Recent content by General Balls

  1. General Balls

    Valve will be an exhibiting at GDC 2010

    You made this title to annoy me. Really, you did.
  2. General Balls

    Is there a way to make the ingame cutscenes off.

    Just type 'kill' in the console and it will teleport in random zombies to keep you occupied.
  3. General Balls

    Half-Life 2 Black Mesa?

    Seriously man. You should, like, do the commentary.
  4. General Balls


    I love the tags.
  5. General Balls

    Steam Weekend Deal - Prey only $4.95!

    Bah, Prey is like Doom 3. You play it, you finish it, you never look at it again. It's not horrible, but it's certainly not great. :/ $5 is a good price for it. For those who can get it.
  6. General Balls

    No, no. I refuse.

    No, no. I refuse.
  7. General Balls

    Should Ep.3 have ironsights?

    Those are purely aesthetic. No effect on gameplay at all.
  8. General Balls

    Advisor's Weakspot?

    Weakspots? Yuck.
  9. General Balls

    Favourite Chapter

    Maybe. Maybe I'll get around to it one day. But I'm nearing 50 here! You know what it takes to do that?! I think I need a little time-out... Intelligence? Me? My ego is fragile, if Samon didn't keep telling me...
  10. General Balls

    Favourite Chapter

    There hasn't been any game I've played that has topped the introduction of Point Insertion. Awesome chapter.
  11. General Balls

    GB's Strider Battle Thingy

    In part. I just randomly thought up doing a strider battle and then winged it.
  12. General Balls

    New screens, GMAN AND MAGNUSSON!

    Chocolate-chip cookies.
  13. General Balls

    What game genre do you wish would go away?

    All genre's are good. I don't hate any single one, I like great games from all of them. But the latest 3D Worms sucked. Go back to freakin 2D an improve that! We need another great Worms game to get people playing games purely based on fun rather than realism. :afro:
  14. General Balls

    Easter Egg?

    I had noticed the code, but never thought much of it. Very good thinking mate.
  15. General Balls

    How do you feel about Half-life 2's arsenal?

    I wouldn't mind seeing some sort of mounted anti vehicular gun. Like some sort of massive technological Combine recoilless rifle, but mounted.