Would you like to have bunny hop and/or conc jumping in TF2?

Would you like to have bunny hop and/or conc jumping in TF2?

  • Neither.

    Votes: 19 15.6%
  • Bunnyhop yes, conc jumping no.

    Votes: 3 2.5%
  • Conc jumping yes, bunnyhop no.

    Votes: 37 30.3%
  • Both.

    Votes: 63 51.6%

  • Total voters
Bunnyhopping gives me constipation.

I stopped playing HL2CTF when it started appearing in all the servers. It's just ludicrous - the gap between the people who play for hours upon days and the people who just want a quick game becomes unbridgeable.

-Angry Lawyer
Both, totally. I want this shit to turn oldschool fo' real, yo.
I'm all for strafe jumping and jumps - the more involved a game is the better imo :)
Only reason i don't want bunnyhopping is that it doesn't look nearly as cool as rocket jumping and i think all that hopping takes from the immersiveness.
Combine the two and you unlock the secrets of FLIGHT.
I like con jummping but don't know wat bunny hoping is. What is it????/
It's a jump technique which makes you go faster. In earlier versions of TFC it could also maintain high speeds originating from a grenade jump, however Valve has introduced a speed cap which is 1.7 times normal speed. You will be slowed down to normal speed if you exceed this speed cap.

Bunny hop is using the weird physics of Quake 1 / Half-Life 1 / TFC which allows you to accelerate / steer in the air.

The basics:
- Don't press the forward key except for the initial jump.
- Strafe and turn between the jumps.
- Assign the mouse wheel rotation to jump, spin it as far as possible for each jump. (This only applies to Half-Life 1 / TFC.)

Guides by Astrochimp, CHiNX, Dr_kazza, Rainbow, Tonster, [ ]_ziGzaG.
Original guide for QuakeWorld (Quake 1) by Cinclant.
I'm pretty firmly in the conc-yes bunny-no camp. Aside from the fact that its fairly ridiculous and frequently annoying to other players, its actually good to leave some of the stuff from TFC out. This might sound like blasphemy, but TFC does indeed have problems, most notably the learning curve.

Now depth isn't a bad thing all on its own. But as others have noted, the gap between old and new members became so massive that it stagnated the community. New members simply could not become competitive without getting their ass kicked for months while they learned. And guess how many people are willing to do something incredibly unfun just to get into a new game? Not a whole lot.

So lets leave in some of the cooler stuff (such as conc jumping), and take the opportunity to ditch the mundane (bunny hopping). We should hope that the game is good enough so that the things you need to be competitive are things such as strategy and quick thinking, and not rote memorization of movements.
They also crumple if you so much as sneeze at them. Scouts were not an issue to take out in TFC with bunnyhopping. What makes you think they'd suddenly get an unfair advantage?

I don't see how bunnyhopping could possibly ruin immersion when you're already playing a game involving people launching themselves through the air with the aid of explosives. :|

Scouts were never as fast in the original TFs as they are in TF2. Take a look at the video, the scout is moving 1.5 maybe 2x faster than the original scout. Bunnyhopping would make him so hard to hit that it'd be ridiculous.

Also, the previous tf games had very vague aesthetics, its was more a sport than a game. And the characters had almost no personality. So as weird as BHing was, it didn't feel all that out of place. This time around, the aesthetics are very specific in that its going for an over the top cartoon style. BHing just would not meld well with that. Especially when we see each character class having its own specific look and personality.

It may have looked alright in TFC to see a blurry textured pyro bouncing over the 2fort bridge, but seeing a fully fleshed out character with a unique pose, walk, and bearing, suddenly break character to bounce across the 2fort bridge, just would not look right.
Conc jumping isn't even a question. If it's not in, I'll just play FF

Bunnyhopping should be in. It's fun, it adds more skill, and it's easy enough to learn.

Considering they're even putting in sharking, there's a pretty good chance bunnyhopping will be in.

It's also ridiculous for you people to think that Valve would code bunnyhopping in and not give it an animation. They gave rocketjumping an animation, why wouldnt they do the same thing for bhopping?
Conc jumping isn't even a question. If it's not in, I'll just play FF

Bunnyhopping should be in. It's fun, it adds more skill, and it's easy enough to learn.

Considering they're even putting in sharking, there's a pretty good chance bunnyhopping will be in.

It's also ridiculous for you people to think that Valve would code bunnyhopping in and not give it an animation. They gave rocketjumping an animation, why wouldnt they do the same thing for bhopping?
TF2 is a cartoony game, personally I think it fits in perfectly..

We already have enough of these slow paced games... I just hope TF2 won't end up as CS with different guns and rj.

I think the learning curve shouldn't be easy... Easy learning curve makes games boring after you start the clanmatches and you notice that theres nothing new to learn in the maps.

I find it funny that people don't want to have a huge cap between newbies and veterans. I mean WTF! So you're saying that the pro athletes should be cribled, so that they would be in the same level as the people who have been training for one week, instead of like 10 years? In competive gaming (not talking about some random public matches, publics are publics, MMMKAY!) the gap is the thing that makes it fun. I don't mind loosing ten or even fifty matches in a row against top clans. Playing against the top clans improves you better than playing against some newly founded clan in which no-one knows how to move.
It's also ridiculous for you people to think that Valve would code bunnyhopping in and not give it an animation. They gave rocketjumping an animation, why wouldnt they do the same thing for bhopping?

Bunnyhopping wasn't implemented, it was discovered.

We already have enough of these slow paced games... I just hope TF2 won't end up as CS with different guns and rj.

I think the learning curve shouldn't be easy... Easy learning curve makes games boring after you start the clanmatches and you notice that theres nothing new to learn in the maps.

I find it funny that people don't want to have a huge cap between newbies and veterans. I mean WTF! So you're saying that the pro athletes should be cribled, so that they would be in the same level as the people who have been training for one week, instead of like 10 years? In competive gaming (not talking about some random public matches, publics are publics, MMMKAY!) the gap is the thing that makes it fun. I don't mind loosing ten or even fifty matches in a row against top clans. Playing against the top clans improves you better than playing against some newly founded clan in which no-one knows how to move.

You're confusing learning curve with depth. Of course new people shouldn't be as effective as old hands, its just that they've got to be able to at least have some fun when they log on. It doesn't mean they have the be on top of the scoreboard, it just means that they shouldn't have to be killed by a guy hopping around like a crazed rabbit with a shotgun seventeen times in a row.

Regardless of pubs or clans, above all it needs to be fun to play for all skill levels. This doesn't mean no cool tricks, little secrets, and advanced skills. It means that these things never become overwhelming and cause a player to become disgusted and frustrated.
Yes it is, but its usually more on the "frustrating" side of the line for other players. This is why I don't mind conc-jumping and rocket jumping. They're ridiculous and take practice, but they let you get to areas that you wouldn't be able to reach otherwise.

TBH, I think the whole argument might be moot anyway. Looking at the videos and playstyle for the game I think that anyone hopping around like crazy will be a pretty easy target.
I think people might be a little bit confused. The Source engine has a type of bunnyhopping already built in (not the real bunnyhop, but sort of close). You can do it in HL2, HL2Dm and to some extent in CS:S. I'm sure that will be in TF2.

What I'm hoping for is the real bunnyhop from the Quake engine. It feels more natural and has a lot more control than the pseudo bunnyhop right now.
Conc jumping, definantly. It's even featured in the damn trailers; it's a brilliant, funny move.

I'm sort of divided on Bunnyhopping. On one side i enjoy doing it a lot (the extra speed in DM comes - well, came - in handy) but on the other hand scouts are, (judging from the second trailer) ALREADY ub3r fast and dodge-skillful. So ultimately I voted no. But if they chose to implement it i'd like to see how they do it...
Both, for the love of god. And I haven't seen any conc jumping in any of the trailers. Am I wrong ? Maye the scout did a conc jump, but I didn't see a medic performing one.

And scouts are - indeed - fast, but one well-thrown nade and they are done for it.
I'm for both. Bunnyhopping only gives classes with speed an advantage. So pretty much the scout could use it effectively. If you tried to bunnyhop with any other class you would just look like a helpless idiot because your too slow to avoid anything. I play alot of HL2 deathmatch so I know what bunnyhopping is all about. From what I observed in HL2 deathmatch you are useless without your handy shift key for speed. Bunnyhopping is impossible without it. I've never been good at using the exploit but when you master it your so much faster than everyone else. But when you run out of juice your just as vulnerable as everyone else.
Both, for the love of god. And I haven't seen any conc jumping in any of the trailers. Am I wrong ? Maye the scout did a conc jump, but I didn't see a medic performing one.

Uh... is conc jumping the same as rocket jumping? ^ ^;;
I hope so, bunny hopping and conc bouncing were the best! Ever seen that one guy with the medic class or scout class cap the flag again and again and you were powerless to stop him? I've seen one medic do 3 conc jumps from the respawn room in our base and in less than 3 secs caped te flag on the other side.
Bunny hopping is ridiculous. Half Life 2 Deathmatch is basically ruined by it. People jump around in circles shooting each other and it's sooooo lame. Anybody that watches a game like that thinks, "Why is everybody jumping?" I think that skill should be added in somewhere else, and not in bouncing around al la Quake style.
Considering TF originated on the Quake engine...and Half-Life (and thus TFC) was built off of that engine...where else would bunnyhopping be better suited?
Bunny hopping is ridiculous. Half Life 2 Deathmatch is basically ruined by it. People jump around in circles shooting each other and it's sooooo lame. Anybody that watches a game like that thinks, "Why is everybody jumping?" I think that skill should be added in somewhere else, and not in bouncing around al la Quake style.

Theres a serious amount of skill involved in bunnyhopping.. oh, and HL2DM doesn't feature proper bunnyhop, it's more of a strafejump thing :) (iirc)
I didn't think you couldn't have bunnyhopping in a source powered game? its just jump, jump, jump.
Fair enough. However, bunnyhopping and the speed it brings to the game does in fact another level to gameplay; movement itself becomes incredibly important.
Adds depth to the game, it's just another option for players.

(bear in mind I said bunnyhopping... theres a difference between that and jump jump jump .. bunnyhopping involves continuous acceleration )
It does indeed. There is one thing I don't like about bunnyhopping and that is that it requires constant scrolling of the mousewheel or tapping of the jump key. If most of the skill required in bunnyhopping is in manipulating the mouse and strafe keys to maintain speed, then they should streamline the jump command. This could be done by queuing jump commands (or by just holding the jump key).

Conc jumping is pretty cool and I think it should stay.
Fair enough. However, bunnyhopping and the speed it brings to the game does in fact another level to gameplay; movement itself becomes incredibly important.
Adds depth to the game, it's just another option for players.

(bear in mind I said bunnyhopping... theres a difference between that and jump jump jump .. bunnyhopping involves continuous acceleration )

Badgey I love ya, but bunnyhopping is lame to everyone save for pros (self-styled or otherwise) and the easilly impressed. :p

The act of moving your character shouldn't be a skill. It should be a given.
Regardless of how cartoony a game looks, all games follow an internal logic. That's why we have "physics" and "graphics", which combine to create the much-ballyhooed immersion.
Metal is typically solid, wood breaks, etc. So if you're playing a game featuring human characters, even if some of them are relatively strong or quick, the game stops being fun when everyone must furiously mash the keyboard to become Spastic Flash. It's that frustrating factor like a hitbox malfunction, or finding a weak point in a character's armour that doesn't increase damage. It means something in the game is broken.

I know I'm not the only one who plays games as simulators to at least some extent. None of that roleplay bullshit, but when I turn on a WWII game, I want to see nazis acting like nazis. I want to shoot nazis that act like nazis. I think we can all safely assume that the vast majority of players follow that same logic.
No-one save for the most H4RDC0R3 sees a multiplayer game in the store and says "Hmm, a combat game. I can't wait for the chance to send my character hurtling through the air at Mach 1 using what could charitably be considered an exploit!" And I can guarantee you that no game in history has advertised "NOW WITH BUNNYHOPPING!!!" on a bright red sticker.
It only appeals to a select few and alienates everyone else. That's why HLDM and HL2DM had such a short half-life, so to speak.

This might not be a WWII game, but it is still inherently a combat game, with the only difference being exaggerated physics. I can all but guarantee you that if nonsense like bunnyhopping is kept, TF2 is not going to catch on with anyone save desperate residual players from TFC (who will likely complain that the original was better anyways), until it dwindles down to the few folks we have playing HL1 and HL2 DM now (which, coincidentally, don't include me).

What I'm getting at is that bunnyhopping is like a Fun Vampire. If you enjoy it, it's because that pleasure is being sucked from everyone else.
And I don't mean cool Bela Lugosi vampires. I'm talking about vampires in the skeezy emo-goth variety. All listening to Linkin Park in the mall trying to invoke Satan because that guy at the Orange Julius smirked at their black fishnet vest.

Badgey I love ya, but bunnyhopping is lame to everyone save for pros (self-styled or otherwise) and the easilly impressed. :p

The act of moving your character shouldn't be a skill. It should be a given.

I loe you too Mecha haha :)

The act of moving your character should be of upmost importance, movement is a skill, an important one, it's up there with aiming in my opinion.

(oh and you don't spastically mash your keyboard, you have to time it right.. )

Bunnyhopping works best when you're playing other players who can do it, and everything becomes a high-speed battle of skill...
I like fast games. There has been an appalling lack of them recently, everything going towards realistic tosh.. slow and BORING.

People will always jump around in games, it makes them harder to hit by and large.. that's what happened in HL2DM.. (not bunnyhopping :p)

In the end, it comes down to preference.. :)
ComradeBadger said:
People will always jump around in games, it makes them harder to hit by and large.. that's what happened in HL2DM.. (not bunnyhopping )

If that's not bhopping in HL2DM, then what is it?
It's not just jump jump jump. It takes a good flick of the wrist, boost, and spot-on timing with jumping to hold a lengthy bhop.
It's not just jump jump jump. It takes a good flick of the wrist, boost, and spot-on timing with jumping to hold a lengthy bhop.

Ah right, wasn't aware of that.. I stoppd playing HL2DM after a while :p

And that video is ace, that's what TF2 jumping should be like :D
Can anyone tell me if TF bunnyhopping is anywhere like this?
Bunny hop in TFC has been reduced to 1.7 times of the default class speed. If you go faster, then the game will slow you down to default speed when you touch the ground.

The Team Spirit movie features uncapped bunny hop from the time before Valve reduced the maximum speed. Today it's snail speed compared to this.


For the keys to press, see the animation page at http://www.fidosrevenge.com/bhop/