WW2 mod?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Chellis
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Are there any WW2 mods planned for HL2 at the time being? I am learning modeling and real coding(i can code for bf1942, but thats not like any real coding)...Im a HL2 newb, but I only hear good things...
Are you kidding? Of course there will be WW2 mods....

For some reason the second world war is really fashionable these days in games.

I think there are also WW1 mods in developement.
Yes, there are plenty of WW2 mods, A WW1 mod and and i think I heard some one mention a WW3 mod but by a different name, (america and china this time)....

I'd sugest joining a team and gaining experiance first before starting your own mod, or maybe just code some small mods...

OES is always open to new people :P
there are approximately thirty thousand WW2 mods planned at the moment.
Oh god please not another WW2 mod........ I'm not trying to put you down but I think WW2 is being done to death.