What Internet Browser do you use?

What internet browser do you use?

  • Total voters


Apr 18, 2009
Reaction score
Title says it all, again. XD

What internet browser do you use?

Just vote in the poll above, and you can reply and tell us what browser(s) you think are the best and the worst, why you like/hate them, and improvements that should be made to existing browsers.
Yay, another thread that will start out in good taste then turn into how Samon and Pi are the rulers of hell, to which everyone on these forums will be butt raped.

Use the search feature, it works wonders.
Yay, another thread that will start out in good taste then turn into how Samon and Pi are the rulers of hell, to which everyone on these forums will be butt raped.

Use the search feature, it works wonders.

Motivational ruined it.

Firefox is the only browser. Poll is irrelevent.
That is brilliant!

Anyways, yes, FF and me are great buddies. It never goes anywhere without me. :D
Who voted for Chrome? Tell us how it is! I'm curious.

I did.

I think its a little bit faster than Firefox, but it is pretty generic. You do get a bigger browsing area, and I like it because of the unique way it downloads files and the cool "Bookmarks Bar". Overall, most of the features are in the Shell. But I like it because it loads html pages very fast.
There's an edit button there for a reason.
I use Safari 4 when on OSX and Chrome when on Windows. Both are excellent browsers.
Firefox is more buggier for me than Internet Explorer so I use Google Chrome.
Firefox > Opera > Chrome > IE > Safari
Who here uses Opera? I'd like to hear your word about it, iv'e heard of the Opera browser but Ive never actually used it.
Opera. I hate the Firefox UI and buttons and stuff. Maybe I could change it but why bother when Opera suits me better the way it is?
You arsehole, I made the same thread 5 months ago....

Ok, have it. I use FF btw.
Firefox for me. I don't think i could browse the net without my Adblock Plus and Skipscreen plugin.
I usually use firefox, but I've been trying to use safari 4 more since it pulled a 100% on the acid3 test and is 3x faster at javascript than firefox. But it's hard to put a value on adblock, because I love that plugin.

It's weird though, because I think safari is sometimes too 'good' at rendering pages. I've come across a few sites that wont even load in safari because of poor coding, where as it displays perfectly in the more forgiving IE.

I've also tried Chrome, it often loads pages faster but the speed is very unstable, and I found the overall browsing experience uncomfortable.
Chrome. It seems significantly faster tbh. Though I have IE, FF & Safari also on my machine as well.
A combination of Chrome and Firefox.