Zombies not scary any more?


Nov 2, 2007
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It feels to me as if the Headcrab zombie had lost its initial scary factor. Sure, it's scary because it wants to kill you 'n all, just like the soldiers, but it just doesn't produce a horror factor for me. I'm not sure why, because an alien parasite on the head of some guy, disembowelled and screaming for help should be pretty freaky. Anyone got any ideas for a remedy, perhaps?
I never thought they were scary. How can you remedy getting over a fear anyway? It makes no sense.
A remedy for the zombies so they get a horror factor. Like, maybe they spurt out blood, I dunno.
it was only scary if i knew something was going to happen, but i didnt know when.
They scare me when they surprise me. Fast zombies still make me panic. Like the dumpster part in EP. 2
The low-def HL1 zombie was the only remotely creepy npc in the whole series tbh.

Fastzombies would be scarier if they wouldn't take 20-minute long naps between their atttacks, and did more than 4 damage.

(No reference to easy skill, they're just as pathetic on hard)
I never thought the headcrabs were scary - the zombies can be sometimes, if you don't see them coming.
yeah they have officially lost its scary factor the only scary thing of zombies is the shriek of fast ones
Yep, mainly because there aren't any scripted events anymore of zombies gibbing people in vents, they're just static.
Episode 2's scene when you were supposed to take the roof metallic sheets with the gravity gun in order to get clear shots for Alyx and then you falling inside the house, and it's full of zombies...that was interesting.

Also, in Episode 1, the fighting in total darkness was pretty cool. The hospital as well.

It wouldn't be Half Life without zombies.
I've played Half Life 2 so many times they do not scare me anymore. I use to go through Ravenholm very slowly, creeping around every corner but now I just run through it very fast.
Were the zombies suppose to be scary... I mean half life is not a horror game(as far as i know)so i dont think valve wanted them to be scary?

And yes fast zombies are scary when they suddenly come out of the dark!

According to RtB valve wanted them to be more "gross" than scary and compared them to maggots.
fast zombies and headcrabs freak me out,i still remember the first time i played through ravenholm *shudders* and also zombines freak me out a bit too but i think mainly because they run at you with a handgrenade.
Last summer I can remember having a craving for zombie carnage, and I searched for about a month and found nothing but shitty flash games that did nothing but piss me off, and didn't really seem like zombies. Then I saw 28 weeks later, and then Resident Evil Apocalypse.

So, no, zombies aren't scary, but they remain f*cking awesome.

Mutated and pissed off zombies like the dad in 28 weeks are still scary though.
fast zombies and headcrabs freak me out,i still remember the first time i played through ravenholm *shudders* and also zombines freak me out a bit too but i think mainly because they run at you with a handgrenade.

I like zombines for the stuff they say. "Necrotics imbound" and "sectors... Not secure..." Are my favourites (mainly because i cant remember the other stuff).
I think the noise that the headcrab-throwing-ombie makes in Ep2 is pretty effin scary.
Last summer I can remember having a craving for zombie carnage, and I searched for about a month and found nothing but shitty flash games that did nothing but piss me off, and didn't really seem like zombies. Then I saw 28 weeks later, and then Resident Evil Apocalypse.

So, no, zombies aren't scary, but they remain f*cking awesome.

Mutated and pissed off zombies like the dad in 28 weeks are still scary though.

they should have crazy zombies like the dad in games. then id be pretty scared
A poison zombie in a dark place where you cant really see where it is is scary enough, fast zombies tend to give me a fright because they cover ground so fast and make a freaky howling noise. Normal zombies are only really scary if its pitch black or if they appear suddenly and catch you by surprise and zombines are basically just irritating because of their grenades.
For Gordon, I think the zombies are meant to be a disgusting distraction from whatever quest he's undertaking. For the gameplayers: gore-iffically annoying, and prime opportunities to cycle-thru weapons and gas-barrel stacking strategies.

Some zombines should realistically be carrying multiple grenades though.
Zombines are the best. First time coming into contact with them was great panic.
I was kinda bothered with the fact that if you killed a zombine before any grenade was equipped, you don't get to loot a grenade off the body.
HL1 zombies were scarier than HL2 zombies. HL1 zombies looked a lot stronger and more purposeful, the way they walked right to you and started swiping your face off with their claws. HL2 ones just look a bit pathetic, lurching around and moaning like... zombies. Neither were ever scary to me, really.

As for fast zombies, they're sometimes scary; I thought that tunnel section with all the smashed cars in HL2 was pretty unnerving because you know they're waiting for you behind all those cars, which you have to clear. Poison zombies are only frightening if they sneak up on you, as they sometimes do when you go for some supplies hidden somewhere.

Zombines never scare me.
Honestly Ravenholm with music scared me way too much so I turned off the background and I was fine after that.
To me it's when you hear the random blood-curdling screams that make Ravenholm really creepy!!
I remember reading something about valve saying 'the zombies are just canon fodder, excluding the fast and poisen zombies'. They said the same thing about Barnacles too.

The classic zombies are definitly not intimidating, but they are fun to kill and **** with when there are loads of em...
I never get scared of Zombies. especially not in movies.
Zombies in games have never been creepy for me either. The only times i have been scared in the whole half life story is in halflife 1 when you crawl in the ventilation around a corner and a headcrab jumps directly onto your face.

In episode three i wold like to see some more scary scenes.
They never really were scary. Atleast in HL1.
Ravenholm was really scary, the first time I played it through, I was always on edge waiting for another fast zombie attack.
I mean, they have no skin. Whats more scarier than that?
I have only ever been afraid during a Half-life game when the Advisors make their appearances in both Episode 1 and Episode 2; the former more so. That scene is just downright unnerving.
Ravenholm doesnt have the scare factor in the day. But at night in the darkroom with your headphones on loud. Yeah thats pretty awesome+scary. The only times i get scared are when zombies pop from the water. Shocked actually, not scared. Still get it even when i know its coming. Zombie noises on the other hand are creepy. The moans and the groans
i still crap my pants if i hear a poison zombie in another room. Those things still pack a spine-whollop
The normal zombies aren't scary, but poison zombies are strong as hell, and the fast zombies are ****ing scary. :sniper:
Play L4D and you'll fear zombies again. :thumbs:
The creepiest part of HL2 for me was the start of Ravenholm, when the music kicks in and the dead half of the zombie is swinging from the tree...once it was clear nothing really horrible was going to happen, it wasn't scary anymore.

Except for the fast zombies.
They might be. But it only takes one grenade to kill the zombine and make the rest of the grenades useless.
I think I once got a zombine to activate 3 grenades, by throwing them away as soon as he pulled them.