What videocard do you use?

since its not been deleted, I might as well say:

ATI Radeon 9000 pro 128mb DDR
simmo would you recommend the 9500? I know the pro is better but the only one i can find is the Hercules version and thats like £40 more :/

Also is there a non-pro version of the 9600?
To be honest I havent got a clue when it comes to graphics cards...lol...dunt ask me :D:o
Diamond voodo 1 - woopsie wrong pc.. geforce 2 mx400 and is suxx0rz to dah maximal 1337n3ss
Originally posted by EVIL
Diamond voodo 1 - woopsie wrong pc.. geforce 2 mx400 and is suxx0rz to dah maximal 1337n3ss
Woo, EVIL! Same here, I got the awesome Geforce 2 MX400...now excuse me while I go and cry in a corner.
