Wheres Hostile-Planet Gone?


Jan 29, 2004
Reaction score
Whats up with them? their site went down a few months ago just to come back up with a "coming soon" notification, which is still in place right now.
Does anyone know whats been going on?
I think they're still working on it. After all, it's a full SP mod.
i think there is some guy from this mod around in this forum, you may ask him about the mod.
I cant wait for that mod. When i couldnt find the site i got scared! Anyone got a link?
no link sry. But i have got some videos of their first media release and that sh** looks amazing........

I hope to some shit soon. And a progress status would be nice too.
Ya i have the videos aswell. Does anyone have a link to the site.
Theres no chance they went underground with a close forum, is there?
I sound paranoiac
Glo said:
Theres no chance they went underground with a close forum, is there?
I sound paranoiac

For the devs they might have, but I doubt that. Probably just started using IRC more often.

Site still being worked on is the "word on the street".
first: someone should e-mail them to get some information!!!!!!
second: well ihave just watched the video clips from HP again. And if they did something for the Mod until yet, this MOD is going to be amazing!!!!

Hello everyone.

The mod is still being worked on, however we lost/cut more than half our staff due to their lack of progress. Alot of people started up with university and couldn't continue to contribute enough work.

I also was hired by a game studio recently (Thanks Hostile Planet :>)

This might sound like bad news for the mod, but it's not :) It's still being developed in my spare time and we're actively looking for new staff, actually we recently hired someone from the HalfLife2.net staff.

I don't want to give any dates, but when the site goes back up, it'll be a completely new look, as will large portions of the game.

That's all for now,

- Helk
i remember seeing those videos, they were awesome, i sure hope it doesn't die... v_v
With all the work thats been put into it so far, I don't think it'll dose so easily.
k thanks Helk.
It sure is better than no news at all.
sorry to revive the thread but has their been any word from helk or the others?
shame to hear, hope this hibernation end soon, was (and still am) looking forward to seeing it reach a release.
The dev team has hinted about releasing things sooner rather than later in a new approach to their development process.

We shall see :)
Well now when I go to www.hostile-planet.com it says that the website can not be found. wtf? I am really frightened for this mod, especially since Twilght War: After the Fall http://www.twilightwar.com/ source mmorpg (or xrpg as they liked to be called) went under. I really don't want that to happen with y'all.
But besides a plea for an update, my big question is how are you going to implent a mmorpg in the source code, and is it going well?
I say forget about it. they've obviously fell apart, so don't expect much from these guys anymore.
Posting because WTF DON'T TELL ME THIS DIED.

Everything was looking so good. Well, at least up until their site was replaced with that "Coming Soon" flash. After that there's no telling what happened.
I just miss getting those cool media updates of videos/screenshots showing off new features, eye candy, concepts, and so forth. D:
I was really looking forward to this as well, but despite word of behind the scenes development... I can't help but think this mod is dead, a shame really.

The mod is still in development, just they are still laying low whilst they make more progress.

bbyybb said:
The mod is still in development, just they are still laying low whilst they make more progress.


You know this? I'd really like to see Helk's baby take off.

It's odd, because it seemed like they were making so much progress and then it suddenly fell off the radar.
Yes i do know this.

While the team has gotten smaller due to the extended delay they are still working hard.
Anybody know what their IRC channel is? I can't remember it.
Woot! words can't describe how happy I am that this mod still lives!