Which version of the 9800 Pro was HL2 running on in the demo?

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I know it was running on a 9800 Pro, but was it the 128MB or 256MB version?

.. and would it really make that much of a difference?
every makes up lies anyways to suit themselvs, dont expect a correct answer.
I was looking on another forum (don't know where, and don't particular want to remember) and someone mentioned getting a 9900, which obviously doesn't exist. So someone then suggested that they were getting a 10000 in a few months. They said they had special press 'connections'.

Anyway with regards to your post, i don't have anything to say because i know Il be wrong or even if I'm right, someone will contradict me.
Someone was saying it was actually a G-Force card even though they were in ATI's booth.

IT WAS TEH RADEON 125536!! I have special press connections, and they told me it was delivered by aliens from the cube shaped planet of Nerdalon. They often trade graphics cards with little green men from mars who are part of a secret government coverup that involves the selling of plastic forks to illegal aliens. I AM DEAD SERIOUSE!!
Nerdalon, I think it is where Satna came from.. See, I am color blind, green = red .. can't tell.
Yes, it was on Nerdalon that Santa attempted to genetically engineer a reindeer that would serve as his personal doomsday weapon. Unfortunatly he made a mistake in his chemical formula and he ended up with... *drum roll*

:eek: RUDOLPH :dozey:

EDIT: You did mean Santa, not Satan right?
There is any difference? Both guys in red, both drunk, both make people suffer.
lol, yes except that one of them has flying reindeer, and the other has a pitch fork and according to South Park has a "relationship" with Saddam Hussein.
Of course *smacks head* how could I forget about that. Its part of a conspiracy that is meant to hide other conspiracies.
the game wasnt running smooth as people think...get the actuall recorded version and not the taped version and you can see clear as day that the 9800pro has problems in certain situations in HL2..(FPS drops down to about 15 or so for a few secs quite a few times in the demo)

i believe i've read that the gameplay video was from sept. of last year. . . if that is true the best they could have been using was a 9700 pro. :O
Where Shock? Cus I didn't see it anywhere.

It was probably the 128 version, but who knows.
Okay, I do not know how this thread got back on topic, but anyway...

I think they were probably using the 128 version, but like Apos said "who knows."
Chances are it was the 9700 since the 9800 would have been too early in development (thus very buggy and unstable) when that gameplay was captured (probably 6-8 weeks before) for E3.
It wasn't "captured." I was a demo running in real time on the computer they had there. And in the video, Gabe SAYS "this is the sort of thing we can do with a hardware platform like the 9800 Pro on top of the Source engine."
So your saying Gabe had a mouse and keyboard and sat somewhere controlling the actual demo... ?
It's very simple.

Valve recorded some demos of HL2: files that record the in-game action and can be played back in the engine.
They packed up a computer and went to e3.
They set up the computer, plugged it into a monitor, and then ran the demos while Gabe talked about what was going on.
Then, for certain people, Gabe actually had someone switch over and play a particular level, also in the engine. So, yeah, a mouse and keyboard were included.
I'm going to buy both cards just to be safe that I have a perfect running game ;)
i myself am totally confused on this topic. gabe says in an interveiw it was ona 2ghz gf4 but i at the show everyone says different...in any case im gonne buy either a 9700 pro or 9800 pro, which ever seems the better bang for buck in september.
Infinity's right yall should just STFU :bounce:

Anyway why not just get the 256mb card? Not like it's gonna be any slower. And personally I've lost faith in Nvidia due to a number of issues so I'm an ATi boy now :)
Because the 256 card is 100$ more for no appreciable difference even in Doom3?

Don't be confused. The interviews, and various gaming articles, refer to DIFFERENT setups for different people. It's only at e3 that we're pretty sure Gabe was using a 9800 Pro, because he refers to it. Gabe showed the gamespot people a version that was on a 2Ghz with a GeFroce4 card.
According to that video interview with the Valve guys it was a Geforce4 Ti4600
I wish a VALVe dude would come clear this up, but they probably don't even know. :p

Anyway, I think I am going to shoot for playing the game a 2.6 ghz p4, a gig of ram, and a 9800 pro... if that doesn't run HL2 prettily I will cry.
sigh. The interview WASN'T ABOUT e3. It was recorded when the gamestop team went to seatle to interview Valve. When Gabe talks about "what you saw earlier today" he's talking about showing them the game in house. It's NOT the same rig that they used at e3.
Offcourse the e3 machine had a Ati radeon 9800 pro and it was 128mb

cuz it was the new dell machine that featured HL² on the ATI booth..
Originally posted by EVIL
Offcourse the e3 machine had a Ati radeon 9800 pro and it was 128mb

cuz it was the new dell machine that featured HL² on the ATI booth..

Everyone's just guessing as to wether the presentation was an in engine demo or a pre-recorded video. The truth is that no one knows. I tend to believe its the latter as it is almost standard practice at E3 to have presentations in video form as this method avoids mishaps where either the game or the system its run on crashes causing embarrasment for the developer for the whole gaming press to see.
Everyone's just guessing as to wether the presentation was an in engine demo or a pre-recorded video. The truth is that no one knows. I tend to believe its the latter as it is almost standard practice at E3 to have presentations in video form as this method avoids mishaps where either the game or the system its run on crashes causing embarrasment for the developer for the whole gaming press to see.
... thats wery possible, but they could have done it the other way to... and its smart in one way: the people ho sees the priewiew sees the buggs and call in to valve(or e-mails them) so they can fix the problem before its due to come out...:cheers:
I dont think you understand. Valve want to make a big impression amongst the gaming press. E3 used to be a press only affair but its only been for the past 2 years or so that regular punters have been allowed into the event.

If a car company wanted to show of its latest car at the detroit motor show it would make sure that nothing could go wrong so that any journo's dont write anything bad about them for thier publications. They wouldnt have them jump in the drivers seat only for the steering wheel to come off in thier hands now would they? "Ahh... Thats a bug with the car.... we will fix that right away!!" I think not....
I know some people here will say 'but they wouldnt show it with a video because they want it running on a video card to show off what the card can do'. The truth is they often do resort to video even when showing of graphics cards and the catch that gets them out of any legal wranglings is that it was recorded on that video card at the time.
the demo was pre-recorded.. cuz some dudes here "analized" it and found out some errors, and valve confirmed by e-mail that it where issues that occure because they prerecorded it.. if the game was shown live then you wouldent have thosel little bugs like a combine soldier deying before a iron beam hits him.
Originally posted by EVIL
the demo was pre-recorded.. cuz some dudes here "analized" it and found out some errors, and valve confirmed by e-mail that it where issues that occure because they prerecorded it.. if the game was shown live then you wouldent have thosel little bugs like a combine soldier deying before a iron beam hits him.

Do you have a URL or any other evidence to back up this claim?
Originally posted by nietzsche
In order to simply play back a video, it makes no sense to place a computer right next to the presentation, does it? Now that would be a real hoax. :dozey:

It does make sense.... the reason is marketing... Its makes dell look better and Dell certainly need a better imagine amongst the gaming community!
Who cares? Just by a 9800PRO 128MB, it will do perfectly fine.
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
I was looking on another forum (don't know where, and don't particular want to remember) and someone mentioned getting a 9900, which obviously doesn't exist. So someone then suggested that they were getting a 10000 in a few months. They said they had special press 'connections'.

Anyway with regards to your post, i don't have anything to say because i know Il be wrong or even if I'm right, someone will contradict me.

9900 is the possible name for the R360. But that card hasn't even been let out on paper so that someone has it is a pure lie. But you could say that you'r getting one ofcourse.
If ATI names the card after 9900 to 10000 I will cry.