Zombie Master patch 1.1.2 released

Hectic Glenn

Site Director
Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
Reaction score
Those guys don't stop working over there...they don't even sleep to get these updates to the community. They've released another patch this time to mostly fix any bugs/problems
  • [fix] Weapons were sometimes hard to pick up
  • [fix] Fast shooting exploits in shotgun and rifle
  • [tweak] Health indication in player identification display
  • [tweak] ZM resource limit server setting zm_resource_limit (default 4000)
  • [fix] Team changes (including to spectator after death) had erratic results
  • [feature] Muting players
  • [tweak] Weapon flags failed to reset in some situations after forcehuman/forcemaster team switching
  • [fix] ZM preference window came up when the ZM camera toggled
  • [fix] Zombie spawns could still be clicked when inactive
  • [fix] Voting for roundrestart could be spammed
  • [fix] DOTD chalkboard weirded out
  • Plus minor fixes to the maps.
As Angry Lawyer mentions...
Hopefully the last quick-patch before the next larger infusion of content
Can't wait for that either. To download this patch clicky here for 1.1.2, to get the full installer download it from here. And the linux dedicated server here[br]Official Zombie Master Website</b>
I noticed on the fix about hard to pick up weapons

I havent been able to use anything except for the handgun.. I was wondering if I'm just being an idiot and not being able to find anything else (maybe I was trying to pick up prop model weapons?)

and yes I dropped m gun first :p

so this was a common thing? or am I... special :|
If you don't automatically pick up weapons, look at them and press "E". That way you always pick them up.
Sorry but i think its added connection problems when changing rounds. :(
Is the animation fixed? Sometimes players will have there arms twisted around like they are possessed and I have no clue where they are aiming.
I downloaded the full install today and played around for 5 or 6 hours. I gotta say, this game kinda sucks.
Thanks for playing.
I downloaded the full install today and played around for 5 or 6 hours. I gotta say, this game kinda sucks.
You know, if you actually explained what you disliked about the game it would help the devs to improve it using your, and others', constructive criticisms.
ahh there are always haters, if all it is is insulta and no actual criticism it's best to ignore it
Some people aren't going to like it. Given the vast and unexpected popularity that ZM enjoys, I'm certainly not going to lose any sleep over it.
Well, most of the maps dont have enough weapons for all the survivors. This results in a few players being stuck with only a pistol at the round start. This is frustrating and not fun. It should be like the hidden where you can select your firearm at the start instead of having to fight 10 other assclowns to get a shotgun.

Objectives are not well defined. In starcraft, theres a bigass red circle around the thing you are supposed to kill/defend/escort/wtfever. A bigass red circle/square/lambda around your target as the ZM would be most helpful.

Animation needs alot of work. Shamblers look pretty good, all the others need help. The banshees especially. They don't have a "leap" animation, they just insta-warp into your face and there's nothing you can do about it. This is not fun.

Shotgun needs a major boost in firepower. One shotgun shell should drop multiple shambers. It takes 3 shots to drop one as it is.
IRT your first complaint, it's a god damn survival game.
You're not supposed to have the latest in high-tech weaponry with plenty of ammo. :|
Exactly, its a game. It's supposed to be fun. Not having a gun in a shooter game isn't that fun for me. Sorry.
Well, most of the maps dont have enough weapons for all the survivors. This results in a few players being stuck with only a pistol at the round start. This is frustrating and not fun. It should be like the hidden where you can select your firearm at the start instead of having to fight 10 other assclowns to get a shotgun.

On the official maps, there's one "major" weapon (shotgun/rifle/SMG) for each survivor. However, we're adding mapper-defined loadouts soon.

Objectives are not well defined. In starcraft, theres a bigass red circle around the thing you are supposed to kill/defend/escort/wtfever. A bigass red circle/square/lambda around your target as the ZM would be most helpful.
That's pretty subjective, especially given the nature of the objectives (which can be just about anything). Generally, the ZM's objective is "kill the humans".

Animation needs alot of work. Shamblers look pretty good, all the others need help. The banshees especially. They don't have a "leap" animation, they just insta-warp into your face and there's nothing you can do about it. This is not fun.
We know (and have mentioned this ourselves). Aesthetics have always been a secondary priority to gameplay and stability. I'm not sure, though, how a different banshee animation would allow you to "do something about it" - they might not have a specific animation for leaping, but they certainly pass through the intervening space.

Shotgun needs a major boost in firepower. One shotgun shell should drop multiple shambers. It takes 3 shots to drop one as it is.
Meh, subjective. The shotgun is like it is because that's how we balanced it. If it could cut through several shamblers in one shot, no-one would ever use anything else. Oh, and aim for the head - it only takes one shot.
Geez sorry. I didn't know that my opinion was wrong. I'll stop posting now.
Geez sorry. I didn't know that my opinion was wrong. I'll stop posting now.

That's the spirit. A tantrum will get you everywhere. Who knows, they may even change the game just for you if you scream and hammer the floor hard enough.

Eek, I can't wait to get my new PC so that I can play this. :D
Geez sorry. I didn't know that my opinion was wrong. I'll stop posting now.
Eh? But...Pi's response at no point said your opinion was wrong! He simply responded to your comments, in fact he agreed with one of your points.
Ahh yes, now I remember why I don't hang around here. Asshats like reginald. Way to tear it up, buddy!
Nobody drinks koolaid any more.

Also, I cant ever install this game. I downloaded the past few versions and every time I try to install it, the exe dissapears off my hard drive and nothing happens. I think my virus protection might be doing it, but even when I turn it off completely it still does the same thing.
Comment on Zombie Master

I don't know what the heck is wrong with you but that's besides the point.

The point is I don't play Zombie Master as I'm not into all these horror/survival games unless they're good, which according to most of the posts above, it is not.

Back to Dirk shall we?

I don't know what the the real world term for the slang "kool-aid" is, but I know we should count ourselves lucky that at least he spells well and doesn't say "lol" in every sentence.
That my friends is a true gift.
I don't know what the heck is wrong with you but that's besides the point.

The point is I don't play Zombie Master as I'm not into all these horror/survival games unless they're good, which according to most of the posts above, it is not.

One negative post, compared to numerous positive ones, and that's what you're basing your opinion on? The most popular HL2 mod since its release? Yeah, must suck.

On second thoughts - please don't play it. I actually don't want you to. You only look as if you're here to boost your post count, and that's a mug's game.
Its a shame the patch didn't make a shitty mod less shitty.
Yeah, lets carry on the personal attacks just because you got banned, kid.

-Angry Lawyer
Personal attacks? I'm just stating my opinion on a modification for a game, what does that have to do with personal attacks?

I dunno where you live but over here we have a right to an individual opinion and free speech.
Hey that's my role lol >: |

Really though, just because you were banned. It's a little silly.