What format will models be in?


Jun 11, 2003
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In Half-Life they we're in .mdl, and it was then possible to use the program Half-Life View Models.

But now with the Half-Life2 coming, which format will be used then? I'm curious since our skinner is wondering which programs he will be able to use.
Valve is using Softimage XSI for thier models, and they are releasing exporters for 3DSMax, Maya, and Softiamge XSI.
So i've heard, but will that include tools for skinning etc?

And in what format will it come exactly? The exported file?
The tools for skinning could be paint, photoshop, whatever. You then use the modeling proigram, like max, maya, or softimage to map the image you made onto hte model, htus skinning.

The exported file doesn't matter in skinning. It'll be whatever hl2 uses, but that doesn't have any impact on skinninn.
The textures have to be in targa (.tga) format and the size has to be divisible by 2. The Tga's will be converted into VTF texture files, by one of the tools