Vindictus (Source Engine MMO)


Oct 6, 2003
Reaction score
You can get a beta key here

Scroll down for instructions.

Anyway. I wouldn't exactly call it an MMO since it is heavily instanced. It's more of a hack n slash/beat em up dungeon crawler. The world is interactive and semi destructible. You can pick up pretty much anything in the world and use it as a temporary weapon. There's some blood and gore. There doesn't seem to be much of a storyline apart from the cut scene prologue. I am only a few levels in though. So i might be wrong. Characters models and animations look good but the environments are dated. Well, it's the source engine after all.
It's fun but i can see this getting repetitive very quickly. Give it a whirl and see for yourself.

Keys given to B_MAN and taviow
thanks for the link
been watching a couple of streams and it looks decent
gonna give it a whirl

keys are all gone
mind giving one away?
I have none left. Ask B_MAN and taviow for keys. They should have received 2 keys each after registering theirs.
+1 games media accounts I will never use again.
Got one from a different friend, going to try this out on the weekend. Someone said it was like an MH mmo with a different feel than Frontier.
Okay so I got a key off B_MAN(Thanks B_MAN!) and that means I have two extras to give out, if anyone wants one drop off a PM!

Also, you guys who have already played it, do you consider it necessary to read the guides on the official webpage or does it have a decent tutorial in the game?
Ah, so this is Mabinogi Heroes? Looks nice, but nothing like Mabinogi. I can see why they rebranded it.

Oh well, as long as it isn't as bloody obtuse as the original.
Connection failed :( Gonna try again later.
2 keys in stock, PM/Steam chat if you want them.(thanks tav :) )
Dinnesch, was told by another friend who had tried to get the beta(also european) that they devs have clarified on the official forums that this is an US-only beta, all non-US IPs are blocked from connecting.

Why the **** couldn't they have said that from the beginning and blocked those with non-US IPs from registering their keys in the first place?


Future EU beta will be announced via this:
I'll probably RSS this for an Aus release. Not really crossing my fingers, my doubts are large.
They did the exact same thing with Mabinogi, heh. It will be years before they bother to bring it over here.
If by "US IP addresses" they mean "North American IP addresses", I'll gladly take someone's key.

In other news, that was pretty shitty of them to simply forget to mention that. It's fairly important.
Dinnesch, was told by another friend who had tried to get the beta(also european) that they devs have clarified on the official forums that this is an US-only beta, all non-US IPs are blocked from connecting.

Why the **** couldn't they have said that from the beginning and blocked those with non-US IPs from registering their keys in the first place?


Future EU beta will be announced via this:

Well, that is retarded. :(
The problem is, Europeans don't find out they can't access the beta until they have already registered it and tried to log into the game(Thus making it impossible for the key to be used by anyone else.)

Really shitty behavior of the company, also wasted my time installing and setting shit up, and registering for accounts and shit.
I like this game. It's not your average asian grindfest MMO. It's basically a hack and slash which you can team up with up to 3 other players. It's a level by level type of dungeon.

It's fun picking up the monsters and bash other monsters with them.
This is some good mindless fun, reminds me of Phantasy Star Online or Diablo II only super cheesy and Asian. I'll definitely play it from time to time and skip all the shitty plot elements.
Do you still have a range of skills, like farming and shopkeeping and bullshit, or have they streamlined it to just combat stuff?

The one neat thing I remember about Mabinogi is bards could buy actual instruments and play basic midi type songs on them, which anyone in the vicinity could hear. :)
I am not sure. I haven't played it that much but there's only two skills available in my skill tree and both of them are combat oriented. As for other classes. Only two are available at the moment and both of them are melee classes. One that wields two swords, the other one has a sword and a shield. Another one is supposed to be unlocked soon. The game gets repetitive to be honest with you. You're not missing out much.
Apparantly there is a huge controversy regarding this game because it installs Pando:

Just simply uninstall it after you have installed the game. That's what i did.
Thanks for the tip, didn't know it installed that (or even what PMB was). I wonder if it still installs it if you download the game directly.

Does anyone play this? I'm on the East server.
I would very much like to play this but I don't think an European version is out yet, and they IP-block any non-Americans.:(