Which HL1 Enemy Needs To Return The Most?

Which HL1 Enemies Should Appear In EP2 If Any?

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Black Op said:
Meh, I was hoping these Hunters (as called in the latest PCGamer article on EP2) would have served in some role as the infantry of the Combine forces back in the Seven Hours War. It would have ruled out the Synthified Houndeye scenario,
Not necessarily, maybe some Houndeyes were taken before they were carried along to Xen by the Nihilanth's fleeing.
Bullsquids and Itchyosaurs would be easy to clump together because both are usually found around water. Itchy's would definately present more imaginative scenario's for battle, like the one I present below:

A True Canadian said:
I can imagine a scenario where you come to a small lake and need to cross, only you're low on ammo and the water is infested with a pack of Itchy's. The only way across is a rickety bridge/dam. While you attempt to navigate your way through (using your manipulator to remove broken bits blocking your way) the Itchy's continually ram the side of the structure breaking off more and more chunks as they go. To make things more chaotic, have Antlions continually come up through the ground behind you to attack as you make your way across. Obviously falling in the water would result in a very quick death, so gun-ho tactics wouldn't be very effective.

Once you make it to the other side, set up a scripted sequence where the dam structure breaks completely (for a nice visual effect). The player would feel relief having avoided an Itchyosaur feeding, and isolating the pesky Antlions on the other side of the island (because they are unable to fly the distance of the lake to get to you).

Perhaps on a harder difficulty, you could put some Bullsquids on the other side of the lake (opposite the Antlions side), and have them shoot their yellow acidy stuff at you as well.

Wow, this thing writes itself. :D
Clearly a Gonarch still has to be somewhere on Earth. I mean the Combine must get their supply of headcrabs from somewhere.
In one of the old hand-drawn map layouts for HL2, you see they did intend to have a Gonarch in Ravenholm (as well as child corpses). Wether or not Valve still thinks they're plausible is iffy.
Bullsquids of course, I can imagine in Water Hazard but also in some forest swamps... I never liked Gargs - big monsters with flamethrowers...
There were supposed to have been bullsquids in water hazard. If you had gotten the um. *ahem*leaked*ahem* version a few years ago, there were bullsquids in the waterhazard levels. I don't think they had any AI, but they were modeled and animated.
Yeah, there were also notes for scripted sequences involving them.

I can't recall if they actually had AI, but yes, they were fully modelled/animated aside from their mouths.

I'll probably download the leak again and see what other stuff got cut from it. I remember the old stalkers, some uber-zombie, sand barnacles, some bigass Combine mech soldier, and some other stuff.
Bullsquids, Ichthyosaurus and Gargantuas.
I remember someone in another thread mentioning how it's worthless to add HL1 creatures if there won't be anything new about them. While that may not be true, it is interesting to see how these enemies could change if they make a Source appearence. So just how can these enemies be modified?

Houndeyes: Since Source will allow larger amounts of these folk to appear, in theory they could surround the player and attack him with sonic blasts more effectively than in HL1. Seeing the unnecessary damage the player would take, he would have to tactically retreat from these former pushovers each time they surround him. It's also possible that the Vortigaunts could have tamed these creatures and thus, they could become allies. Houndeyes should still act cowardly when alone and not lose that "pathetic" feeling you got when you wasted them.

Bullsquid: Aside from possibly gaining the ability to trash props and swim in water, I don't see many ways to change the Bullsquid.

Icthyosaur: When attacked by one, the player should feel like he's getting dragged by that fish instead of moving to a different position. Don't see much change either.

Gargantua: Too bad-ass to change. :p

Any other ideas?
Gargantua. Though I doubt we ever will see it again, it's a damned cool monster. Like most of the other monsters, there was a mention of it in early design docs, but I guess they wanted to go with the even more new and exciting designs we got with the Synths. Now we're going out into the wasteland, I'd love to see one of the bastards in the forest, prefereably having a fight with a Strider. Sadly, I think instead we'll be fighting Antlions again.

Bullsquids aren't a particular favorite of mine. Neither are Houndeyes, but I think they could be made extremely interesting when given some decent AI and put into packs.
I don't like the houndeyes so if they don't make a comeback I won't miss them. I would really like a Gargantua and Combine fight. Watch as the Gargantua wastes those puny soldiers and destroys APCs. Of course the cherry on top of the cake would be a Gargantua vs Strider fight:naughty: . It would be good if they include the tentacle too. I always enjoy a good puzzle boss.:D
TheAmazingRando said:
Gargantua vs. Antlion King for the win. Seriously, that would make my day.

I put my money on the Gargantua:D . Come on, they have to put them in Ep2!
Here I am going to explain which enemies, why, and how they are re-introduced.

Gonarch, as someone mentioned above must still supply headcrabs. I imagine them being strung up into some sort of machine like the Alien Queen in AvP. Plus, they can be changed by having 3 different types, a la the headcrabs themselves.
They are all hung up nice and safely when BOOM, an electric shock releases one or two of them and you can then fight them. In fact, you needn't have to fight them. They are probably most ideal for a cameo out of any of the monsters.

Gargs MUST have survived. The Combine wouldn't risk going around taking down every single one they can find, and they could so easily take on an Antlion Guard if faced with one. I reckon there are still a few out there and it would be pretty awesome to fight one in Episode 2.
You have just found Eli and Kleiner at the missile silo and all is safe when *BOOM***** through the wall smashes a Garg and you are knocked out. This also causes the death of whichever character they choose to knock off.

Tentacles are too cool not to put in. And being able to throw physics items to confuse it would be sexy. The only problem is that they live in holes and Antlions have stolen the holes. Perhaps it would be cool to find the husk of a dead Tentacle in the Antlion Mines.

Bullsquids ARE still around. We know this from Eli. I'm guessing if we do see them it'll be in the river-bed. Maybe some dead ones. Yeah. Through lack of water they died or something. Groovy. I could so write games. :hmph:

Houndeyes while great, would not survive long on Earth. They have either been Synthed for their sonic abilities or left to rot.
Whilst I love them, I always wondered how the hell they would survive on Earth if a Grizzly Bear ever came up and took a swipe.

We know Itchyosaurs are on Earth right now, so we may or may not meet them.

And I think none of us can argue that this is the perfect time to implement Mr. Friendly.
Reginald said:
Whilst I love them, I always wondered how the hell they would survive on Earth if a Grizzly Bear ever came up and took a swipe.
Eh? Most of the world's animals wouldn't survive if "a Grizzly Bear ever came up and took a swipe", that fact doesn't drive them to extinction. And a large portion of the world doesn't have Grizzly Bears in it! I don't see Houndeyes as particularly weak. In fact, I could see the scenario being that they oust other Dog-sized animals in the biosphere, because they're highly evolved and have projectile attacks.
kupoartist said:
Eh? Most of the world's animals wouldn't survive if "a Grizzly Bear ever came up and took a swipe", that fact doesn't drive them to extinction. And a large portion of the world doesn't have Grizzly Bears in it! I don't see Houndeyes as particularly weak. In fact, I could see the scenario being that they oust other Dog-sized animals in the biosphere, because they're highly evolved and have projectile attacks.

It was just an example, but if other creatures are hostile to the Houndeye, they could quite quickly be hunted to near-extinction. For example, in the time it takes for the Houndeye to charge up its attack, a large dog could quite easily run up to it and tear its brains(?) out.
Not all animals attack each other on sight. Houndeyes are also pack animals. A dog coming up to attack one would still get his insides ruptured by the others.

My guess is that if they were introduced again, there might be some alterations to their attacks (if they are hostile, that is).
Headcrabs would just on a dog, bears, etc... w000t.

Now antlions come in packs...they'll kick ur ass.
bboymatty said:
I am almost certain the mini striders are in fact mechanised houndeyes. The biology is too similar.

People would refute me saying that because its called a "mini-strider" then it must be a smaller version of the "strider", but there are obvious differences in their construction that people will eventually have to wake up to.

Biggest difference is that there is no underslung cannon on the mini strider, and that the mini has massive eyes whereas the normal sized strider has almost no eyes. It looks like a crab.

All these changes in strider design point towards it becoming more of a Houndeye, from what we saw im HL1.

If you disagree, then wait till hl2 ep2, i guarantee someone will say houndeye.

aah thank you dude ya opened my eyes! when i saw the mini-strider first time i thought that it remembered me of something due to its sounds and movements . i just couldnt think of anything. now in fact that mini strider has many big similarities with hound eyes. the head of the mini-strider has the same shape of a houndeye just with longer legs. it has like the houndeye 3 legs. theres 1 big eye in the middle of the head like the houndeye and it also makes a strange houndeye like sound. now at the end of the hl2 episode 2 teaser you can see that movement of the mini-strider when it enters the room and gets in fighting position .. it looks exactly like when the houndeyes are attacking you!
Alien Controllers

'nuff said.
well i would want to see all hl1 enemies, but i want the models and the sounds totally unchanged. its cool if they get some more abillities though. otherwise they could aswell spare all the cool hl1 aliens for Half-Life 3!
Well, I'd REALLY like to see Gargantuas return, they were awesome! Imagine if the Combine manged to turn a Gargantua into a synth... :O That would be a tough boss. Bullsquids would come in a close second, they were pretty cool. Gonarch comes third on my list, it would be cool to have as a boss. I'd also like to see Alien Controllers return. I think that the Hunter synths are Houndeyes modified by the Combine, and that's why I didn't list them. As for the rest, I don't really care about them, though I wouldn't mind seeing them return. :p
I think there is a good chance we will be seeing gargs and bullsquids again since they did intend to put them in HL2.
Bullsquids and houndeyes. The Combine have enough powerful units without more being thrown at us.
I would love to see Houndeyes and Blullsquids. They should have made an appearance in Water Hazard and Highway 17 anyway. We're made to believe that Xen wildlife has taken over Earth, so how about we start seeing some?

The Ichyosaur needs to come back too... however it should be a surprise. When we began HL2 we were afraid of the water. However by now we've learned it doesn't house anything dangerous... So Valve should capitalize on that and at some unexpected point have an Ichy swim up under the murky water and bite a chunk out of us.

I think it'd be nifty if Houndeyes got a slight modification to their attack... When they hit you with their sonic burst it should disorient you. Perhaps Valve could pull this off by skewing your perspective when you get hit and temporarily reversing your control scheme. Forward becomes backward, left becomes right, the mouse gets turned upside down... It'd be nifty and would open up some possibilities for having Houndeyes surprise you at critical momments when you need to perform delicate tasks. Something not unlike having Scanners blind you in the heat of battle.
DannyC. said:
Gargantuas = Win

I would love to see one of those things in a revamped Half-Life 2 form. If some time in Episode 2, a massive, pissed off gargantua comes out at me, I will be much please-ed.

I know I'm not the only one who wants to see one or two gargantuas crash through a bunch of Combine, roasting troops and toppling Striders.

GordonFreeman911 said:

If they don't put gargs in Ep2 I'm gonna cry;( :D.

Come on, what better place to put some giant monsters then in the wilderness?
I honesltly do not believe the Ministriders are biomodified Houndeyes.
Gargantua would be a welcome addition, although I doubt we'll see any of the old enemies returning. But with the physics that Half-Life 2 offers, Gargantua would just simply kick ass. I still perfectly remember the car park. Bullsquids were boring. I've enjoyed fighting Gargantua, because you had to trigger a scripted sequence to defeat it.
iMMuNiTy said:
I've enjoyed fighting Gargantua, because you had to trigger a scripted sequence to defeat it.

Not necessarily. In the car park for instance I always kill it using grenades and remote charges.
Which chapter is the Gargantua in the car park in? I can't remember. :(
Samon said:
I honesltly do not believe the Ministriders are biomodified Houndeyes.

Seconded.There are a few small superficial similarites, but the idea seems really... wierd imo.