Who is...

Rafa 5.0

Jul 5, 2004
Reaction score
... the man in the wheelchair, I don't frequent the forums enough but I was reading through some of the threads and there are random ideas of a wheelchair guy?? If it's been discussed before just point to the right thread link. Thank you.
It turned out not to be a man in a wheelchair and is just a sillouhette of a survivor against the respective vehicle that they escape in at the end of a chapter. I can't remember where it was debunked, but I recall the topic when it was around (before L4D's release)
It turned out not to be a man in a wheelchair and is just a sillouhette of a survivor against the respective vehicle that they escape in at the end of a chapter. I can't remember where it was debunked, but I recall the topic when it was around (before L4D's release)

This man speaketh the truth.

LOL this thread is quality. A guy in a wheelchair... ahaha genius. Stick Infected in wheelchairs then send wave after wave of the buggers against the Survivors. This is a funny idea, right?

Oh man I can't believe somebody actually remembered this. The only thing I can remember about it was some guy justified that the Survivor has no recoil because he is in a wheelchair. :LOL: *Make the guy remote controlled too as bait, lol. /goingtohell
LOL this thread is quality. A guy in a wheelchair... ahaha genius. Stick Infected in wheelchairs then send wave after wave of the buggers against the Survivors. This is a funny idea, right?


You must have been dropped on your head.
The icons for the achievements for completing the campaigns contain a silhouette of a survivor. His legs are obscured in these icons and some people thought that it was supposed to be a silhouette of a guy in a wheelchair.

Or it's Chicargo Ted.
It's Chicago Ted.

But everyone knows Chicago Ted is a myth.

So what's the protocol if I meet Chicago Ted in the game kicking ass and taking zombie names(besides taking a screenshot of course or it didn't happen), should I try to team-up wiff him???

It was my half-assed theory a couple weeks before the game came out.
I'm sure there'll be rumors for years about Chicago Ted being in the game thanks to you.