"Who Sings?"


The Freeman
Mar 15, 2007
Reaction score
Thought I'd make this thread in hopes in cutting down random threads started simply to ask who sings <insert song>, because I have noticed on other forums involving music people always start threads asking who sings a certain song.
(as if you can't find it on google..)

So I figure if you want to ask who sings a song, just post it in this thread, and people will answer you hopefully.

Sorry if this doesn't work, or if it has been done before. Just trying to help my fellow humans.
But seriously yo's how do I get a sticky? is it possible?
You would have to ask a mod or an admin. They control all.
Who mods the music forum anyway? (checks)
Ironic part is it'd have to work first to get a sticky. Lulz.
i dun get it.... how do i find a moderator?
Oh fu-

I told you to use the blood of a sturgeon, co05! RUN!

I suppose this is the part where my thread fails terribly, and never gets a sticky
Here's how a sticky is made:

1) Someone makes an original thread and calls it to be stickied
2) People post in agreement
3) Posts soon turn to spam
4) Thread never becomes stickied
5) Someone else will come around in a short while and make another thread regarding the same topic that will be much more successful and will be stickied
Here's how a sticky is made:

1) Someone makes an original thread and calls it to be stickied
2) People post in agreement
3) Posts soon turn to spam
4) Thread never becomes stickied
5) Someone else will come around in a short while and make another thread regarding the same topic that will be much more successful and will be stickied