Which Gman is creepier?


Nov 5, 2011
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Do you think the original HL1 gman is creepier, or the Hl2 version?
I'd have to say the one in Half Life 1 (unless the beta sighting in ravenholm is counted) just because he seems to lack even more emotional and just seems less human. The manner in which you see him is also scarier at times and he doesn't talk to you until the end of the game.
When you see him in that room before the experiment, talking to that scientist, and he keeps glancing over at you... **** that creeped me out as a kid, and it still does.
The only reason he has less emotion is because there was almost no facial animation in Half-Life 1. He's much improved in Half-Life 2 and the Episodes. His speeches are more interesting and nothing in Half-Life 1 tops

And if you want creepy sightings there's always this:
Do you think the original HL1 gman is creepier, or the Hl2 version?
I'd have to say the one in Half Life 1 (unless the beta sighting in ravenholm is counted) just because he seems to lack even more emotional and just seems less human. The manner in which you see him is also scarier at times and he doesn't talk to you until the end of the game.

The original is Sinister whereas the sightings in unusual places in HL2+ definately win him the creepier competition
I get creeped out easier than most in video games, and at no time did the G Man ever seem creepy to me. Two humans, both with apparent business at the laboratory, having a private conversation? Of course he's looking at you, you're staring at them. Riom's post above was about the creepiest thing involving the G Man that I recall, and that's more because the TV doesn't appear to be plugged in and it turns off right when you come by, not because the G Man is on it. If it was showing the Brady Bunch, it would still be creepy.
I've never been able to take the G-Man seriously, simply because when he speaks, I always think he's going to tell me that the master would not approve.
The HL1 G-Man is creepier. His low, monotonous voice combined with a 90's engine creeps me out. Augh.
But, in all seriousness, The G-Man was never creepy to me. It takes disturbing things like Salad Fingers or Slender Man to creep me out.
The HL1 G-Man is creepier. His low, monotonous voice combined with a 90's engine creeps me out. Augh.
But, in all seriousness, The G-Man was never creepy to me. It takes disturbing things like Salad Fingers or Slender Man to creep me out.

Same here. You can screw around with HDR and facial animation all you like, it's never going to be as un-nerving as a man with like 30 polygons for his head. And those lines on his face looked really odd. That said, episode 2's speech was pretty damn impressive.
I've never been able to take the G-Man seriously, simply because when he speaks, I always think he's going to tell me that the master would not approve.
I always think that during the opening speech, he's going to say "Wake up and smell the bacon".
ITT: Those who played HL1 when it was new say he was creepier in HL1, everyone else says HL2
Did you play HL1 when it was new, or simply first? There's a big difference.
Not brand new but it was probably the newest game I'd played at the time. I was always a few years behind in video games. I think it must have been about 2000-2001. As I said though, it might as well have been brand new to me because it was the most advanced thing I'd played.

Half Life 1... without a doubt.
His face was just so emotionless, as others has said. I feel that in Half Life 2, he had more involvement in the storyline, but HL1... he was just there. You didn't really speak to him face-to-face, or realise that he was a major character, until the ending, when he offers you employment. So when you saw him occasionally around Black Mesa, appearing here and there, it was a bit spooky.
Wheras, in HL2, you know that he is there manipulating you, and when I see him, I just think "yeah, he's there. There he is."
It's sort of hard to explain, but in HL1 he just appeared, which freaked me out more, rather than HL2 when I know he's watching my every move. He becomes too familiar, and I accept that he's stalking me o.o
Does anyone else hope valve does not explain g-man's back story in the next game they come out with?
TBH, I had trouble noticing him in Half Life 1. He blended in well with the dark, blurry textured corridors of Black Mesa.

The abuse he's taken in GMOD has also taken away a bit of his creepiness factor.
He was definitely creepier in HL1. His character and characterisation are just slightly too fleshed-out in HL2 to be anything other than merely sinister.
That one moment in "The Anticitizen One" in Half-Life 2, with the TV and the peculiar music.. Scary as ****...
Otherwise it's pretty much the same, but I guess he was a little creepier in Half-Life 1...
Does anyone else hope valve does not explain g-man's back story in the next game they come out with?

They are not gonna explain everything... Who would hope for that..? I, however do hope they are going to reveal a bit more about him...