When will HL3 be released? Your chance to win the game!

I didn't call it a scam. I just said it was bad odds for HL2.net alone. Now that he's confirmed it's not for HL2.net alone, it's fine, right? You're not winning it anyway.

Damn, looks like everybody here got sandy or something. Or it's Defend the Newbie day and I wasn't told. Do I get a special defense force all my own if I put up $50 for a game too, guys?!

I came in here ready to riff on the guy, but saw others taking it seriously so I backed down a bit. Your absence these past few months has apparently lead to a lack of inspired newbie bashing. Seriously, I haven't seen a good newbie bashing on here in a long, long time. We need our Darkside around to keep us angry and easily incited. So yeah, don't bitch at Vegeta about it when you're not even pulling your weight around here anymore.

I mean god damn, you didn't even break out the Christmas hat avatar this year.
I had the Christmas avatar on for a few days. I took it off before posting in this thread, 'cause it ain't Christmas anymore. Maybe if I had kept it on, people wouldn't think I was trying to be an ass.

Anyway, this thread has kind of inspired me.