Recent content by Sentinelrv

  1. S

    The HCU's Life in the Mists Chapter 4

    I almost forgot to post this. The HeadCrab Union has released chapter 4 of our Life in the Mists series. You can find it here. You can also find the chapter directory here. Enjoy! ;)
  2. S

    We're back (for the 2nd time)

    To help support their mod community, to get news out to more people, to help reach new customers. There's a lot of different reasons.
  3. S

    Rival sites

    Well, I wouldn't call The HeadCrab Union a rival....more like competition maybe.....actually we're listed on your affiliates list, so I guess rival and competitor shouldn't apply. head hurts...:rolling:
  4. S

    Half-Life 1 Engine Updated

    I like IE7, but it broke Yahoo for me. There's no way I can access their site unless I choose Yahoo from the search options in the browser. Has this happened to anyone else?
  5. S

    Iron Grip released!

    Have all Half-Life 2 mods that have come out have lag issues? That's all I ever hear about.
  6. S

    Eternal Silence trailer and release date

    Yeah, it's out now, and VALVe even advertised them in their weekly Steam update.
  7. S


    Anyway, that video was pretty awesome. There were some bugs in it, such as people not getting sucked out correctly, but it was still amazing.
  8. S

    Eurogamer interviews Valve; IGN does Gabe

    That IGN article had some major spelling errors and missing words......
  9. S

    Is there any Clans or Professional CS:S Players Here That Could Help the HCU Out?

    Is there any Professional CS:S Players Here That Could Help the HCU Out? GameSpot starts its registration of Mission Two of their CS:S tournament tomorrow, and I was trying to put together a team for The HeadCrab Union ( to compete in the tournament, because we want the union to...
  10. S

    Portal Video

    I've heard this before, but do you know exactly where it was confirmed?
  11. S

    Half-Life 2: Episode One Gold!

    Hey, I wanted to test out GameSpot's user videos on another site, so I did it with the trailer. If it's a problem for some reason, then go ahead and delete this post. <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" ></embed>
  12. S

    Even More Nuclear Dawn Media

  13. S

    SiN Episodes: Emergence Update

    Thank god, that Sintek Tower level was absolutely killing me.....much more than 100 deaths.......
  14. S

    SiN Episodes: Emergence Unlocked

    That's one of the characters.
  15. S

    Steeped in Sin!

    So should this game be getting unlocked right about now?