Recent content by Maui

  1. Maui

    GAME: make 24

    Ah good catch, didn't think about order of ops. I guess if you were hellbent on doing it that way, you could move the variables all around too, but the running time would go up considerably. And of course, there's nothing wrong with your way. It does give the right answer, right? :)
  2. Maui

    GAME: make 24

    Hey! :D There was probably an easier way to do this, if a little more simple-minded. There's always 3 operator slots, and each one has 4 combinations. So if you cycle through it numerically*, it could get done pretty fast. *: I'm pretty sure there's a formal name for this, but it's what...
  3. Maui

    US scientists create zombie dogs

    ...they just did, remember? And, again, The big problem they've apparently been having with cryogenics is the water in blood cells freezing, which causes it to expand and burst the cell. I guess the problem isn't as bad in other tissue, which is why they're able to fix it later with...
  4. Maui

    US scientists create zombie dogs

    Alright, look...I was about to post a really nasty reply to this, but I'll try to be objective and just lay out the reasons for my thoughts. The problem with that logic is that it can be applied to anything that improves the chances of people's survival. According to that logic, anti-biotics...
  5. Maui

    US scientists create zombie dogs

    Yeah, I can see how being alive and "perfectly normal, with no brain damage" is very preferable to being...dead. Well, technically when the massive trauma to his body stopped his heart for several minutes, he was dead. Thanks for the brilliant refutation of the movie-inspired political view...
  6. Maui

    US scientists create zombie dogs

    Good to see the news media is remaining nice and non-sensational. "Buffins create zombie dogs!" "Scientists have created eerie zombie dogs..." "But three hours later, their blood is replaced and the zombie dogs are brought back to life with an electric shock." "However rather than sending...
  7. Maui

    Yes, another child molester thread...

    That's crazy. I mean, if it turns out that book is actually a 'hit' list, and if even 0.1% of the cases are true - one tenth of one percent - he's still buggered 36 kids! o_0 Apparently he's had multiple cases of child molestation before, and he's a roommate to a guy who's a convicted child...
  8. Maui

    The Meaning Of Life, and your hints and tips for a fuller existence

    I'm compelled by something to give a quasi-serious response. Normally I resist this urge, but not this time apparently. My thoughts on the matter: purpose is a mental construct. It probably arises out of the mentality required to use tools, but I'm just throwing that out. Something to...
  9. Maui

    Charges Against Teen Upgraded After Dog He Allegedly Raped Dies

    Well, maybe I'm unlucky. I guess I should have prefaced it with "my experience has been". Certainly a lot of things make sense if you make that assumption, but it's just that - an assumption.
  10. Maui

    The Meaning Of Life, and your hints and tips for a fuller existence

    * Kill them before they kill you * Stop, drop, and roll * Don't drink and drive * Always make sure they're dead * Learn how to do abortions. You never know when the anti-christ will possess your friend. * Dare to be stupid * um...avoid bad things * If it tastes good, if'll make you fat...
  11. Maui

    Charges Against Teen Upgraded After Dog He Allegedly Raped Dies

    Yay, time for an economics lesson. News anchors make news for money. They don't have some altruistic obsession with getting important news to those who need it in order to enrich their lives and help them make sensible economic and political choices. They take the much more practical route...
  12. Maui

    Snapple H4xed!

    omg hax I forget where, but at some point I came across a whole archive of hacked sites - some funny, some stupid, some even tragic (a guy hacked a single-mothers site after his single mother committed suicide, trying to help them improve their security). I'll see if I can find it. EDIT...
  13. Maui

    How many partners have you had?

    I thought I had, but it turned out to be a cardboard box under a very seductive light. So none, I guess.
  14. Maui

    fantastic idea

    Yay, new sig!
  15. Maui

    using visual c++ express edition beta 2 for source

    Can we have a link to the tutorial? Maybe the problem is in there somewhere (it happens)