Recent content by losttheskyagain

  1. losttheskyagain

    Valve Have '3 Big Surprises'

    Y'know, anything HL would be shocking at this point.
  2. losttheskyagain

    New Headcrab For Ep.3?

    I still want a vortigaunt zombie. :/
  3. losttheskyagain

    Which layout are you using now?

    This is all.
  4. losttheskyagain

    Pictures of Yourself the "Jintor demands it happen" version

    Haha, he's not my husband. Just my boyfriend. :D And holy shit, zt, you're right.
  5. losttheskyagain

    Any childhood fears that you never got over?

    I have always had a fear of newly changed lightbulbs exploding when turned on.
  6. losttheskyagain

    Shooting Spree at Ft Hood Texas

    I'm in contact with her. She's all right, but one of her friends isn't. She doesn't know how he is.
  7. losttheskyagain

    Shooting Spree at Ft Hood Texas

    A college friend of mine is stationed there.
  8. losttheskyagain

    Pictures of Yourself the "Jintor demands it happen" version

    I'm the shitty headcrab zombie. I'm the short one.
  9. losttheskyagain

    Headcrab picture request

    Hey guys! I can't load HL2 on my crappy old laptop while I'm at school, but I'm making a headcrab prop nonetheless. I've scoured the interwebs for a screencap of the underbelly of a headcrab, but no luck. Thus, I am asking for a picture of a headcrab's underside. Please and thank you. :)
  10. losttheskyagain

    Senior role call...

    I will never regret leaving high school.
  11. losttheskyagain

    IMO the source of most of our problems

    I wrote my final paper in my ethics class on overpopulation and solutions for it. It's really interesting stuff.
  12. losttheskyagain, what is your profession?

    Eejit. That's pretty kickass. I'm a theatre technician specializing in electrics. I'm also a student.
  13. losttheskyagain

    The Mandatory Rate the last gig you Witnessed.

    The Blue Man Group in Chicago. 10/10. Phenomenal.
  14. losttheskyagain

    The Mandatory "What are you listening to now?" thread

    "Shackles" - Vertical Horizon.
  15. losttheskyagain, what is your profession?

    You heard me.