[WIP] dm_graveyard


Aug 20, 2003
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This is pretty much my first map ever made. I've been working on it for the past 2 weeks and most of my effort has gone into the house and the church as you can see, the rest is still just a raw layout which helps give me a feel for what I want the map to look like in the end.

Bear in mind this is still a WIP so it will of course look empty and a bit off at times, I'm aware that the lighting is a bit dark and that a few more props here and there would be nice, I'll be adding those when I get all the architecture done :)

Looking nice man. The first screenshot is a little dark though. But the second: nice! You can tell you put some detail into it.
There's more :)

The door on the house is completely physical, meaning you can block it with the lockers or any of the other items in the room and effectively barricade yourself intise the house. On the other side of the dime, anyone outside can use the windows to throw grenades, clear the rubble out of the door, or simply shoot at you to get in. The windows up top are large enough for someone to fit through so you are never trapped inside or outside the house :)

The gates to the right of the map are also physical, they can be used to smack people in the face with the gravity gun (ala the HL2 map where you're on top of that huge bridge going over the ocean)
:angry: Ugh...why is EVERYONES map better than mine and also nearly finished :p Looking sweet - i especially like the outside shots...

have to say, it looks freaking tight. well done. If you put as much detail and style into the rest of the map, its gonna look GOOOD.

Keep it up man you have some talent.
Thanks for the kind comments guys.

By the way, in case others were wondering about it, the reason the map is called dm_graveyard is because I do indeed plan to add a graveyard to it. I've been building the map from big to small which means I start with the church and end with the gravestones. The largest portion of the map will involve the graveyard and other small buildings within it :)
Heh, it will be cool if you make some gravestones physical and others good for cover and stuff. sounds neat!
Yeah that was the plan originally :)

I fully intend to use the physics as an integral part of the gameplay.
hmmm, its alright. Some parts seem a little bland and boring and imo its mainly because of the lighting. You can do so much more with colour and your map doesn't seem rich in horror or blood. Its just really bland, maybe you can see where I am coming from and maybe not. But your lighting is just all the same, get come colour and tone in there. Where you did actually try good lighting with a blue it just doesn't work well. Work on it and see how it goes.
lighting is the last thing I plan to do, decals are also a really bad idea to apply before you've finished up the main geometry.

All I've been doing so far is making the core geometry and texturing as I go.
I think I'm probably somewhere around 60% done with the map geometry at the moment and since I've been making the map by sections I thought I'd indulge myself and added some basic fog to the map. I barely tweaked the settings but even then the map was looking pretty good so I thought I'd post a few snapshots of my progress here.

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lookin good dude! Its the little details that make a big difference!

i have to say it again. this map looks gooooood. keep it up man, you need to finish this.
Excellent work! I wish I could map it looks fun. Don't let any of those assholes out there bring you down. Their just jealous. There's always someone that isn't pleased with anothers work. In my opinion it's excellent! Please make sure you finish up the map because it's a good piece of work.
I'm looking for 2 or 3 people to playtest the map with me at the moment before I finish all the geometry and get it into "alpha" stages...

I need people who can suggest gameplay changes, geometry placement and general "cool" additions to the map.

Still not sure how I'll send the map files to these people but just PM me and we'll figure something out.

This is NOT a beta test, this is testing of a very unfinished map so keep that in mind. Fun will be had but I'm mostly looking for suggestions and changes that need to be made so I don't have to redo the map later on!
Rico said:
I'm looking for 2 or 3 people to playtest the map with me at the moment before I finish all the geometry and get it into "alpha" stages...

I need people who can suggest gameplay changes, geometry placement and general "cool" additions to the map.

Still not sure how I'll send the map files to these people but just PM me and we'll figure something out.

This is NOT a beta test, this is testing of a very unfinished map so keep that in mind. Fun will be had but I'm mostly looking for suggestions and changes that need to be made so I don't have to redo the map later on!

I just have one slight critiscism, not sure if you kept them, but in your 1st page screens, i noticed in two of them that are indoors that in the same room you have 2 different kinds of lights. Ones a bulb, other is a little tap-light thingie, and then in another ones a long tube and the others square.

I just thought it was kind of odd because you'd think they'd use the same type of light at least in the same room.

Minor, i know, but just a suggestion.
If this is your first map I must say it's very good. I think the geometry could use a little spicing up but it looks like you're paying close attention to detail which is critical. I also like the fog effect. Nice work.
aaarggghhh! I was planning on doing something like this myself!! It looks great!! I would suggest adding a lot of tombstones to duck behind and perhaps put the more powerful weapons in mousoleums that are out in the open and a bit risky to get to. My original plan was to only have the gravity gun available and to litter the map with skulls (that had been modded to be a bit heavier and do more damage than usually). It would thus be a gastly game of dodge ball (or 'dodge skull' I guess).
looks good, make the tombstones destructable and add a half-dug grave or two :D