Well i guess i was wrong



Any one else think that the sdk was coming out before e3 like they said?? i did -_-. 2 days untill e3 i guess it probably isnt heh. Unless has some one heard anything more about that?
Grimresfa said:
Any one else think that the sdk was coming out before e3 like they said?? i did -_-. 2 days untill e3 i guess it probably isnt heh. Unless has some one heard anything more about that?

jk :p
Weren't we all?
Anyways, I hope this doesn't turn into an omen for "something" else to be released this year. You know, bugs,manipulators, and hot girl on girl action (okay so maybe that last one needs a patch :p ).

*keeps fingers crossed*
Remember guys pc gamer probbally wrote that a month before the article came out, possibly even longer, you can expect a little more infomation on the game before they release the sdk, it would seem a little strange just turning up on the internet like that, i expect them to release it when they can give a solid date for the game itself.
In 2 days (Tuesday) E3 starts, but that is workshops only. In 3 days (Wednesday) the floor opens, so everyone'll get to see HL2 that day.
SDK is the modders tools right? What's SKU?

Or am I completely ****ed up? :D
i think SKU is one of those dodgy terms for different versions of the game, like DVD SKU or CD SKU... or Speacial Edition SKU.
SKU - Stock Keeping Unit. A way of organizing different products in a database for easy price/inventory referencing.

SDK - Software Development Kit. Tools for modders to make maps, models and mods.
Well, let's be honest here - who *didn't* expect the SDK to be released later than was claimed? I suppose it is kinda sad though, when fans can't take their words seriously any more.
Lobster said:
Remember guys pc gamer probbally wrote that a month before the article came out, possibly even longer, you can expect a little more infomation on the game before they release the sdk, it would seem a little strange just turning up on the internet like that, i expect them to release it when they can give a solid date for the game itself.

Well valve's PR is reeealllllllllllly crappy, i mean most people didnt even know that the rest of the bink vids were out.
It took me a while to work out that they were out :p

But no, it doesn't look likely :(
don't loose hope guys we've still got 2 days and 14 hours until valve doesn't hold thier end of the deal
Sai said:
don't loose hope guys we've still got 2 days and 14 hours until valve doesn't hold thier end of the deal

I doubt it will be out before.

I have a feeling Valve will either:

a) Announce avaliability of SDK at E3
b) Give a date in the near future (>2 weeks) when the SDK will be avaliable

I think the ability to get the SDK out in short order is a sort of 'test' to see if they can even hope for a summer release.
yea they'll probably announce it during e3 hopefully, but most hopefull am i that they'll announce a release date and make it later than it really is just so we don't feel jaded when they don't stick to it and actually make it...here's to december 2005!
My guess is that it will be released at or just after E3. You can't get more media attention than that...
and i hope it'll be released tommoro, i mean that's still before e3 right?
my prediction about the SDK being released to some degree at E3 could still be standing but i get the feeling i will be wrong.
Sai said:
don't loose hope guys we've still got 2 days and 14 hours until valve doesn't hold thier end of the deal
You sound like one of those guys who said, on September 29th, that HL2 would be out the following day.

Just let it go man!! Let it go..
Valve is getting to the point that you simply cant believe anything they say (regarding release dates), which is sad, and the video games industry is the only industry I've seen where someone can get away with that. When you take your car to the mechanic and he tells you it will be ready tomorrow morning, it's pretty unusual for the customer to say "Yeah, sure, whatever man," roll their eyes and walk away expecting their car back in a week, but that's how it's getting with Valve and their fans.
well its not like we payed them to do half life 2 and then there doing it. They make it and we think about buying it. And especially with the sdk, that is completely free. So you missunderstand my point. Im not mad at them, they can take all the time they need. I just was hopefull.
iamaelephant said:
Valve is getting to the point that you simply cant believe anything they say (regarding release dates), which is sad, and the video games industry is the only industry I've seen where someone can get away with that. When you take your car to the mechanic and he tells you it will be ready tomorrow morning, it's pretty unusual for the customer to say "Yeah, sure, whatever man," roll their eyes and walk away expecting their car back in a week, but that's how it's getting with Valve and their fans.

Then you either never take your car to a mechanic or have the best mechanic on the globe. My car got totalled by some ****er truck driver (i was in it at the time turning into my driveway, he felt he could thread the needle by over taking me and i'm hoping his issurance shall never recover) and it has only just got fixed a good 2 and a half months later when it was predcited to be reaired in a month.

Delays occur all the time it's just this one happens to affect you more for whatever reason.
Well first of all I hope you didnt take it to a mechanic to be panelbeated :rolleyes:

Any self respecting mechanic gets to job done on time, Valve on the other hand rarely (if ever) makes deadlines.
i'm sure i read somewhere about a year ago that gabe said 'the sdk will be distributed over a short period of time...some people already have it' guess that was a fib.
I hope they release it soon so I can begin working on my awesome MOD - Xtreme Grounding. This will be the ultimate mod since Counter-Strike. The story is, you are grounded and have to do house chores! I have already skinned the lawn mower, mop, and broom. The "Doing the dishes" level is already a favorite of beta testers and leaked on the net weeks before HL2. Gabe even emailed me if he could have Gordon washing baseboards in hallways for a level in HL2 but he only wanted to give me 2 Subway sandwiches for it. Tha cheap fassy!
Mountain Man said:
The SDK is out there, it just hasn't been released publicly.

Great! So how does that help us?
Half-Life 2 is also "out there" but we don't have that either.

I don't really know where you're getting with this?
The truth is somewhere out there...

Or just "I want to believe"^^
Yeah but your averga mechanic has done it before and thus knows an accurate timing of how long each part will take. No-one has yet Made HL2 so no-one knows how long it will take :)
you'll see, the SDK will be released 3 months after HL2 itself :p