What's going on with The Dark Elf?

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vegeta897 said:
He stormed off in a dispute with QckBeam, or something. He got mad at him for coding on some other project, and saw it as disloyal or something. That's what QckBeam told me. But that was almost 2 months ago :(

Well I know for a fact that he hasn't fought with Qckbeam in months.. you must have misunderstood what qck said?
No...it was TDE that back stabbed Qck...I think.
Like I said this is my interpretation of Qck's interpretation :O

I trust we will see him again...
Nah really he left because of me. Look at my sig, I ask too many questions.

does my bum look big in this avatar?
Damn. Now you tell me.

*tears up love letters*
I always knew him as a guy. Of course, Fenric is a guy's name.

Not that I actually know someone named Fenric.....
hellboy900 said:
He might be on hoildays or something or he has just gotten bored of the threads and does not see any point into post a reply or has gotten sick of them all togeather.
Just like me

edit: lol Bliink, does that mean another chick, or another person who thought he (I thought TDE was a guy) was a girl...
ne0_shiny said:
edit: lol Bliink, does that mean another chick, or another person who thought he (I thought TDE was a guy) was a girl...

I meant another person thought TDE was a girl months after he made it very clear he was only kidding around before.

Trust me, he ain't a she lol
Ahhh yes I remember that...when we was joking around about the pineapples and the Lovejuice™...
It's not quicksilver you noob.His name is qckbeam.

Also it seems like you don't know what the hell you're talking about...He retired from being a mod a long time ago..
bliink said:
I meant another person thought TDE was a girl months after he made it very clear he was only kidding around before.

Trust me, he ain't a she lol

Wonder how he proved it to you... ;)
SimonomiS said:
Wonder how he proved it to you... ;)


well, either way, I hope he comes back soon, this place is starting to rot without its veterans, who seem to all be moving off to greener plains.
I can only think of TDE and Farrowlesparrow. Maybe Pendragon too. Then again I don't really know whos classed as a veteran. :eek:
TDE is a guy...now stfu.

Also it's sad...I'm one of the few vets left, but I bearly visit the site anymore.So meh..
Tr0n said:
TDE is a guy...now stfu.

Also it's sad...I'm one of the few vets left, but I bearly visit the site anymore.So meh..

Wheres your partner in crime, Steve_O nowadays? Bad^Hat's another vet gone I think. Hmm...
Well it's like what bliink said...we've gone off to greener pastures.
You'll all come crawling back when theres news about Half-Life 3!! I hope..
Hell...I still haven't played hl2. :D

But the grass is always greener on the otherside... So if you went somewhere greener, then here would look greener and you'd have to come back, so skip all the bother and don't go anywhere. :D

And Tr0n, for the love of God play it just once! :exasperated:
SimonomiS said:
But the grass is always greener on the otherside... So if you went somewhere greener, then here would look greener and you'd have to come back, so skip all the bother and don't go anywhere. :D
Don't worry... it's definately greener there in this case :D
SimonomiS said:
And Tr0n, for the love of God play it just once! :exasperated:
Get me a damn computer that can play it without dieing and I will!
SimonomiS said:
I can only think of TDE and Farrowlesparrow. Maybe Pendragon too. Then again I don't really know whos classed as a veteran. :eek:
le pobz left too, wasnt he a vet? i dunno, wheres loke these days too? and the monkey?
Veteran = May/June/July/August/September/October 2003 members...or just someone whose been around for a long time and has posted a lot.
Tr0n said:
Get me a damn computer that can play it without dieing and I will!

Its in the post. :eek:

*gets planting bright green grass*


I didn't really consider lePobz a vet. I just remember him as Boobman.
Tr0n said:
Veteran = May/June/July/August/September/October 2003 members...or just someone whose been around for a long time and has posted a lot.

Hooray! :D

Too bad TDE left. I was thinking of becoming the guy with the highest post count without an avatar. Now that TDE has left with his avatar, that dream has been shattered. :(
By my current post-per-day ratio, in order to catch up with him, I'd need to stay here for another 13 years....... ....... ....... ...... :eek:

1. The Dark Elf
2. Prince of China
3. qckbeam
4. Minerel
5. Sgt.Igneri
6. A True Canadian

6th place isn't bad though. ;)
Tr0n said:
Veteran = May/June/July/August/September/October 2003 members...or just someone whose been around for a long time and has posted a lot.
liek me

Where's Fenric? Who cares? :p Maybe he is taking classes on how to have manners on the internet. :angel:

Also, that whole qckbeam thing, as I remember it, was kind of personal. Maybe we should avoid discussing it?
Unless being a veteran gets you losts of money and power, I care little for being regarded as one or not.
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