wouldnt the full game that you buy would come with extra features ? eg. demos/trailers etc ?
you know nothing, k thnx
Originally posted by ValVed RaY
you know nothing, k thnx

Uhhhh.... buying the game would obbiously let you play online cuz you'd need a cd key. So if you dont want that, thats coo.
It would be sweet if they included all the demo videos and stuff in there... i know im gunna TRY and pre-order it, but im moving 1 month before release date.. so i may have to hold off on that
why are you even discussing this u asshats!?

I'm pretty sure that promoting warez and illegal activities isn't very welcome on this board.

*thread closed*
Originally posted by Dave
Oh yeah of course, I was reading an article today about when Half-Life went "Gold", the team celebrated and smashed a toy headcrab to bits :E
going 'gold' means the game was completed, it dosnt mean any special edition will come out. going gold is completion, just like the headline "Day of Defeat goes gold", that was a headline i remember from dod 1.0......nothing special, if indeed u did see that, then i guess hl is done