Windows Phone 7


Aug 13, 2006
Reaction score
Supposedly this is Microsoft's iPhone killer, but the Zune HD was the iPod killer, and the Zune 4, 8, 16 gb was the Nano killer, and the Brick was the iBrick killer, and we all know how that went down. But typical to microsoft gadget history, the interface is neat, and they're making a lot of promises that people are raising eyebrows at.

One such example is the promise for lots of apps. The same implied promise they made with the Zune HD, and this far, almost a year after its release, only 24 apps have been released.

Promise of a speedy and efficient browser, also promised with Zune HD, but received poor reviews on.

But, all things considered, I'm pretty hyped to see what comes of this device.

And don't get me wrong, I love my Zune HD. For what I need it for, it does the job wonderfully. Apps weren't necessary for me, but they seemed like a nice addition. So far, though, the only ones I really use are Goo Splat, and Audiosurf Tilt.

Wiki- Windows Phone 7 Features

What do you guys think of this OS?


Windows phone 7, like it, love it, hate it?


So sexy...
It does have XNA, which is all I care about.
I thought this didn't have support for multitasking at all. Wiki says it won't be available at launch, but it has been announced?
If they're aiming to be an 'iPhone killer', they're doing it all wrong and we simply don't need another platform trying to do this. Windows 7 should be (and probably is, since you're not the head of mobile strategy) targeting Business consumers and the kind of people still farting around with Blackberries.
If they're aiming to be an 'iPhone killer', they're doing it all wrong and we simply don't need another platform trying to do this. Windows 7 should be (and probably is, since you're not the head of mobile strategy) targeting Business consumers and the kind of people still farting around with Blackberries.

Well, those aren't the words of Microsoft. Many Microsoft Forumers are calling it that, as well as demo review articles. But I think for a business phone the gaming apps would be a little unnecessary, same with Zune being on it. I'm planning on getting one though, just because my ZHD is so limited.

And I haven't heard anything about there being multitasking beyond Wiki. I was a little disappointed when I heard about it.

EDIT: Found something. Looks like it's going to be like Zune with it's multitasking, but music will not run in the background during app usage for power reasons. Apparently other windows phones have been drained in 1 hour because of crappy apps, and creating bad consumer experiences. Microsoft is trying to prevent this by disabling multi-tasking while in third party apps.

Q: Can Windows Phone 7 devices multitask?

A: Kindel said Microsoft’s own “experiences” which are part of the Windows Phone 7 will allow for multitasking (i.e., music playing in the background while you’re doing e-mail). But third party applications won’t have the same multitasking capabilities, Kindel said.Developers will be able to use things like notifications to create the illusion that applications are always live. In addition, the Live tiles that are part of the new UI will be constantly updated in real time (also through notifications). Over time, as things like battery life, network utilization and application predictability improve for the Windows Phone platform, Microsoft will make more multitasking support available for all applications, Kindel said.
Now that the launch details have been announced, what is everyone thinking?

I wish the Dell Venue Pro would have been on ATT, but the Samsung Focus looks damn good too. I'm pretty sure day one I'm throwing expandable storage in there (can have a 32GB card + 8GB onboard = 40GB total... plenty!)

I'm liking the HD7. I can't find anything about there being a speaker on it, but i guess it'll have speakerphone, so maybe a lower quality one from the Surround. Still, all of them are quite handsome looking.

EDIT: My service Provider doesn't do the HD7... Guess I'll have to go with the surround. Oh well! Better sound for me!
I can't wait for this to be released on Verizon. If Google doesn't pick up the slack in Android, I'm jumping ship immediately. The application selection is already better than Android in me opinion.

I love the interface. It's gorgeous. I wannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnt it already!
It's just like the Zune with it's interface. Sleek and sexy. I just hope it has customer support better than Zune, because the support for Zune HD is pathetic. If anything will turn me off from this it'd be the amount of support its getting. Good thing I'm waiting till christmas.

I really want to hear what the Surround's speaker sounds like. I'm amazed already that something that small could have surround sound, but Bose does it too, so maybe it'll have a bit of bass as well. Can't wait. It'll be awesome to carry around the house while I'm doing chores, listening to tunes.

Which apps are you most excited for? I'm excited for Netflix. Streaming movies on the go? COUNT ME IN! :D
It's just like the Zune with it's interface. Sleek and sexy. I just hope it has customer support better than Zune, because the support for Zune HD is pathetic. If anything will turn me off from this it'd be the amount of support its getting. Good thing I'm waiting till christmas.

I really want to hear what the Surround's speaker sounds like. I'm amazed already that something that small could have surround sound, but Bose does it too, so maybe it'll have a bit of bass as well. Can't wait. It'll be awesome to carry around the house while I'm doing chores, listening to tunes.

Which apps are you most excited for? I'm excited for Netflix. Streaming movies on the go? COUNT ME IN! :D

I'm honestly just excited for the whole interface. I love the Metro UI design and how it's built into every application so seamlessly. The fact is that no matter what phone you get, you'll have said application on it in due time. So I'm not really worried what device I pick up in the near future. I like Android, but there's only so much customization you can really do to the device before it's interface starts to show as stale, and in my opinion, it is because it's iOS with widgets essentially.

I'm most excited for the Zune and Xbox Live capabilities. I have a Zune pass and cannot imagine streaming all of that music to my phone where ever I go and queuing it up for a download! :D
I think Microsoft really has potential to leave Apple in the dust, here, but they better swing back over to Zune and give it the amount of support it's been neglected of this last year. If they can just keep the marketplace open to third party, they won't really have to do much. My excitement is palpable, none the less.
I can't compare it to the other platforms, but it really is quite easy to start making apps for it.
The surround sound speaker thing is such bullshit. You can't get surround sound from one speaker that is in front of you...

That said, I've been planning all this time to get the Droid Incredible and jump over to verizon, but if this thing is out by next month, I may upgrade to the surround instead. I watched a video of someone using it, and holy shit its responsive. The guy was trying to go too fast for it by typing shit really fast, and going through the menus really quick, but it kept up with ease.
It's virtual surround. Bose speakers throw sound. i can hear them in my basement almost as well as I can in my room. I think it's going to do just what it says.

Watching the video, it looks even better than i thought. I am hype.
I think it has a lot of potential and I love the UI. Give it another year or so to add the missing features and I think it'll be the best smartphone OS. From what I've heard, there's a number of things it still needs, namely:

- The ability to have multiple apps open and switch between them ("multitasking")
- Flash and HTML5 support in the browser
- Copy and paste
- Better organizable list view of all your apps
- Native development for trusted vendors (otherwise you'll never see things like Firefox/Opera because they're not going to (be able to) rewrite it all in Silverlight.
Ohgod, the Droid Incredible is $99 at Best Buy right now, and I can use gift certificates to get it for just $65. WHAT SHOULD I DO?!?!? If I wait, I could get the Surround, but I might also not be able to get it due to lack of supply and I'd also be paying almost $150 more for it. But I love the interface a lot more. But the Droid has better support right now. But the Phone 7 OS has so much potential. But theres already so many awesome apps for the Droid. But then the windows phone will probably have a shitload of apps soon, since its so easy to develop for it. FUUUCK I CANT DECIDE.