Which (PC) System Is Best For HL2?

Which PC Is Best For HL2?

  • Alienware

    Votes: 21 72.4%
  • Dell

    Votes: 4 13.8%
  • Gateway

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • HP

    Votes: 4 13.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Jul 2, 2005
Reaction score
I always hear how alienware is the best for HL2. But Is That true?
Alienware are probably the best pre-built gaming systems you can buy anyway. Just the most expensive unfortunately.
I have a well customised dell, due to expenses, does the job fine. But an Alienware would definately do it better, or be the best out of those. Saying that my mates alienware broke 3 times when he got it. So i don't trust them much.
Yeah, I think i will go with dell because its less expensive no matter how you customize it. (I HATE ALIENWARE.COM BECAUSE THEY DONT INCLUDE THE FRICKEN MONITOR WITH THE PRICE!)
Alienware > HP > Gateway > An Autistic Chicken > Communists Launching Nukes At Us > Dell

But yea, Alienware is pricy. I'd recommend building your own. Can't go wrong there.
Custom is the way to go. And not Alienware or Dell "Custom", hand-built... by you... err..
Out of the choices, Alienware hands down. If there were to be an other option, it'd be Falcon Northwest.
Home built ftw, not the best, but the cheapest and near same end result.
It's pointless buying an Alienware when you can built a PC with the same specs at a much lower price.
JellyWorld said:
It's pointless buying an Alienware when you can built a PC with the same specs at a much lower price.

Not if you cant build a computer, or have enough money to not bother.
Alienware provide extremely good gaming systems for those that want nearly the best gaming system out there, and want the convenience of a 'take home, plug in, turn on, and you're away' computer.
Pesmerga said:
Home built ftw, not the best, but the cheapest and near same end result.

Of course its the best, you get exactly what you want with no BS.
i got my alienware just for hl2, i absolutely love it, yes i could found a cheaper one, but ive always wanted one, i could also be driving a honda civic and get from point a to point b, but ide rather have something a little nicer that does the same thing. alienware all the way.

Prebuilts are a complete waste of your money. I measured up on Voodopc.com what a system almost identical to mine would cost, and it's a good four grand. I built mine for around 1,200 USD.

And it's so much more fun building it yourself. You actually get to call the PC YOURS. And then modding it up later on down the line. You're missing out on some grade A fun.

Plus, ordering a prebuilt is for pussies. Getting your own system custom built from somebody else is also pretty good, you just get the manpower overhead (ie more money because somebody else did it for you). With a prebuilt, you get the OMFGTHISSUCKSSHIT overhead.

Plus, if something goes wrong with your hand made, you just send back the part that's going haywire and live without if for a few days (unless it's cpu or mobo, or something else down the line). If something goes wrong with your prebuilt, you send back the ENTIRE pc, hope they can get some tech guy to look at it asap, then go through customer service shit, then wait for it to come back and hope it didn't get fubar in all that hadling/shipping.

If you're thinking "OMFG I CAN'T BUILD MY OWN" then think again. It's easy as putting stick A into hole B. I built mine (without any assistance I might add), and i'm just 13. I'm sure a grown man like yourself (maybe not?) could for sure figure it out.

EDIT: Out of the choices though, HP. I had an HP and added a 9800pro to it. Didn't do me wrong, and served me well for a good year. Ran HL2 fairly well. I just think their cooling system is shit.

As soon as I can figure out how to get the POS heatsink off the proc and figure out the socket, i'll be salvaging the processor, the 9800pro I added, and the ram for a server that me and my buds can play Gmod or whatever we're in the mood in on.
i use an evesham system and it runs the game beautifully, but its a uk only company, i know its cheeper to build it yourself, but that requires time and energy lol!

i run hl2 on

AMD Athlon 64 processor 3800+
XP Prof
1GB dual channel DDR RAM
2 x 256MB DDR3 NVIDIA 6800GT PCI Express Graphics

the only one ont hat list i have any experiance with is dell, and that was several years ago.
clairelovestlc said:
i use an evesham system and it runs the game beautifully, but its a uk only company, i know its cheeper to build it yourself, but that requires time and energy lol!

Took me maybe 2 hours to get mine built. I took another 3 to do a good job with the wiring.

Check the linkey in t3h siggeh. My wirefolding> you.

EDIT: None of those pics are up to date (I rewire my setup like, every month) but the night one is most recent. I'll get a new one up soon.
would take me forever to build a pc, i just dont have time time or the patients to learn what the hell i need to do
You don't have a lazy sunday afternoon with absolutely nothing to do? You need less of a life :p
A custom home built pc is definitely way better and can be more cost effective. I won't bother with posting what you "should" get (a decent graphics card, etc comes to mind), but only to say make sure you don't scrimp on the case (need good airflow) and the PSU (get lots of clean power...my OCZ 520 is superb) since many with custom built pc's get excellent parts but ruin it with a cheap case and PSU.
To all of you people suggesting DIY/Build it:

Remember, this is xzeox we're talking about here. He's the guy that wasted 5 minutes of your life with that "Spasms" video, do you REALLY think he can build his own computer?

I'd go with an HP or Gateway, btw.
Cypher19 said:
To all of you people suggesting DIY/Build it:

Remember, this is xzeox we're talking about here. He's the guy that wasted 5 minutes of your life with that "Spasms" video, do you REALLY think he can build his own computer?

I'd go with an HP or Gateway, btw.

you know, it was only 2 or 3 minutes long, but sadly i agree with you.

And also I have a Sequel to that SPASMS video and I am uploading it now!! YAY!
Cypher19 said:
To all of you people suggesting DIY/Build it:

Remember, this is xzeox we're talking about here. He's the guy that wasted 5 minutes of your life with that "Spasms" video, do you REALLY think he can build his own computer?

I'd go with an HP or Gateway, btw.

I think you need to go outside.

But i'm glad SOMEBODY agrees with me on the HP side of things.

If you just sold your car and need to blow the money, Alienware by far.

If you're being cost effective, my HP was a beuty. I mean, working wize. Didn't ever do me wrong. One of the parts got jostled and it wouldn't start up once, but otherwise, it didn't give me any problems. The shitty molex's that ati bundles with its card got fried, but the HP kept on kickin'.
lister said:
i vote NONE, custom built is the way to go.

you know ive heard so many people say that but i dont think it will work for me.. because-

I dont Have Internet to get all the drivers and programs.


I would have no idea what i would be doing.
xzeox said:
you know ive heard so many people say that but i dont think it will work for me.. because-

I dont Have Internet to get all the drivers and programs.


I would have no idea what i would be doing.

For A:

You shouldn't even be connecting to the internet with a new install. It's very important that you don't touch the internet until you're getting your Windows updates. You'll get hacked so fast it isn't funny. I just load the drivers onto a cd before I format, then off I go. But pity you, no interweb :(

For B:

Neither did I. Well, I had upgraded my video card so I knew sorta what I was doing, but I just needed the first step in the wonderfull guide in the Hardware software forums so I could figure out what to start with, then everything else was obvious. Hell, for consultation, the Motherboard came with a DIY guide! You'll have so much backup dude. And if you have a computer savvy friend, invite him over for the fun.

If you can't still do it, then I would suggest custom built. As in, go to a website, custom order all your parts, then select build it for me. That way, you still get the low price of building it yourself, and you can still SORTA call it yours.
Genesis said:
A custom home built pc is definitely way better and can be more cost effective. I won't bother with posting what you "should" get (a decent graphics card, etc comes to mind), but only to say make sure you don't scrimp on the case (need good airflow) and the PSU (get lots of clean power...my OCZ 520 is superb) since many with custom built pc's get excellent parts but ruin it with a cheap case and PSU.
i couldnt agree with you more!!!! i bought a pc and it had such poor ventelation it kept crashing, needles to say i sent it back ,and got my not only gorgous looking ( see my last post for photos) but highly ventelated 5 fan case witht he coolio lcd display.

and no i dont have a lazy sunday afternoon, i work from 10am till 2pm, then i go to rehearsals at 2pm, and rehearse untill 7pm then i get in from rehearsals and ususaly go visit my nan
xzeox said:
I think I will just get a dell.


If you're going to buy prebuilt, NEVER EVER EVER EVER DELL!
sinkoman said:

If you're going to buy prebuilt, NEVER EVER EVER EVER DELL!

Why not thats what im using right now (my friends pc) and it plays HL2 and alot of other games just fine...?
sinkoman said:
Took me maybe 2 hours to get mine built. I took another 3 to do a good job with the wiring.

Check the linkey in t3h siggeh. My wirefolding> you.

EDIT: None of those pics are up to date (I rewire my setup like, every month) but the night one is most recent. I'll get a new one up soon.

Why so long? First time I ever built one it took half an hour. The only problem was moving a case fan out of the way to get the motherboard in.
I have a dell, almost for two years now...nothing's ever gone wrong on a game...Get a Dell! (Make sure you know what you're buying)
This poll makes no sense.

It all depends on the system specs.
HaZe89 said:
Why so long? First time I ever built one it took half an hour. The only problem was moving a case fan out of the way to get the motherboard in.

Mine took 2 days to peice together. A day and a half was spent finding out my RAM was in the wrong slot :|
DarkStar said:
This poll makes no sense.

It all depends on the system specs.
Well that's certainly true...but c'mon, I'm sure the original post was referring to equal system specs related to the latest round of name brand consumer desktops. All things in that sense being equal, and given the buyer even WANTS a name brand pc over a DIY kit, there isn't much performance difference between them. It's only about looks and price in that regard since most of the parts will be essentially the same and sourced from similar suppliers. For the best performance for the money with the flexibility of matching components directly to desires, a custom built is always the best option. Yet, for any pc buyer, if it's not yer cuppa tea to build your own pc, then just throw a dart towards either HP, Gateway, Dell or Alienware....they're mostly all the same on the inside where it counts :D