Vote for Gordon Freeman! HE IS LOOSING!


Jul 23, 2003
Reaction score
Vote for Gordon Freeman! HE IS LOSING!

Today's battle in the "Great GameFAQs Character Battle II" is Gordon Freeman vs Max Payne

get out and vote!
I love Half-Life, but I think Max is a better character. There's a better storyline and you get to know him and see how he feels. He even has his own video! < great video, I recommend it!
I voted for Max Payne. You just can't beat the constipated expression of Payne's face when he's firing akimbo guns at bad guys in bullet time.

I shall miss that constipated expression in Max Payne 2 ;(
MY GOD YATTA I LOVE YOU BUT DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR SAYING :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame:

MY GOD YATTA I LOVE YOU BUT DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR SAYING :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame:

wow max has killed a couple humans...gordon killed a whole alien race + black ops (assassins?) plus military soldiers.
....How could anybody vote for Max Payne? He fighted a bunch of thugs high on that drug, while Gordon fought off an entire military team, and a entire race of aliens. Come on now!
Besides, Bullet time can't stop something travelling the speed of light (Gauss cannon) :)
Thank You for pointing that out... I didn't wanna see Max Payne lose this constest :devil:.

Its not that I dont like Gordon, Its just Max Payne is a lot cooler, has slick dive moves ect. and can have duel berettas and kick the shit out of bad guys...
Well, I don't think they mean who is coolest, I think they mean who would win a fight against each other.
Originally posted by ApocalypseNow
Thank You for pointing that out... I didn't wanna see Max Payne lose this constest :devil:.

Its not that I dont like Gordon, Its just Max Payne is a lot cooler, has slick dive moves ect. and can have duel berettas and kick the shit out of bad guys...
Yea, that's not true, Max Payne has the look of a Pedofile...he's gay!
It's not like I don't like Max, it's just that Max Payne is a guy with no special skill except bullet time. Gordon has slick moves(especially when it comes to Alyx :dozey: ) Max Payne's wife is dead, while Gordon can nail Alyx(I'm sure that Eli would kill him though. He can have an OICW and kick the sh!t outta aliens...
I'm twisting your words, btw
Looks like Gordon's still getting his ass kicked. I voted for Gordon though, I just can't stand Max Payne's static constipation look. Lol.

Max Payne 2, his face still seems like it's gunna be static. Lol. Perhaps i'm wrong though.
voted gordon. probably because you felt much closer to gordon while playing hl than u felt close to payne in max payne.
but mario is still gonna win i assume
It's going to be Mario and Link in the end for sure.
Originally posted by Yatta
I love Half-Life, but I think Max is a better character. There's a better storyline and you get to know him and see how he feels. He even has his own video! < great video, I recommend it!

You've got to be kidding me. Max Payne had a better story? Half-Life's story wasn't exactly James Joyce but it certainly was better than Max Payne's.

"The sun was setting with well-practiced bravado." -Max Payne

That terrible piece of writing from Max Payne is forever burned into my memory it's so bad.
hmm...valve didn't give gordon any character/voice/ mirrors ingame on purpose. they wanted the players to be able to identify with gordon much better. max payne had a predefined character, so i think 1:0 for mp
Well I voted Gordon, that game certaintly had the best story, and well both guys are very cool :)

But PacMan will own anyone!!
people voted for max payne!


I mean come on. Gordon can do so much more. I mean he is a scientific geneous who can weild a shotgun beter than 100 governments soldiers can put together. He stops the invasion of earth.

Can you see max payne puttinga stop to the invasion of earth with his not so witty rather annoying lines
max payne can pull that matrix crap...thats what helped make the game...I guess people don't identify gordon very much because people probably don't associate characters with what they cant never really got to see or learn about gordon since he was pretty much supposed to be you...with max payne it felt like you were controlling a character, not being one...

I voted for gordon just for the hell of it...
Look MX PAYNE ==== NEO in the matrix

GORDON======= Pamela Anderson
Gordon Freeman is basically a nerd with a gun.

Max is a hardcore individual.


I pick Freeman because of the HEV suit.
looks like we have got a bunch of trators in these forums. VOTE FOR GORDON!
Gordon Freeman defeated a hell of a lot more scary and big things than Max Payne.
Originally posted by jasonh1234
Gordon Freeman is basically a nerd with a gun.

Max is a hardcore individual.


I pick Freeman because of the HEV suit.

Just because he wears glasses doesn't mean he is a nerd....Arnold Schwartzenager wears glasses.
I'd like to request that the admins ban anyone who doesn't vote for Freeman :borg:
Max’s is more "heated" than Gordon, but I like Gordon more because he don’t talk so much and he looks so cool in his glasses. :)

Edit: Wops, sorry. Gordon gets my vote.
Voted for Gordon.

Why? Very simple:

Gordon Freeman was a normal scientist before the incident. As hell broke loose in Black Mesa, he got armed, killed the invading aliens, saved some scientists (at least with the players who don't kill NPCs:dozey: ), defeated a highly trained military force, evem more highly (highlier:cool: ) trained SpecOps and killed a GIANT alien...

Max Payne wanted to kill the one who is behind the drug business. Too simple.

And imagine a fight situation: Max Payne and Gordon with full equipment:

Max Payne pulls his w00t Colt Commando - G.F. pulls his guess what happens:cheers: :x

My vote -> Gordon.
As a game HL and HL2 walk all over the Max payne franchise... but remember this is a battle of who is the best character! Gordon imo is a geek so I voted for payne!

p.s. its not spelt LOOSING.... theres only 1 o...
Vote Gordon dammit! :)
Or you shall be forever banished from these boards.... !!!!! you have been warned! :)
I voted Max Payne... Sorry. Troubled, vengence filled ex-cop > Scientist of some sort, that got into a mess.

And Matt.... you can't say they walk over the max payne franchise...

1. Payne's story and voice acting are better. This is basing the first Max Payne against HL1... Can't take into account HL2 since its not out yet.

2. Info on the sequel to payne is limited.

Anyways... Max Payne 2, and HL2 will both kick ass... While Deus Ex Invisible War will walk all over the both of 'em. :p

Though if this is about who would win in a fight its obviously Payne... He'd be like "hey gordon" bust some fancy shoot dodging and pump gordon full of lead with his akimbo berrettas.
Gordon Freeman - Really smart (scientist), killed an entire army along with aliens who were threatening the existence of mankind.

Max Payne - Constipated slow-mo dude.
So then....Gordon is a geek?
What does that make Payne? I'd say he was a manic depressive with serious problems. He needs help. He went on a vengeance spree, which was kind of justified, but just isn't what you do. Gordon however fought off an alien invasion as well as killing several hundred soldiers (those poor poor people).

Anywho. I felt a lot closer to Gordon because valve wanted us to feel that we were Gordon. Max Payne was different, they wanted it to feel more like a film or a book. Anyway. I liked Half-life more. I also know that a fight between the two would be really cool.

Max diving around in bullet time with Gordon firing his M11. Then getting out the gluon and blasting around. Max Payne would fire off several shots with his shotgun then go to akimbo and try to blast Gordon. However Gordon would have jumped behind some crates and pulled out his manipulate. He would then advance on Payne hiding behind a nice solid box conveniently filled with Kevlar. He would then launch the crate which Payne would dodge. However Gordon being the intelligent guy he is would anticipate this and throw a pheromone bomb into Paynes path, who would then get attacked by ant-lions. He may kill a few but he would get eaten after his Colts ran out.

Anyway. Its a poor description of events that would happen but i think it brings the point across.