Would a Half Life 2 and 1 soundtrack CD be good?


May 19, 2003
Reaction score
Well, Hl the games have some good music.

What would you think of them together in a soundtrack CD?

And not only the ones from the CD, since that would be a rip-off, the games have the music on it.

But what about extras? remixes? Exclusive music?

Just imagine it..

"The Head Crabs."

"The crowbar and I."

"Xen and Beyond."
Originally posted by Jerry_111
Well, Hl the games have some good music.

What would you think of them together in a soundtrack CD?

And not only the ones from the CD, since that would be a rip-off, the games have the music on it.

But what about extras? remixes? Exclusive music?

Just imagine it..

"The Head Crabs."

"The crowbar and I."

"Xen and Beyond."

i consider this a spamming. :x
showing someone that their spam is spam by pointing out with spam is a lil contradictive...
but if u add a lil to elevate the topic its "ok"

about the cd thing i would think it pointless and a waste of time on valves part while the could be working of cooler things like tf and cleanin up the game for us :dozey:
Touche :afro:

I think it'd be cool... but the music is clearly created to suit the game itself while you're playing. You notice when you move into a tense situation it gets more hectic and speeds up (pretty cool stuff :D).

Cool music, but not soundtrack material.

And how about adding the G-Man Rap to your list :)