Recent content by Planeforger

  1. Planeforger

    Not Another Borealis Thread!

    - It looks like a container ship or icebreaker of some kind. - We'll probabably end up exploring most of the ship, yeah. - It doesn't appear to be underwater, and it's definitely not ripping off Bioshock (the Borealis was intended to be in HL2 before Bioshock was even announced).
  2. Planeforger


    Either that, or it's part of the dry docks that went missing. Thinking about that area - can anyone get a closer look at the schematics on the far wall? It looks like plans for a rocket, or an anti-mass spectrometer, or something.
  3. Planeforger

    Possible answer to the question of Portals point in time. SPOILER WARNING

    She would presumably be linked to the security cameras outside, and she'd probably be able to intercept some of the radio messages that both the Combine and rebels use.
  4. Planeforger

    Not Another Borealis Thread!

    Random Borealis Fact #452: The name Borealis is derived from the name of the Greek god Boreas, the god of the North Wind. The word is most commonly seen in the (presumably genitive) form 'Borealis' in the term Aurora Borealis, meaning 'Northern Lights', referring to the strange lights seen in...
  5. Planeforger

    GLaDOS and Half Life (Spoilers)

    I was thinking exactly the same thing. GLaDOS could order Freeman around, SHODAN-style, while making humorous observations about his actions. Alyx has been doing this to us for three games now, so it would certainly fit the mood of Half-Life.
  6. Planeforger

    Possible answer to the question of Portals point in time. SPOILER WARNING

    I think it's safe to say that GLaDOS was activated before the Black Mesa Incident, since Aperture Science wouldn't be still showing slideshows about Black Mesa after Black Mesa was destroyed (I got the impression that they just left the slideshow on when GLaDOS took over). That doesn't mean...
  7. Planeforger

    My thoughts on the Borealis's cargo

    It may only be potentially threatening to mankind, like those crystals from Xen. The ship is almost certainly full of portal technology - that's what Aperture Science specialises in (either that, or the Borealis is full of shower curtains). Eli is probably afraid of it because of what...
  8. Planeforger

    GlaDOS, Aperture and the rest: How does it all tie up?

    Ok, fair enough...but it's certainly not far-fetched that the Combine want/need the local teleportation technology on the Borealis, and there's a very good chance that Mossman is connected to Aperture Science (she's an expert on teleportation, but she didn't work at Black Mesa...).
  9. Planeforger

    My One (Small) Complaint...

    It would be nice to get the barnacle back (well, for the first time, since Shepherd got it in OF), but I'm fairly certain that we'll see at least one 'new' weapon in Episode 3...
  10. Planeforger

    What if earth is just a hatchery

    If it didn't have a special purpose, then why are so many (presumably) high-ranking Combine advisors living on Earth? They came to Earth for a reason, and, as I stated in the other thread, I think that reason is local teleportation technology, as found in Black Mesa and Aperture Science.
  11. Planeforger

    GlaDOS, Aperture and the rest: How does it all tie up?

    Could Mossman be a former employee of Aperture Science? She seems to have personal knowledge about the Borealis - how else could she find it? For that matter, why didn't she tell anyone she was going - unless this was some kind of personal responsibility of hers... For that matter, there's a...
  12. Planeforger

    GlaDOS, Aperture and the rest: How does it all tie up?

    I doubt that Valve would specifically change the gender of Portal's main character if they weren't going to use/mention her in a later game.
  13. Planeforger

    Is Breen evil?

    Breen isn't evil. He's just an opportunistic coward.
  14. Planeforger

    Something we missed? *spoilers, obviously*

    Adding to that, 'the right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world' - the host is the right man? And he's in the wrong place, as in not his body?
  15. Planeforger

    Eli & G-Man

    Great theory. Notice how when Breen describes Gordon as a 'fine pawn for those who control him', Eli gets angry and yells out 'No!' Sounds like he may know who does control him. And the whole idea of 'the right man in the wrong place' - was the right place Eli's lab? And doesn't someone...