War of the Worlds


Aug 23, 2004
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didnt know and dont really care where i should put this thread but wth :p
i watched war of the worlds yesterday and for some reason some of the scenery and the enemies seemed so damn similar to something ive seen in halflife2. it all just reminded me of playing hl2 for the first time, was quite a wierd experience...
anyone else feel the same?
yeah your not the first person that i have heard thats said that...i guess i kind of thought the droids were half life-ish.
I havn't had a chance to see it, but I am using a World Of Wars desktop, and it looks like halflife2.
War of the Worlds had a big influence on the design direction in Half-Life 2, the other big influence being 1984.
now that i think of it, 1984 did seem quite similar in the way that they controll the population in both stories. WotW story is similar thats true, but the images themself look like something from hl2, the city and the countryside for example.
Ohh I can't WAIT to see war of the worlds!

Now I know it's out, I can go see it finally.
When that first tripod came out, I just so badly wanted to yell in the theater,

lol, me too cypher. Very tempting.

Excellent movie, i was on the ege of my seat the entire time. Brillant!
After watching the movie, it made me want to play Half Life 2 again. But specially it made me want to face against those wicked Striders!
that was the 1st thing i thought when i saw the tripods, it just has strider written all over it, or does strider have tripods written all over it?? <_<
Strider has tripods written all over it.


Made my seat shake.
Dammit, now I regret not buying a ticket for WOTW :(
Someone make a map of a pimped out city, place some striders and a ton of rebels.... I WANNA PLAY!!
I agree the striders are a splitting image of the tripods, including the crazy sound they make. The tripods sound much deeper of course, but then again you can't expect my dell speakers to produce the same sound as theater surround sound :)
Cypher19 said:
When that first tripod came out, I just so badly wanted to yell in the theater,


So why the frick DIDN'T YOU? It should've been your sacred duty! *I* would have!
in the 1952 movie war of the worlds they claim that the tripods 'strider' around the city. Omgz0r3ed hl2z0rz! And your right the strider make the loud communication noises just like the tripods, and the striders have that large blast cannon thats just like thoes heat/deathr-rays from the 2005, and 1952 movie.
I loved playing HL2, but I have to say that at no point during the film did HL2 even briefly enter my mind.

I think you guys need professional help :)
But the sound it made was from Steven's previous movies Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
this movie reminded me alot of the HL series...
even the red weeds or whatever u wanna call them or it... reminded me a bit of the Doom series.
It made me really want to play HL2 again and I would but I can't.
I just watched the film myself, didnt sit there referanceing stuff to hl2.
The reason HL2 is so fun is the influences in the game that you remember from classic books and movies. You get a little war of the worlds, a little 1984, a little starship troopers, a little night of the living dead, and so on... I think it’s all on purpose so the casual gamer can have a wide range of the type of settings of action or story they want.
The reason HL2 is so fun is the influences in the game that you remember from classic books and movies. You get a little war of the worlds, a little 1984, a little starship troopers, a little night of the living dead, and so on... I think it’s all on purpose so the casual gamer can have a wide range of the type of settings of action or story they want to see.
The only thing i associated with HL2 was the tripods, they just look amazingly similar to the striders.
ooohhh i really wanna see this movie.
but for some reason i know that my retarded friends will make me see fantastic four instead.
JellyWorld said:
The only thing i associated with HL2 was the tripods, they just look amazingly similar to the striders.
What about Father Grigori?
john3571000 said:
its pretty shit to be honest (the film)

Completely useless and ignorant post. Make a new thread and give reasoning behind your opinion and be nice about it instead of an ass.
Foxtrot said:
What about Father Grigori?
o.0 I didn't notice the similarities until you pointed it out. Insane bald guy with a shotgun...
JellyWorld said:
o.0 I didn't notice the similarities until you pointed it out. Insane bald guy with a shotgun...

He is "ment" to be based on the artillery man from the book, who was a halfcrazy man who wanted to build un underground city.

But now you say somthing, he does seem to be very much like the hl2 guy.
I don't see any similarity between Ogilvy and Father Grigory except their shotgun...
Combine Hybrid said:
I don't see any similarity between Ogilvy and Father Grigory except their shotgun...
They're insane. They're bald. They're both survivors in a place where practically everyone else is dead (Ravenholm?)
I saw WOTW, it was awesome, crazy moments, awesome scenes, and awesome strider-esque tripods.

Though I don't know how someone can say they "copied" Half Life, when Half Life probably "copied" them, since the origional WOTW was made in 1953.
Well the original WOTW movie featured fliers rather than walkers due to budget issues, but of course HL2 counts Wells's work amongst its influences.

As I say, a good movie but it could've been better in my view. It was mostly the "family" content that got to me. Their relationships were just irritating.
ShadowX said:
I saw WOTW, it was awesome, crazy moments, awesome scenes, and awesome strider-esque tripods.

Though I don't know how someone can say they "copied" Half Life, when Half Life probably "copied" them, since the origional WOTW was made in 1953.
Actually it was a book :p
it was a book written by h.g. wells back in the 1950s and it did include tripods (As you can see by the front cover) the movie itself which was made later is supposedly not too bad and as far as i recal didnt feature tripods, or not too much...