What has happened to these forums?


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
These forums used to be a great place to come to. During halflife, there was great excitement of course, but that's not the reason I stayed on these forums. Off topic and the other Lounge threads were awesome to hang out in. There were a tremendous number of cool threads, and even the stupid ones that trickled through every now and then(I contributed a few) were only such because they lacked a bit of creativity.

I look at these messages being posted now, and I just have to wonder: What happened? The quality of topics has gone down, the rise in stupid posts is staggering, and the hostility here seems to be infectious now.

There's almost no thread I can go to now without wading through the spam of members, whether it be a stupid variation on word trends, or a collective of pictures that wear themselves out to the point of being old on the second posting... let alone the eight-hundredth.

Maybe nobody else notices it... but I do. It's gotten so unbelievably retarded that I barely post here any more, and some day might cease altogether because there is only so much fun in reading the same thing over and over again to the point where it becomes predictable.
You should stay.

I agree with you, though perhaps not as strongly.

I find myself drawn here anyway. It's my home, I can't leave it.... especially not in the clutches of stupid people. We still have a lot of cool members, but we also have a lot of people who are either idiots, assholes, or used to be cool but don't care anymore so they just dick around.
I notice it. Many notice and acknowledge it.
This forum needs more Pesmerga.
Needs more Pes, Dreadlord, Shens, etc., etc.
Yeah, it has gone down, but I can't leave. I'd have nothing else to do while on the internet....sadly.
As somebody who has seen quite a few forums degrade into a cesspool of filth... I won't complain. I kinda like it.
I don't disagree with you Raz...times change. There are many newer members here who throw their weight around, but just be sure to report any issues (it's rather difficult to catch it all). Hopefully Episode 2 should rekindle some of the HL enthusiasm which binds the real fans opposed to the spammy members who live in off-topic.
Agreed about threads with stupid pictures. As soon as you see one there's no point looking on page 2 since you know it'll be filled with 100 variations of that same picture and derailing of the thread.
and here i thought threatening to leave a forum had gone out of fashion
Yeah, half-life 2 has been out for a long time, you see. I'm not worried. I will come here until all the members leave. It's just the forum I'm familiar with.
Too much fad-following, high-school in-crowd, hetaria-illuminati stuff with rehashed, overdone, played-out topics and threads. Seriously, several iterations of this very thread have been done before.
I'll admit, I've posted my fair share of stupid, thoughtless, and unneccesary comments.

Is there not any kind of warning system besides infractions you can use when spamming gets out of hand? (If a forum system like at Facepunch ever comes up heads will splatter...and roll.)

If you ever leave Cow God, I will find you. And I will do something unpleasant.

I say we start drafting the finest minds on the internet onto the forum.
I wonder why I stopped posting a lot :lightbulb:
If you ever leave Cow God, I will find you. And I will do something unpleasant.

I've all but left already. I haven't made many posts at all in the past month, and only see it dwindling down.
I haven't clicked on any forum topics above "The Lounge" since before Christmas.
there has been a steady increase, bu tonly because long-standing members keep leaving. Stop it, and it'll get better.
I've left these forums once before for the same reasons, but came back after graduating uni and they seemed to be a bit better. Guess they are starting to slide again though.
I'm probably one of those "spammers" or members who make stupid posts/threads because a lot of my posts are "LOL" and crap liek that.

But these forums are like the best i've ever been in. Your sense of humour is exactly mine and that's why I visit here so often. Yea of course I love HL2 and all that, but since it's going to be a while until Portal/Episode 2, I find myself comign to the Off-Topic/other threads way more.

Anyways, i'm going to keep sticking around until some really exciting information comes out on the Half Life universe/other good games because these forums are just great :D
Meh, they have been worse, but they do seem to be going into another depression...these blips seem to be getting more frequent though :(

As soon as the Ep2 hype starts up again things should start to look better...i hope
This happens on every forum mostly, it simply isn't particularly original to discuss the news/events/common topics that every other site discusses, naturally it gets boring.
Yeah, the forums have changed a lot in the past year or two. That doesn't mean I like them any less.
If you think these forums have turned to sh*t, you should see the Concerned forums. Now THERE is a screaming pile of crap. Sad, because it used to be alright. Now it only three types of things get posted in there: spambot ads, gay little forum games, and members half assed home-made crappy G-mod comics that no-one really cares about. It's like a forum for pre-schoolers.

So this place is not doing as badly as you think.
There seems to be a group of people who really, i dont know, "click" here. A bunch of us have the same sense of humor, and I guess it doesnt suit everyone. But to counter that, why not make topics about things your interested in?
As of late I find myself going only to the art and music sections... I really don't find ANYTHING interesting anywhere else like I used to.

It's the only reason I'm staying... My interest in and posting of my art/music/whatever. Plus the cool people that are still here, but that wouldn't fly on its own.

I feel we're past the point of being able to do a "shake-up" if you will. I'm not even sure if that's what you're proposing, if anything at all.

Though I might as well just say this, I think it would be cool if we did community involved creative shit... Make something together, or at least be involved in whatever is made. A giant collaboration of stuff, like music, flash, art, anything, all combined into one or several episodes of a flash movie or something. Just anything that can let the real hl2.netters recall the good times and enjoy the current ones, and feel more together as a community.

Bleh it's all very ambitious and getting someone to be in charge or to organize it is practically impossible. But Ennui always comes to mind when I think of a position like that.
Pff. Nostalgia makes everything seem worse than it is.
I, for one, would be down with a community production.
I don't disagree with you Raz...times change. There are many newer members here who throw their weight around, but just be sure to report any issues (it's rather difficult to catch it all). Hopefully Episode 2 should rekindle some of the HL enthusiasm which binds the real fans opposed to the spammy members who live in off-topic.

Really there are few members who really come with their shittiest thread and there is no reason to sustain it but still it's have 3 to 4 pages of Spam, sometimes I think Off topic should be closed and banned the spamming members who came with their bullshit thoughts. It should be like place of creative thoughts, ideas with exploring nations (not pants), a place where really you can put your deep thought. A library, which can be used for every members to develop their brain and reason to sustain as long as they want.

This happens on every forum mostly, it simply isn't particularly original to discuss the news/events/common topics that every other site discusses, naturally it gets boring.

totally agree.
You're not imagining things, Raziaar. I've been questioning exactly why I keep coming here as well. It used to be so much fun... now it just seems stale. The level of discourse is practically below sea-level, especially in Off-Topic. You see a lot of elitism too - people that have achieved such legendary status that their "witty" one word posts are worshiped. And I know it's taboo to say this, but Hetairia has all but sucked this place of its longtime members.

It's not all bad. Sometimes you'll catch some genuinely good debates and discussions... but the majority of people just have nothing new to say.

And I know it's taboo to say this, but Hetairia has all but sucked this place of its longtime members.

That's a whole nother issue.
What has happened to the whole ****ing internet actually, all seems boreing now.