Which graphic card...

Dec 2, 2004
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I'm thinking about buying a 6800GT card for my future pc gaming as well as to play upcoming F.E.A.R. and Quake 4.

I've stumbeled into two different types of 6800GT card. EVGA 6800GT costs about 300 bucks, while BFG 6800GT Overclocked costs about 350 bucks.

But I've heard BFG's overclocked card won't show much different performance compared to non overclocked.

What do you guys think which card I should get?

Or should I get another APG card? But I can only spare max of around 300 bucks.
the BFG card is only overclocked 20mhz on the core clock, otherwise its the same card as the EVGA version. 50 bucks is hardly worth 20mhz on the core clock, buy the evga
Da-Muffin-Man said:
They are, BFG has just as good a warranty as EVGA

i said BETTER COVERAGE as in it will cover if u overclock it to hard or kill it with a third party cooler bfg dose not do that
Is it good choice to buy cards from Ebay, since they sell it with low price? Most of sellers have a positive feedbacks so maybe I can trust em and buy it...
use ebay if you're willing to take a risk
but i don't see what's wrong with just buying new...tjhat's what i always do, get it new
Because you can get a card from ebay for around 150-200 bucks, which it costs 300 bucks normally at Newegg.
Combine Hybrid said:
Because you can get a card from ebay for around 150-200 bucks, which it costs 300 bucks normally at Newegg.

If you are willing to take the risk, then go for ebay, but you are taking a risk with hardware. I would just save and buy new, then you get a warrenty, and you know it works and if it don't when it arrives, then you can get a replacement shipped out to you. Upto you though.
Another question, how well will 6800GT work with games like Quake 4, and upcoming games such as Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, STALKER, etc?

Basically future PC games that will come out in 2 or 3 years.
Combine Hybrid said:
Another question, how well will 6800GT work with games like Quake 4, and upcoming games such as Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, STALKER, etc?

Basically future PC games that will come out in 2 or 3 years.

ehh i wouldnt span it that long but do u mean by work as in just can run it or accutlly play smooth
giant384 said:
ehh i wouldnt span it that long but do u mean by work as in just can run it or accutlly play smooth
yes, I just want this graphic card to at least play future pc games on medium setting, maybe 2 or 3 years or so.

By the way, I was recommended to get X800Pro or X850Pro instead of 6800GT for future gaming. Any thoughts?
If you are going to go for the x800pro make sure it is the pro VIVO edition (which is quite easy to flash, unlocking 4 pipelines - and if you have the cooling system required, clocking it to an xt or even xt pe).
Combine Hybrid said:
yes, I just want this graphic card to at least play future pc games on medium setting, maybe 2 or 3 years or so.

By the way, I was recommended to get X800Pro or X850Pro instead of 6800GT for future gaming. Any thoughts?

I would recommend that you got teh 6800gt or saved for the 7800gt as that would be a more future proof card if thats what you are looking for. The 7800gt is an excellent card for games jst now, and it will play games that come out in the near future alot better than a x800pro/x850pro even when flashed and overclocked.
Just wait till ATI has released their new X1800 or w/e it is, in the tests its performed better then the 7800.
The X1600 or X1800 would be a better choice for 'future' proofing since they have a lot more shader power. Otherwise nvidia's 6600/6800 would be my choice.
Drackard said:
How much are the X1800's likely to cost on release ?

Alot! And I think they are gonna be pretty rare because of the mass ordering of them for when they are first released. You could pre-order one but you might have to wait. Check out prices here: http://www.overclockers.co.uk/acatalog/X1800_Series.html

They are normally pretty resonable and have a deal of the week on so you can sometimes pick up new stuff for a slightly cheaper price.

EDIT: Just noticed your sig, I would imagine that you won't have to upgrade for a while yet with a graphics card like that, the x850xtpe is still a good card!
Yeah i only got this computer about a month or so ago and loving it, just thinking, when the time comes to upgrade, ill be wanting something along the lines of an X1800 or higher, hopefully :rolling:
There isn't any 7800GT AGP cards. Are there?

And like I said, my max budget is about around 300 bucks.
Are there any good, reliable sites to buy video cards or any other accesories, since newegg is out of 6800GT AGP cards.
Zipzoomfly is the other place I order from for main parts in the US.
How about pricewatch? Are they reliable?

I could only find the graphic card that I wanted from that site....