Zelda OoT (3DS)


Party Escort Bot
Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
I'm going to try and contain my inner Nintendo fanboy and refrain from the usual hyperbole that trails after OoT.

This is the best handheld game ever made!

Gone is the framerate that makes you flinch and the muddy textures - OoT 3DS is smooth, crisp and bright. It's the best looking 3DS game and makes by far the best use of 3D - dust floats in the air in beams of light, fairies fly about leaving trails, bits of grass fly out the screen as you roll about. There's a depth to everything. The controls are spot on, the map, gear and items more accessible due to touch screen, and the music and gameplay are, thankfully, unchanged. Nothing feels dated here - this is simply one of the best games ever made looking and playing better than ever before. Now let's hope they do Majora's Mask and a fully realised Wind Waker next :) (plus a new Zelda).

It's good - go buy it.
Thanks for the review, Warbie. Sadly, however, I also do not have a 3DS.
Goddamn, this game is out already?
Anyway, I know I'm not going to waste my money on handhelds(or if any, a laptop) unless it will get a really interesting set of games.
You lucky bastard. It doesn't come out here in NA until Sunday. I am so excited for it... finally my 3DS becomes a worthwhile purchase!

My girlfriend has never played OoT either, so I'm half excited purely for her sake. But I'm playing it first!!
i didn't realize this was going to be a full remake of the game, i figured it was just being released for the DS but then i saw the trailer and i'm just like **** WANT.
My only gripe isn't a proper gripe at all - it's being torn between 2d with aa, which looks so lovely and crisp and is obviously more suited to looking around with the gyroscope, or 3d without, but with all the fancy effects. They're moments that look so good in 3D - after you've beat a boss and the camera spins around, or when you're climibing up and vertigo sets in - but the game does play better in 2d.

//off topic

Does anyone else find they have to get into a magic eye 3d zone trance when playing the 3ds in 3d - a conscious effort for the first few minutes before you get locked in, only to be horribly wrenched into reality a few hours later? I had a proper trippy moment on the train the other day and had to have a quiet moment to myself with my eyes closed (probably not helped by the residues of a mispent youth). From now on it's 2d on public transport all the way.
So, having played through OoT many times, is this a system buyer in your opinion? Should I immediately go out and purchase a 3DS??
If you are considering a 3ds, OoT is a good reason to have a 3ds now. However, as the system is still pretty expensive, if you can wait for a holiday sale or more AAA titles(Super Mario, Mariokart, Kid Icarus, etc...) I would wait for more titles to be available. Thus, once you do purchase a system, you'll have a good range of games to choose from.

If you absolutely MUST have OoT, then yes, it is a system buyer.
Should I immediately go out and purchase a 3DS??

You sound like a man who wants to be told that yes, he should go out and buy a 3ds right now goddamnit!

It depends how many times or how recently you've played it. I haven't played OoT in years and, while it's all familair, it's not so familair that I remember what to do and it's nearly as fun as the first time. If you know it like the back of your hand, though, then maybe it is better to wait like Anthraxxx suggested. Either way - this is how remakes should be done. Video game nostalgia trips don't get any better.
Damn! Forgot this was coming, just bought a ton of DS games... FFUUUU