Video of Gabe Newell's G4LI Keynote


Content Director
Aug 27, 2004
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As part of the Games for Change Festival, the Games for Learning Institute held their 2nd annual Games for Learning Day late this past June. The event brings about a collective of game developers and researches that study in the area of games for learning. It's comparable to GDC in that developers come together to share ideas through talks and game play sessions, but the focus is on exploring ways to bridge the gap between commercial software & games, and educational software & games.
Gabe Newell was this years keynote speaker at the Games for Learning Day. He thinks that games are powerful tools for educators and researchers, and with Portal 2 as an example of an educative game, the distinction between games for learning and successful commercialized software is fading.
"[Games] are also experiential. Nobody's standing up there writing formulas and physics for Portal 2. Instead, you are the mass, you are the thing being accelerated, and that actually is some of the keys [for successful educational software]."
The video is about an hour in length and Mr. Newell touches on a lot of key areas. I encourage all of you to watch it, and you can find it here.
Another teacher got his dick hard because he got to meet Gabe Newell and came to his school.
/me presses play on the video and alt tabs back into HoMM5

Edit: lol at 29:35
what year?

poor children are forced to use hammer for mapping.
what year?

poor children are forced to use hammer for mapping.
Haha, I thought the same thing.

It's annoying that Gabe is genuinely too interesting to listen to. I put this talk on my second monitor as I went about my work today and kept finding myself glued to my chair and just watching the whole thing. The whole educational software thing was fascinating. I've always wondered why the concepts of teaching in academia are so different to the ways things are interactively taught in games. Obviously not everything is relevant and can be done this way but interactive concepts can be enforced super quickly by making the the user experience them first hand. Those physics concepts in Portal 2 don't even feel like a learning curve which I put down to the way it is taught, rather than the actual difficulty of the concept.
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What was the first question right at the start? couldn't hear it properly.
I really want Valve to create Fun with Physics and Maths with Dr Kleiner