weapons wishes

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everybody may now file his request for one particular weapon to go into hl2...

mine is *ta-ta-ta-tam*:

a baseball bat

wouldn't that be cool?
there's nothing like whacking someone with a wooden baseball bat. groovy...:afro:
a pare of dentures that bite people when you throw them!!!

or something radioactive...seeing as it is half-life2
id say.... the headcrabs from hl1 those where so much fun
a raygun so you can look thru walls ( and alyx's clothes **):afro:
MP5 again, Apparentley Gordon wont be useing one this time..:(
Although the MP5k (Kurtz) is in but only for Guards ..Ho yea and Barney ;)
lol ^^ Throwing away 20 barneys running around would be nice :b
Originally posted by GOoch
MP5 again, Apparentley Gordon wont be useing one this time..:(
Although the MP5k (Kurtz) is in but only for Guards ..Ho yea and Barney ;)

Haha, I would just smash Barney's skull in with my Crowbar and steal his MP5k ;)

As for weapons, I think the earlier suggestion of being able to throw Headcrabs would rock!
I would love a chainsaw, sawing zombies in half...lol
Haha, I would just smash Barney's skull in with my Crowbar and steal his MP5k ..

Never thought of it like that m8 ;)
I think Halflife needs a flame-thrower...

also think that if they include a hand-held vers. of the gauss-gun it should have a display that made it possible to faintly look thru walls etc.(like the rocket launcher and rail-gun in red-faction) that would be cool...(maybe a little too easy though...ammo should be sprars at least)
Heartbeat sensor wouldnt be much use if you are trying to find zombies ;)
yeah good idea....HL2 need a flame thrower whoa...imagine that :D:bounce:
I'd like some big fat arse machine gun, like a futuristic version of the FN Minimi :cool:
Originally posted by Murray_H
Heartbeat sensor wouldnt be much use if you are trying to find zombies ;)

how about a non-heartbeat sensor *insert happy southpark smile here*
Minigun, Flamethrower, Molotovs, enemy limbs, Double barreled shotgun, Revolver and mines.
man it'd be fun to flame ant lion with the Flamethrower, one would caught fire, and he would start running around like a maniac lighting other ant lions.:cheese:
haha, you could do some crazy sh*t on HL2 w/ a flame thrower because of the physics. i'd love to bust it out and light those zombies up...
you cant go to crazy.. its a kind of survival games, so low ammo and realistic weapons, so no "tripple hyperspinning barrel shotgun with uranium slugs"type of weapon :)
Originally posted by PriNcE oF SpAcE
I think Halflife needs a flame-thrower...
Good one. A flame thrower would be awesome. It would be so cool to to burn up wood and watch it slowly burn into ash. And if weather effects were also in the physics engine, you could watch the wind blow the ash into the air.
Originally posted by Jager
Good one. A flame thrower would be awesome. It would be so cool to to burn up wood and watch it slowly burn into ash. And if weather effects were also in the physics engine, you could watch the wind blow the ash into the air.

keep dreaming...

has there bean any mentioning what effects fire would have on wood except for making it burn...like will it actually burn up and be charred or any of that stuff? or will it just be like ...burning wood?
maybe that flare-gun-thingie that people mentioned will actually be the flame thrower...just sec. and prim. fire?

primary being a stream of fire like ordinary flamethrower...and secondary fire perhaps lobs a napalm canister type of thingie...

dunno could be...

I hope that all the weapons will have secondary fire...
oh cool. didnt know if they would do that or not.
i also read somewhere that all weapons would have a secondary. which means more to play with! yay
How about some smaller arms like Desert Eagel (small gun huh), Glock 18 (full auto), or something like that.... An UMP would be nice to...
Image what Jager said about the flame thrower, wouldnt it be cool if it acctually came true ?, but I doubt it though ;(

The XM-214, i would like to see that - the 1970s prototype version could be configured to fire at 10,000rpm. Thats about 167 bullets per second :)
lol.. I hate heave machine gun thingy's. its way to heavy for any person to just carry around.. wel.. i am going to bed now.. good night yah all!
I'm not really a big fan of heavy machine guns either. I prefer an SMG.
Of course one nice gun would be like M60 Light Machine Gun with bipod's so you could deploy it somewhere while you were prone, camping there and waiting for the zombies :sniper:
XM-214 isnt a big heavy machine gun, its a mini-minigun.....ever see Predator?
i forget the exact scene.. but i remember in a part of the movie "eraser" i think.. in one seen arnie is in a kitchen.. somebody throws in a nail grenade.. it explodes sending nails in all directions and one goes through his hand.. it would be awesome to see the nails in the physics engine.. (you open a door to see a small room filled with combine soldiers.. they all look at you alerted by the sound of the door opening .. right as they turn to fire at you.. you strafe out of their sight.. equip your nail grenade.. toss one into the room.. strafe back into view to see a nail fly into the neck of one of the soldiers.. he drops his gun instantly stumbles back grabbing at his neck untill he hits a wall and falls to the ground .. leaving blood stains on the wall.. another nail hits a soldier in the leg.. knocking him onto the ground.. the other 10 nails shot out by the grenade stick into items in the room.. one possibly breaks a window in the room.. others break items.. stick into walls.. etc.. you're left to finish off the other two soldiers in the room.. but damn it would be cool)
about that setting zombies on fire thing... notice in the video how they all caught fire like they were covered in gasoline or something? i really hope they fix this.

and why does every barrel you shoot explode? i'd like to shoot a barrel or two that just gets knocked over or rolls around...

</miniature thread hijack>
A peice of glass as a weapon, the harder you hit the more damage but the more you cut your hand:)
Originally posted by TrueWeltall
A peice of glass as a weapon, the harder you hit the more damage but the more you cut your hand:)
(not that you were serious) but how exactly would you control the the strength of a hit?