
May 24, 2003
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Sorry if this seems liek spam. Especially after my last thread "Not spam" But i was just thinking before that isnt it amazing what human beings have created. Just the scale of it all. Like the complex society and the amazing structures around the world. Just how amazing it all is. I was just walking through manchester earlier and a lot of it has been rebuilt now since the bomb went off (That was probably the best thing to happen there for a long time) and the things that have been built there are so cool, even though compared to other things around the world they are quite small, they really are just wonderous things.

Yes before anyone burns me i know that there is a lot wrong on the planet but just think about what mankind has created.
Who was it who said he doesn't believe in the Church because it was created by man and therefore intrinsicly flawed... only god could create good.... which frankly I think is stupid... to deny the achivements of mankind is a sin.... I agree with you Farrow...we are standing on the shoulders of Giants
I dont know who it was. I understood what he was saying but i think he was wrong. Funnily enough that "staning on giants" prase is written on the side of one pound coins i think.
I think it was Sirius... it's nice to see a lot of Religious people on these boards.... becuase I know so few in real life :)
Someone should make a mod where you wander round as God or his angel of death an smite the unbelivers!! Go back to God being Old Testament style, all vengance an rivers of blood....
personnaly, I think we fell off the Giant's shoulders, an age ago...
We're just slowly trundling along in the wreckage of his wake, scavaging in the wreckage... destorying what is left, to feel powerfull.... ;(
I don't agree with you. All this we have created is destroying our world and we kill each other for it and many many things we have are in real practicaly issues, useless.
We are the absolutly most stupid race on this earth.
Don't get me wrong A.A. but isn't that what I wrote, but in a more metaphoric manner?!?

So, you'd be agreeing with me?!?
Originally posted by Stone
Don't get me wrong A.A. but isn't that what I wrote, but in a more metaphoric manner?!?

So, you'd be agreeing with me?!?

Sorry, but I never read any of the replies before I wrote mine.

Oh ok, I'll let you off then :P

I just Thought you were replying to my post.... sorry, got all confuzzled... :o
Obviously you have a negative perspective, i have a realistic one and noone has a positive one, although mine verges on that.

I know that there are a lot of problems in the world, but what mankind has created is amazing. Think of all the things that we have made. Take for instance the internet, just look at it. There are litterally billions of pages of information with millions more being added every hour.

It is a great shame that there are so many troubles in the world, they could have all been avoided so easily but arrogence and fear stopped it from happening. Just think where we would be now if the US and the USSR had worked together instead of fighting. Where would the space program be now if everyone had worked together from the start instead of competing so much?
What makes me feel humble is literally how insignificant each and every one of us is in relation to the universe - we are each like an electron in a silicon atom in a grain of sand in 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 cubic litres of sand (not actual but you get the idea :))

Just amazing how some people still believe that they are better than others, when really none of us matter in the grand scheme of things
arr, the good old "We Are An Atom On A Fly On A Butterflys Back"...

Yes this is interesting, because if you think about it what does the galaxy resemble....

well, an Atom, so how do we know that, we aren't just An Atom On A Fly On A Butterflys Back... :P
This isnt spam, its a real topic in the OFF-TOPIC cat.
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow

I know that there are a lot of problems in the world, but what mankind has created is amazing.

Yes, think of all the problems we have created! Wow!
And all the humans that have died in our wars and our injust world!
And all the people that are starving and dying in the world because others just don't care.
Yeah, it's really some great things we have created.
Originally posted by A.A
Yes, think of all the problems we have created! Wow!
And all the humans that have died in our wars and our injust world!
And all the people that are starving and dying in the world because others just don't care.
Yeah, it's really some great things we have created.
Indeed it is.