World of Warcraft Alpha Leaked


Aug 20, 2003
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It seems that after HL2, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and Painkiller were leaked it is now the turn for World of Warcraft!!

The leak is (edit) large and as one would expect for online play only! Rumors also say that some "l33t" people are currently setting up a server.

we wont be posting any links , so please don't ask or post links! I will leave the comments section open for now! unless we get muppets posting links.

Source: all over the Internet

Dam man what next? :frown:

edited to remove size.
how do these things keep getting leaked? Is there a windows exploit or something. Somebody needs to start developing games offline on a lan or something. Then again, assuming it wasn't taken by an employee or something.
G0rgon said:
It seems that after HL2, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and Painkiller were leaked it is now the turn for World of Warcraft!!

The leak is about 2 GB in size and as one would expect for online play only! Rumors also say that some "l33t" people are currently setting up a server.

we wont be posting any links , so please don't ask or post links! I will leave the comments section open for now! unless we get muppets posting links.

Source: all over the Internet

Dam man what next? :frown:
Quake 5:|:(
Yeah, I am dying to know how these haxors do it.................

Man companies need to discountect their PCs from IE.
It's become a standard to have the game leaked.
They should set up a floor by floor LAN network, and have 3 computers directly conneted to the net.
If someone needs something from the net, they would log in, and it would regulate what the person d/l's and does. So the infrastructure could not be comprimised if those 3 comps where hacked because the Building LAN is not directly connected with the internet.

But no, the POP is always attached to the MDF which is connect to the LDF which goes to the routers which headeds to the bridges to the hubs to the comp. Very complex for j00 n3wbs.
God forbid someone goes from the POP to MDF directly into a switch, in one room in the entire building. If I was there I might think it a little harsh but its the only sure fire way to not get hacked.
G0rgon said:
Yeah, I am dying to know how these haxors do it.................

Man companies need to discountect their PCs from IE.

Thats not how you stop hax0rz.

You get their IP and hard evidence that they stole the files.
You then call up their ISP and sent the evidence to them.
Their ISP will shut down their internet service and you will feel powerfull.
Doom 3, HL2, Stalker, Worlds of Warcraft... tons of leaks, not to mention the inevitable Far Cry leak.
I don't see this anywhere on the internet.. where'd you get this information? I just checked 6 different sites that would definitely have this information.

Sounds like poppycock to me, seeing as how you say it's "all over the internet," yet I haven't been able to find even the slightest mention of a WoW leak.
I dont think Far Cry will be leaked, but the real beta will and of course once it comes out youll be able to get that too.
Still, what's that prove? that's hardly "all over the net," unless I missed it some place
That'd be quite a trick... creating servers for an unreleased persistent world? Damn... haha... doesn't seem probable...
lol, plus, if it's an alpha, what the hell is the point? I can understand an alpha leak of a game like HL2, or STALKER, but an MMORPG alpha leak wouldn't be any fun, it'd suck.
Letters said:
That'd be quite a trick... creating servers for an unreleased persistent world? Damn... haha... doesn't seem probable...

Couldn't the dev's just go into the server and be all like "Ya'll gonna get arrested lolz."

If they even get a server that is.
Letters said:
That'd be quite a trick... creating servers for an unreleased persistent world? Damn... haha... doesn't seem probable...

But certainly not impossible. That's sad. WoW was looking to be a great one and now its future seems threatened by pre-mature opinions (wow, this alpha keeps crashing and sux blah blah blah...)
Why do these idiot hackers do these things, they know that they can't get the full version, they can't play online, they get a crappy, bugridden version, and THEY DELAY THE GAME RELEASE DATE!

lol, yeah.. although, I'll be willing to bet this is a fake. I could be wrong, but it seems highly improbable and rather illogical
Javert said:
(wow, this alpha keeps crashing and sux blah blah blah...)

People are so dense to do that.

sigh... :-(
- i think ill just ignore this these things
The only MMORPG that I care about being leaked is Middle Earth Online. WoW was looking to be like every other MMORPG anyway.

Also, the reason hackers do it is not so that they can play the game early or see how far along it is or anything like that. They do it to make a scene, to gloat, they do it because its a challenge and they want to make what they did seem really big.
from Bnet (spam to me limit)


"Thanks for everyone’s concern over the recently released screenshots. When a highly anticipated game such as World of Warcraft is being alpha tested, there’s always a chance that some unauthorized screenshots will find their way to the Web before going through a dev. team/PR review process. That was the case here.

Several fan sites wrote in to ask about posting the screenshots, and we appreciate their care in regards to the matter. We do ask that the fan sites refrain from posting the shots. They are not and will not be approved by Blizzard.

That said, we’d like to reiterate that World of Warcraft is deep into the alpha-testing phase, and we’re very excited about the upcoming Web-site updates we have planned. Stay tuned to for more."
So its only the screenshots that got leaked and not the game? heh well thats not so bad then
The Mullinator said:
The only MMORPG that I care about being leaked is Middle Earth Online. WoW was looking to be like every other MMORPG anyway.

Also, the reason hackers do it is not so that they can play the game early or see how far along it is or anything like that. They do it to make a scene, to gloat, they do it because its a challenge and they want to make what they did seem really big.

Yep.. I sure hope that MEO isn't leaked.. It's by Turbine.. so.. :sleep:
Fenric1138 said:
So its only the screenshots that got leaked and not the game? heh well thats not so bad then

so young, so nieve...

[sidewinderx143 edit v.05c] ask him to pm you.
good info, but let's try and avoid post screenshots of the files...
In some countries if you leak a game they cut out the right side of your brain. DO NOT RESIST!!!!!!11one
chu said:
It's become a standard to have the game leaked.

ya.. i can see it now with HL3..

Valve: HL3 is ready to be leaked, is everything ready on ur side?

Haxor: yup, just leave the doors unlocked and the passwords to the pc's at the main desk k?

Valve: sounds good, just make sure u don't leave any evidence of it, okthxbye

Or they could start making games open source, LOL!
If you people still think that hax0r do most of the job, you are wrong. Most of the games get leaked by some idiot from magazine or website (for example Blizzard send their version of the game to press and it gets leaked). It's not always some idiot who hacked into their network.
Mr. Reak has a point. But anyways, I was looking foward to this game, and still am. I don't think this will make much of a difference if any at all.
painkiller had great grafix, especially the second level. And damn good physics.. I enjoyed playing it alot!