Who did we fight in the 7 hour war?

50 hunter legs post is the best way to go when you're trying to prove something.

Any way, I kind of think that noise is may be their bodies moving with the legs rather then the feet themselves. see the mechs on the skin? are these your hydraulics mattydienhoff?

I kind of think that noise is may be their bodies moving with the legs rather then the feet themselves. see the mechs on the skin? are these your hydraulics mattydienhoff?
In other words, it's the hips, not the legs themselves that are augmented? That's quite likely.
Any machine with hydraulics will "bleed" if you cut the line. Just because they bleed dosen't make them organic just mean you shot the hydraulics line.
And how do you explain the skin? Oh, I get it, that's just to fool us all into thinking it's a living creature, right? :borg:

You still haven't given us any good reason to believe the Hunter is anything but an animal with extensive biomechanical modifications, which is exactly what every other Synth in the Combine's arsenal is. The only robotics they employ are things such as scanners and manhacks, which possess very rudimentary AI.
Miiiiiiiiind Raaaaaaaaaaaaape.

Combine Advisors and more slugs with Combine [Title Here]
I wish my Steam still worked so I could play Episode 2 again :<
Sweet galvanized crowbar, what is wrong with you people?
Hunters are synths. They are just like any other synth.
They're called "Mini-Striders", for Gordon's sakes.
Auto Crashes with reason: Win 32 exception has occured in Steam.exe.

I've tried everything :|

Valve Support hasn't helped either.

Take a sledgehammer to it, fixes other things why not Steam???
Because it does not take sludgehammers.

It takes chainsaws.
Cremators. Were they used anywhere in the wars? I read somewhere they were part of the force or something...
The seven hour war did actually last seven hours from the standpoint of the combine invasion.

By the time of the war Humanity had been driven into cities. Only the very tough lived outside.

You see after half life 1 random portals openned all over the place. Things such as head crabs and antlions made their way through and started to infest the countriside. Humans were driven into their cities and essentially bunkerred down.

when the combine attacked they pretty much put citadel like buildings in every city and took control. Since everyone lived in the cities they had essentially defeated thge entirety of humantiy in seven hours.

they also had far superior forces then we see in Half life 2. The combine presence in half life 2 is a police force. I doubt they thought that humanity still had the equipment to make the investment of their military worth while. The Combine are nothing if not greedy, and its cheaper to deploy a sub par police force then a strong military presence.
The seven hour war did actually last seven hours from the standpoint of the combine invasion.

By the time of the war Humanity had been driven into cities. Only the very tough lived outside.

You see after half life 1 random portals openned all over the place. Things such as head crabs and antlions made their way through and started to infest the countriside. Humans were driven into their cities and essentially bunkerred down.

when the combine attacked they pretty much put citadel like buildings in every city and took control. Since everyone lived in the cities they had essentially defeated thge entirety of humantiy in seven hours.

they also had far superior forces then we see in Half life 2. The combine presence in half life 2 is a police force. I doubt they thought that humanity still had the equipment to make the investment of their military worth while. The Combine are nothing if not greedy, and its cheaper to deploy a sub par police force then a strong military presence.

I agree with that, seems reasonable that by the beginning of hl2, the combine already had everything under control so they only kept the weakest units on Earth since there wasn't a need for anything stronger.
they also had far superior forces then we see in Half life 2. The combine presence in half life 2 is a police force. I doubt they thought that humanity still had the equipment to make the investment of their military worth while. The Combine are nothing if not greedy, and its cheaper to deploy a sub par police force then a strong military presence.
Not necessarily sub-par, just much smaller in size than the invasion force. The Combine do have some pretty serious stuff stationed on Earth (Striders, Gunships, Hunters, Mortar Synths, Crab Synths, and so on).

Cremators. Were they used anywhere in the wars? I read somewhere they were part of the force or something...
I doubt it. The idea behind the Cremator concept was that they'd appear after a firefight and immolate (cremate) the remains. A "clean-up crew" so to speak. I don't know if this creature had any combat roles as well - whether it would attack the player or not, but I doubt the Combine would have had any use for them during the Seven Hour War, only after the war and during the subsequent occupation.

Although cremators don't seem like the most logical thing to have in the invasion force there was an early concept for HL2 which included a slideshow of then Combine invasion. There was a photograph of synths and cremators pouring out of the citadel. Perhaps the cremator was intended to have originally have been a type of soldier whose role was later changed to a janitor, or perhaps he had a different purpose at different stages of developement or maybe the person who wrote that intro was a tad confused as to the cremator's purpose.

Either way, we don't even know if cremators exist in HL canon. No one in Black Mesa East seems to know what the cremator head is, so perhaps cremators don't exist and that head came from somewhere else.
There's no picture. Only a description in Raising the Bar.