wow Ive never seen THIS before

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Now where's that "old news" pick when you need it?
Yes, everyone has seen it! That's why(the hair) ppl started to think that the combiners are human after all.
omg teh stup!d thr34d lolzzzz n00bx0r!!!11!!!111!!111!!1!!!
JAJAJAJAJAJA J00 TEH NUBZ0RZ !!!1!!11111!1!1!11!!oneone!!!111!!!1111!1!!1111!!11!!!!11eleven!!!11!!!!11!!!one hundred and eleven!!!11!!!
Thats so retarded! LOL!

If the helmet has a gasmask why does it have holes in it? Totally defeats the purpose. And of all the reasons to have holes in a helmet, why have a hole for the hair to stick out of it? GG_ValveDesigners.
Originally posted by farva_man
Thats so retarded! LOL!

If the helmet has a gasmask why does it have holes in it? Totally defeats the purpose. And of all the reasons to have holes in a helmet, why have a hole for the hair to stick out of it? GG_ValveDesigners.

OMG Look at his avatar!!!!!!!!!! :eek:

Anyway, anyone can see that its retarded to have a hole for a pony tail to stick out of a helmet that acts as a gasmask. And who wants to fight ponytail wearing enemies anyway?
Originally posted by farva_man

Anyway, anyone can see that its retarded to have a hole for a pony tail to stick out of a helmet that acts as a gasmask. And who wants to fight ponytail wearing enemies anyway?

You obviously never put on a gasmask. Of course it's more fun to fight giant flaming 60 polygon heads, right?
Omg owned him good.

I have all the proof I need that that is doom3>hl2, the ROOFLES, the never changing avatar, of course its him.
no, im not him. Roofles is a porpular term, EVERYONE uses it. And i found the avatar on the web.
Indeed, the ROOFLES!!!!1!1oneone

excatly like how doom3>hl2 did it.
Originally posted by farva_man

Anyway, anyone can see that its retarded to have a hole for a pony tail to stick out of a helmet that acts as a gasmask. And who wants to fight ponytail wearing enemies anyway?

Its called 'Concept Art'.
Have a nice day.
If your someone else, I dont hate you.

If your DoomIII>hl2...

I hate you.
Its called "your post lacks any attempt at actually conveying a meaningful message or any attempt at making a point of anykind. And is what is commonly referred to as SPAM"
Have a nice day. ROOFLES!
~ Bashed HL2

~ Uses ROOFLES!!!!1!1oneone

~ Has the same avatar

Originally posted by farva_man
Thats so retarded! LOL!

If the helmet has a gasmask why does it have holes in it? Totally defeats the purpose. And of all the reasons to have holes in a helmet, why have a hole for the hair to stick out of it? GG_ValveDesigners.

what u said totally make sense, but the picture is just a concept art, actually in game, the combine soldier's mask won't have holes for hair to stick out.


btw, do u swim sometime? people wear swim masks while swimming, the swim mask covers eyes and nose, it prevent to breath in water while swimming, but it doesn't cover people's hair or their entire head. Gasmask is there to filter or provide gas that the combine need. Using the swim mask analogy, it won't be any trouble for breathing the gas that they need if their hair stick out from the top.

Now if u're to start a doom3 vs hl2 war, to be careful, someone get banned yestoday for saying some bad thing on hl2.
fewls!!!!1111 The reason the concept art has those "retarded hair holes" is because the real life version of the gas mask had those very same holes.

note in the picture, retarded hair holes


Bashed HL2

NO WAY!!11one
hl2 is tha best!

but the picture is just a concept art, actually in game, the combine soldier's mask won't have holes for hair to stick out.

This thread wasnt made to discuss what they look liek in game. This thread was made to discuss that painting of the soldier. Thats what im doing.

OKOK! Im not gonna argue with you guys about it. If you think a bad guy with a ponytail sticking out of his helmet is cool and mean-looking, then have at it.
OKOK! Im not gonna argue with you guys about it. If you think a bad guy with a ponytail sticking out of his helmet is cool and mean-looking, then have at it.

and it looks alot cooler than this crap


I did a search and found out this guy doom>hl2 was ipbanned in his thread with that wallpaper. That should ease all suspicion.
Originally posted by farva_man
I did a search and found out this guy doom>hl2 was ipbanned in his thread with that wallpaper. That should ease all suspicion.

Yes we found that guy was quite delusional. BTW you don't think Britney and Madonna used clones at this year's VMA's by any chance? ;)
just use the swim mask analogy, u will find no trouble with the hair stick out from the combine gasmask
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
Yes we found that guy was quite delusional. BTW you don't think Britney and Madonna used clones at this year's VMA's by any chance? ;)

Hahaha oh wow... thats fantastic.

So really? Do you think that?
They werent clones, they were look-alikes. Your a fool if yo uthink that was really them. Its obviously not. THAT DOESNT MEAN IM THIS GUY DOOM>HL!
Originally posted by farva_man
They werent clones, they were look-alikes. Your a fool if yo uthink that was really them. Its obviously not. THAT DOESNT MEAN IM THIS GUY DOOM>HL!

No, you just use his same avatar, think like he does, and mention him every post. Nope, definately not him:rolleyes:
Originally posted by farva_man
They werent clones, they were look-alikes. Your a fool if yo uthink that was really them. Its obviously not. THAT DOESNT MEAN IM THIS GUY DOOM>HL!

K, its official now. Just needed validation you we're him.

I must go back to my only words he will hear form me:

I hate you.
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