Whos gonna be the first one to beat it!?


May 29, 2003
Reaction score
Whos gonna be the first one to beat Half Life 2? We should get a present from Munro or something, like a cookie or a car. And if you say "I beat it" Post a screen shot of the last boss/scene whatever.
I bet someone will complete it on the 1st of october.
i probably wont even play single player for a few months after the game is out, first thing im doing when i get it on the 30th is to play multiplayer non stop for hours and hours and days and days.
Beat it!

Screeny of End-Boss, looks like the Previos ones (not going to attempt to spell it too earily in the morning, I hate being an Insomniac, grrr!) little brother


(hehe, I knew that image would come in use one day :P)
I think it all depends on who gets HL2 first and if that person decides to sleep or not. As for me, I'm not gonna rush it, I'm gonna take my sweet time to finish the game.
Well I am definatly not going to be the first one to beat it. Im not rushing and I simply won't have the time to play it non stop. I would welcome a little contest like this except im not really sure how you will be able to ensure someone has actually beaten the game.
since they say the average is like 36 hours, being as all i do is play video games and im pretty goddamn skilled at them...might take me like 20 or so, ill probly beat it in a week or 2 depending if there is any tricky crap i get stuck on.
Ya average is 36hrs for the beta testers that have played the game 50-60times over and over.
Hmm. I'll probably wait for the weekend sence school will be in.
But at that moment I have only two words to say.

"What's sleep?"
I am not rushing wit a game, will be exploring the levels.
Without cheats, it'll probably take someone around 50hrs first time through, since there will be no guides to help players through tricky parts. HL1 had some hideous ones that took me hours to solve (that goddamn fan), and with all the technological advances in HL2, the game will probably be ripe with these annoying little things.

*Edit* O yea, Stone, promise never to use that picture again, it just looks so messed up... :laugh:
i wasnt stuck on any part of hl1 for more than about 10 min at max, im not saying it was an easy game, im just saying i was able to get past most of the puzzels/hard parts easily. id kick any hl2 beta testers ass in a single player game any day....
god that picture.....i'm going to have nightmares
I'm going to load every map atleast 10 times to explore every possiblity there is.
nothing required to finish the sections is breakable . 20 hours tops unless theres a lot of shoot the hunderd respawning bad guys with the big gun parts where oyu have to be some where for a set time. i just hope there isn't a lot of mazes and hit the switchs that are on opposite corners of the map because every evil person makes their buildings that way. i want all the switches in one room and the rest is me squashing bugs with giant bins and exterminating combine in extrodinary shootouts.
hl2 is all 1 big map though, with different chapters. there is no loading new stages. you only load when you have played a certain way threw and the game has to load the next part of the game for you.
Originally posted by Tr0n
god that picture.....i'm going to have nightmares

sorry Tr0n...

]Originally posted by a strange person called droper
nothing required to finish the sections is breakable . 20 hours tops unless theres a lot of shoot the hunderd respawning bad guys with the big gun parts where oyu have to be some where for a set time. i just hope there isn't a lot of mazes and hit the switchs that are on opposite corners of the map because every evil person makes their buildings that way. i want all the switches in one room and the rest is me squashing bugs with giant bins and exterminating combine in extrodinary shootouts.

Well, you've got to remember that the game is based inside, and from the look of the Strider bit (where it breaks down the bridge thingy) It looks like a lot of the world will be breakable anyway, so, A lot of running rounds going to be needed....
Can we please stop all this kind of "kid's contest" ??

First mod for HL2...
First one to finish HL2...
First mod with planes...
First clan for HL2...

All these people are auto-proclaming their mod/theirselve/whatever as "the one".
This really SUX
Originally posted by Shockwave
i probably wont even play single player for a few months after the game is out, first thing im doing when i get it on the 30th is to play multiplayer non stop for hours and hours and days and days.

With who? You know everyone else will be playing single player.
I'm not going to rush the game... I just sit back and relax at the gameplay/gfx :) maybe this time I should start with gameplay difficulty to 'normal'.... the first time I played HL1 was set to 'easy'

Maybe I need 40 hours... I will be happy if they made the time to beat the game a bit longer then hl1
I am hoping for a week of moderate/high playing.

But it will be holidays for me... i'll probably end up finishing it in a few days...
It'll take me a couple years... to get over what a FSKING GREAT GAME THIS IS WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH *head explodes*
As soon as i'm gettin it i'm gonna go straight to SP and go slowly, eg: taking advantage of HL2's physics.

Oh yeah, what are we all gonna do when idiots come to the board posting spoilers and telling us the ending ;( :flame:
Originally posted by simmo2k3
As soon as i'm gettin it i'm gonna go straight to SP and go slowly, eg: taking advantage of HL2's physics.

Oh yeah, what are we all gonna do when idiots come to the board posting spoilers and telling us the ending ;( :flame:

well by that time.... I will have my Moderating Hat :) (if the plan goes to plan :P) to add to my Posting Hat, Flaming Hat and Spamming Hat :E... and their posts shall be edited to say

"If I do this again... I will be banned... unless I warn people that this post will contain spoliers "

Vote Badger !
We CAN'T know..
So nobody cares.

And as mrBadger say, i'll savour it like the best thing in the world :cheers:
putting a snapshot of the end boss or something is retarded. I can just do /map c0a1a and that stuff..
I'm gonna take my sweet time playing through the game. Exploring every corner and aspect of it. Never understood why you need to rush through a game that you bought for 40$ or whatever the cost is for you guys in the US...
Who would want to be the first to beat it? You wait 5 years for the sequel only to beat it day(s) later. Pointless.
I'll likely play through until I find a cool area where you can do a ton of things involving physics (i.e. traps, unstable structures etc.) and some enemies, then screw around in that area for a couple hours. Wash, rinse, repeat :E
Originally posted by Jager
As for me, I'm not gonna rush it, I'm gonna take my sweet time to finish the game.

Originally posted by stigmata
I'll likely play through until I find a cool area where you can do a ton of things involving physics (i.e. traps, unstable structures etc.) and some enemies, then screw around in that area for a couple hours. Wash, rinse, repeat :E

exactly what im gonna do
As will I. Cant wait to try out all the possibilitys(spelling?).....Ill probably play SP for a month...then Ill play MP, Mods and mod a little myself...Then I will sleep!:bounce: