Xsi manual



I searched for an xsi manual but all i get are tutorials on
how to make a boombox:hmph: where can i get some info
about selecting edges, points, and then moving them? Also
i'd like to know how to extrude, add textures (maybe it's possible
to texture only one face of the object?) and other stuff
like shading?
What you're looking for is called Online Guides, I'm not sure about the EXP version, but they come with normal versions of XSI.

About extruding, go into polygon raycast mod, 'U', and press Ctrl+D, that will duplicate the face, and create the remainder, like an extrusion.

For texturing, open up the texture editor, and then you can select faces and apply mapping types on them...

If you have a commercial version, you download the docs from softimage.com.

If you have the HL2 EXP then on the left hand side of the startup netview is a link to the documentation