Recent content by Sam Raven

  1. Sam Raven

    New ‘Call of Duty’ Video Game Reveals Villain as “Leader of the 99%” Discuss.
  2. Sam Raven

    Mass Effect 3

    My gripe with this is that Mass Effect 3 isn't been released on steam and they are forcing us to use their spyware infested Origin network. A complete waste of a good series and a good game, because I bought ME1 and 2, but I will have to stop at buying ME3.
  3. Sam Raven

    Job Opportunity for IT experts/P2P builders at

    No idea, my role is just being the messenger. Cheers, mate.
  4. Sam Raven

    Job Opportunity for IT experts/P2P builders at

    I am guessing its alright to post job news here. Apologies in advance if this is not the case. Read the description below the video for details. Something to take note as this concerns the internet as a...
  5. Sam Raven

    'Hammerhead' - Flying Battleship of Megadeath Kind of a concept art piece. Also, an Adrian Shepherd insertion into a HL2 Ep1 background...
  6. Sam Raven

    Hi, I am writing this message assuming "Cargo Cult" is you, Adam Foster. I want to first say...

    Hi, I am writing this message assuming "Cargo Cult" is you, Adam Foster. I want to first say how awesome and well-planned out Minerva was. I remember at that time while Half Life 2 had terrible loading times, your mod had shorter loading times thanks to the excellent level design. I remember...
  7. Sam Raven

    Valve Announces Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

    First thing I would like to see when the new CS comes out is the ejection ports for used casings is on the correct side of the weapon.
  8. Sam Raven

    Half-Life: Instance Zero

    I have seen the above image as part of a larger piece of artwork that also included a Mammoth tank as the GDI troopers preparing to attack a Nod base.
  9. Sam Raven

    How much do you love half life/2?

    Got that book as well, and the Strategy Guide for Half Life 2. Was a member of a forum called Half Life Source from June 2004 to 2005, before a fat **** running an internet game radio took over it and made it his pissing ground. Tried out several mods of HL2 and gave feedback on their...
  10. Sam Raven

    'Half-Life: Singularity Collapse' Short Movie - Must See!

    I personally find trying to write a fan fic based on the half life universe with a fresh approach a real pain. Dunno why but after having played every game in the Half Life universe I still get writer's block. Like something's telling me to not even bother trying and leaving it to the...
  11. Sam Raven

    location of city 17 and cafe of baltic

    Interesting read nonetheless.
  12. Sam Raven

    read this thread..

    Ah good times.
  13. Sam Raven

    Episode 3: Want / Do not want

    I wanted less boobs because they didn't have a 'use' function to restore health. I am a action junkie so more real shooting with real guns with lots of ammo. Fallout New Vegas is my favorite despite its forever annoying bugs because of the huge amount of variety of weapons and with allowance...
  14. Sam Raven

    Help a newbie getting into Half-Life?

    Best thing about Half Life 1 is that you don't need to worry about tactical headshots that much. Even a hit to the enemy soldier's backpack will cause it to bleed.
  15. Sam Raven

    more ideas fot the half life game

    I heard one group tried to but fell on the wayside like many other mods. One image from the mod shows a soldier in green is cowering behind a car in the foreground while the blurred image of a Strider in the background is spitting out suppressive fire over his head.