world of warcraft collecters edition UK


Jan 15, 2004
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ffs. i wait for my mum to come home so i can use her credit card to order world of warcraft CE, and as as soon as i try to order it its sold out. 10 MINUTES AGO IT WASNT!!! i missed the last copy!!! dammit!!!

it had the official sound track, a book containing 200 pages of artwork, an in game pet, and a DVD containing tons of background info / making of features, and not to mention a definate pass into the final stress test. AND I MISSED THE LAST ****ING COPY!!!!

anyway. my question is, will there be a retail copy availiable to buy in the shops, or did i miss the only chance i had at buying it?

if youre interested in seeing what it contained, click here
Letters said:
I bought the regular one, and it's still good. ;)



i want my CD :( and my cloth mat :( and my art book :( and my CE DVD :( and my mini- diablo pet :(
damn that's unlucky :(

well at least now you can wait a while to see if they put up some more stock for the CE. if not you can order standard at your leisure.
I ordered off 6 or so hours ago...just the standard one

They may sell CE...

Selected courier so I'm hoping it arrives in one or two days...can't bloody wait!
I'd say you're not missing out on much, but I doubt that would console you.
From what I know, you can't even get the CE yet. Blizard made an announcement that it will be delayed.
I was'nt to impressed with Vivendi when i saw the only country in EU not selling the CE was UK...germany was'nt as well...but i don't care about them :p then at the last minute they change it, on the 26th, at 9am in the morning they announce is doing the deal and have the CE. This is the only game i've ever pre-ordered let alone its the CE version as well. I feel for you man, the CE package is a nice one at £45 and the pet's ingame are so cute when they run :eek: look at meh panda :angel:

I can't see these being the only CE's in UK'd have to ask Vivendi though because Blizzard got nothing to do with the marketing side of it and if its the same Vivendi who published HL2 they probably too busy trying to sue Valve to reply to emails. :hmph:
i am in a REAL kenundrum here.

i could pre order the normal edition for £30, and if i do that i will have a garanteed place in the european beta, plus i will get the offical soundtrack. if i was to order it / get it in the shops i wouldnt get the CD, and the beta would have ended.

but i could wait to see if the CE comes out in the shops, and then if it DOES come out i get my mini- diablo. but if it doesnt, or they sell out too fast... then im stuck with the retail version AND NO CD!!!

what should i do? put it on hold to see if the CE comes out again, or order my normal edition and get a garanteed place in the beta as well as the offical soundtrack?
Tough one...if i was you i'd order the SE to get that CD and a beta spot and then if the CE comes out again before you get billed for the SE next year then order the CE and cancel the SE. If the CE comes out after you've already payed for the SE and you have a chance at getting one i'd still buy the CE and have the SE and maybe sell the cd-key/account but keep the goods.
Alig said:
Tough one...if i was you i'd order the SE to get that CD and a beta spot and then if the CE comes out again before you get billed for the SE next year then order the CE and cancel the SE. If the CE comes out after you've already payed for the SE and you have a chance at getting one i'd still buy the CE and have the SE and maybe sell the cd-key/account but keep the goods.

hmmm..... i think youre right. i should order the normal edition and then just wait and see if the CE comes out. what i may even be able to do is share it with a freind, and let my mate buy the CE game off me. the trouble with THAT is that he would get MY mini diablo!!! ot i could give him the normal edition if the CE comes out on the day of release.

but anyway, the reason im really regretting this is because after my mum came home (with her credit card ;) ) i played CS:S for an hour, and if i had just quit and ordered the game i would have it reserved now, and i wouldnt be in this mess! i didnt realise they would sell out that quickly!!
Not like this helps but at least because they have sold so quickly the game will be very popular by the looks of things when it does come out. :p

Yeah i was thinking that you'd give away the pet as well (every time you make a character you start with a package to start a mission) but i was also meaning that if the CE is out at the time of release, you could sell the SE cd-key/account. Its hard to say because no one publicly knew how many CE edition's was sold but i really can't see them only having one batch for the entire UK.
Alig said:
Not like this helps but at least because they have sold so quickly the game will be very popular by the looks of things when it does come out. :p

Yeah i was thinking that you'd give away the pet as well (every time you make a character you start with a package to start a mission) but i was also meaning that if the CE is out at the time of release, you could sell the SE cd-key/account. Its hard to say because no one publicly knew how many CE edition's was sold but i really can't see them only having one batch for the entire UK.

yea. well, i ordered the SE. i was almost too late to get an alliance box (i dont want a crappy horde one now, do i :p) The thing is, i am more interested in the CE goodies than the actual game itself :LOL: i really, REALLY want that artbook. i dont care about the map or even the lil' diablo, i just REALLY want that 200 page artbook. The DVD would be cool too. in some ways i would rather have the CE than the actual game :LOL:

but anyway, all i have to tell myself is that theyre only material posessions. only material possessions. only material possessions.

...EBAY!!!! i can get the stuff off ebay!!!1 thats a great idea. im sure someone will buy the CE then find out he really doesnt give a shit about the artbook :)

one thing im worried about is the fact that they send you a "pack" containing the soundtrack and then CDkey early. does this mean that i cant cancel my order once the pack has been sent? so in other words, if they release another batch of CEs after gameplay have dispatched my pre order pack, im F*CKED.

*edit* alig, just how good is the CE goodies? shoudl i be comitting suicide for missing them?
Well i've only got access to an account that was made with the CE edition so all i can look at is the pet's you get, which are cool and their animations are rather cute especially the sleeping panda ( :p ) but yeah if you're like me and love everything Warcraft then its quite special and nice to have.

You never might still have a chance at ordering my CE copy if you're super fast. If they charge you upon releasing the beta pack i'm ****ed, basically and can kiss my CE goodbye because the card i used to order had -£30 on it...:(
ah, so you havent actualluy got the CE pack yet :)

may i ask how youre playing on an american server? did you use an american billing adress or something? im just curious, as most people are finding it hard to do so.

and btw, have you played WOW much before? ive only just pre ordered it, but ive allready played in 2 open beta tests, and one closed beta test (all US, they dont check up on where you're from). ive had a level 16 Human paladin, 26 Human paladin, 12 Night elf hunter, 15 Night elf hunter, 12 Undead warlock and a level 5 undead warrior. so you could say im kinda already quite good at it :LOL:

if i had fuelled all my playing time into one character instead of testiong out many, i could have probally got to level 50 or something. oh well ;p
Well the account actually belongs to a US mate :p good friends are the best when they see a fellow EU'er in dire need of some WoW.

My brother also has an account (the 10 day guest pass that the US mate give us) and signed up using an EU credit card funnily has to be a Visa/Mastercard one and you have to make sure that the first two lines of the address match perfect to the real credit card registered address and then use a US zip code instead of the UK post code and a state code e.g


123 Warcraft Road

(i entered my mates US cell phone number - use any US website phone number though)

As long as the credit card is registered at 123 Warcraft Road, Warrington it will work and you'll be billied in $ every month :). Yeah, it breaks Blizzard's policy but if you don't get caught :naughty: chances of Blizzard actually catching you is unlikely...if you start blubbing "Hey im from UK" on the servers you'll probably be looked into if a GM see's it...other than that they won't go round checking people's credit card details out of curiousity.
They don't have the right to check your credit card details, all they need is name/address/credit card #. So it's all good, I'm waiting for my copy of WoW (US ver.) too, should be here anyday :)
Nah but you know what i mean ;) if your blurting out "Im from EU everyone - Hi from a fellow EU'er" etc and a GM see's it and decides to have Blizzard check up on you, i'm sure they can run a check on your paying method and where your card address really is. "checking credit card details" was a stupid thing to say - no one is allowed to check them except you.

..I passed up on the US version of WoW after much consideration, i've decided not to take the risk and always wondering "what if?" whether i will get caught and banned and the account removed and my hard efforts gone to waste plus i want to start at the same time as everyone else and that moments long gone now :(. I ordered the EU CE WoW, in hope that this beta will start early into december.
Yeah I was and still am in the same boat, I keep asking myself the same Qs: what if they find out? what if it doesn't let me create an account? etc... but I'm honestly really bored with my current set of games, and I'm willing to take a chance. :)
You wanna know what my games are now i've completed HL2? these. Official WoW forum, this forum and two other WoW fansite forums...Oh the joy :eek: I really am desperate for a game and my brother's not willing to take WoW in turns...bitch :( If it was'nt for my searching the net for answers he would'nt even have the account working >.<

I can guarantee you that you'll be able to create an account and play it as long as you've got access to a Visa/Mastercard (they take American Express and Discover as well but i don't know about them ones) to start the account, then you can swap the payment to gamecards and remove the credit card <-- safety way Or you can, like you say take the chance of possibly getting caught and pay with a credit card ;)

I'm not completely sure yet but i think when the gamecard's become availiable in US on the 29th you'll be able to create an account with one, but they have'nt added in the option for them yet because of the unavailability just like PayPal isn't an option yet, i don't think.

Oh and for Suicide

Some EU on WoW website said:
I wish you people would use the search function.....

YES!! It will be, this is what Blizzard's PR Company said when I asked them this question on Thursday:

"Hi Daniel,

apologies for not getting back sooner. The collectors edition will be available from launch day. We will confirm where as soon as we get the information.

Best wishes


Hope that helps.
At least it's calmed me incase my CE does fall through if they take payment for the pre-order pack.
Alig said:
Oh and for Suicide

Hope that helps.
At least it's calmed me incase my CE does fall through if they take payment for the pre-order pack.

ARSE!!! they tell us just as i CONVINSE myself that the CE isnt worth getting anyway, and i did the right thing by ordering SE >.<

but thanks alig, i check up on the forums frequently too :)
you might as well get your mate to order the CE if they offer some more, then just swap at retail.

no biggy really, you'll still get the same game as the rest of us.
Dedalus said:
you might as well get your mate to order the CE if they offer some more, then just swap at retail.

no biggy really, you'll still get the same game as the rest of us.

except i will have a MINI DIABLO PET!!! muhahahah!

but meh, i'll just stick with crappy SE. instead of having a pet tag behind me, i can just stroke my pre order soundtrack while playing. or alternatively i could listen to it...
You look like some animal rights person running around as a Hunter with two pets :p and afterall you can always buy 'for show' pets ingame but better ones, like a Parrot...who would'nt want a Parrot? :)
I had a parrot in OB hehe, looted it off a defias pirate on the Van Cleef ship. :)
Thats actually how i knew Parrot's looked so cool...i can remember being in Deadmines seeing them after killing Smite. I never actually did the deadmines quest though...level 22 and died 4 times out 4 times but at 1 - 2+ hours a try i gave up, I blamed my team :p
Gunner said:
I had a parrot in OB hehe, looted it off a defias pirate on the Van Cleef ship. :)

OMG... i got my parrot for 60 silver off the auction! and you just picked it up off a dead body? i even did the deadmines twice! damn j00 luck!!!

well i did do the deadmines like 2 patches before the OB started, so i suppose they could have changed it in a patch... but they hardly ever change looting it a patch!

anyway. i have had a parrot, a kitty, an owl and a mechanical squirell as a pet. and ive seen someone who had a dragon whelp as a pet :O i also saw some dragon whelps at the auction for 60 gold each. thats a lot of gold for a pet... ;)
You guys not seen the Mount that costs 1000 gold then? (no that was'nt a typo, im being serious, 1k gold) :O
Alig said:
You guys not seen the Mount that costs 1000 gold then? (no that was'nt a typo, im being serious, 1k gold) :O

i think you get given one of those if you do something for blizz... i cant actually remember what though :LOL:

anyway, i think those mounts are just the ultimate thing to aspire to.

and btw... anyone know anything about hero classes, or when theyre going to be introduceD?
Well you'd need to suck alot of Blizz knob to get one of them, that's for sure :p

Rumour had it that the last patch for OB was to fix gameplay elements (100% loss on rezz etc) and that the next patch is to add Battlegrounds (is that the name?) and Hero classes. I hope so anyway :D I hope they add som bonus to PvP by the time it's out over here though. Lootless PvP? Where's the incentive?
Alig said:
Well you'd need to suck alot of Blizz knob to get one of them, that's for sure :p

Rumour had it that the last patch for OB was to fix gameplay elements (100% loss on rezz etc) and that the next patch is to add Battlegrounds (is that the name?) and Hero classes. I hope so anyway :D I hope they add som bonus to PvP by the time it's out over here though. Lootless PvP? Where's the incentive?

as long as the person who is killed doesnt lose anything, im OK with PVP rewards. i mean its so f'ing annoying when you're on a PVP server and you run down the road, only for an orc with such a high level that you cant even tell what it is, to come over and chop youre head off. i was like "IM ONLY LEVEL 12 FFS WHY THE HELL DO YOU HAVE TO KILL ME? WHAT THE HELL DO YOU GET OUT OF IT?" unfortunately he didnt hear me because A) i was shouting it and not typing it, B) i was dead and C) he is horde. oh well :)
Yeah i don't DO noob pk'ing in MMO's unless i'm provoked or they attack me. Hmm...they'd need to implement something to prevent noob ganking if they added PvP it is, the only noob ganker's are the ones out to just be plain grief players.

Maybe they could have specific zones where loot drops, but then there'd need to be some kind of encourage to go in them :/

Edited the edit :p Madness isn't it! Oooh it says "There are rare mounts out there to discover"...well, the thing is, the 1000g mounts are sold by an NPC near nooby area for the Night Elfs. How much will rare ones cost, damn! :O
damn i'm jealos @ those amiricans that can play it already now. :(
hope the final beta comes soon.
hopefully there comes a open beta to and i hope soon.
already pre ordered my dvd :)
Here's my issue:

On top of Christmas, and getting Pirates! I'm going to be very strapped for cash. I can afford it, but I don't really want to run my savings into the ground.

Can I get a few views of if it's really worth it, and if anyone would play with me if I did?
LOL i didnt know they had paladin mounts... i knew there was a spell for warlocks to summon one, but a paladin mount...? wow, makes me want to get my paladin up to level 40 :) oh wait... hes dead.. wiped ;(
Kangy said:
Here's my issue:

On top of Christmas, and getting Pirates! I'm going to be very strapped for cash. I can afford it, but I don't really want to run my savings into the ground.

Can I get a few views of if it's really worth it, and if anyone would play with me if I did?

It's worth it, honestly. You don't even need to be a hardcore gamer to enjoy don't need to be an MMO freak either to understand how it works. If you enjoy adventure games where it isn't always about PvP the games perfect and i'd be willing to play with you :p I'll be on the UK server(s) ...have to wait for them to announce them first though.

Suicide42 said:
LOL i didnt know they had paladin mounts... i knew there was a spell for warlocks to summon one, but a paladin mount...? wow, makes me want to get my paladin up to level 40 :) oh wait... hes dead.. wiped ;(

...Hehe, thats actually one of the reason's i'll be playing a paladin first :eek:
Great, the other MMORPG I've played is Puzzle Pirates, which is fairly small (1300 players online about now, second production server is currently being designed by the community) and I've been playing it for a uyear and a half. I've finally reached burnout on it, even though I have another year left on my subscription. It's also the kind of game that took a lot of skill to play well, obviously being puzzle based.

Is WoW founded solely on beating endless hordes of monsters to level up and fight hordes of harder monsters, or is there more to it than that?
Suicide42 said:
LOL i didnt know they had paladin mounts... i knew there was a spell for warlocks to summon one, but a paladin mount...? wow, makes me want to get my paladin up to level 40 :) oh wait... hes dead.. wiped ;(

i got to lvl 26 in a matter of days with my paladain char. it's fairly easy to solo through 90% of the quests, even some of the elite ones. so you should get back up to speed in no time when it launches.

but i'm not sure whether you played the paladin with the new patch? it's completely different to how it was in the first stress test and CB. you only have one default attack and the rest of your skills are signets/seals/buffs etc. completely changes how you play.