Recent content by trizzm

  1. T

    Games with pretty scenery that you just watch as time pass by?(Real weird 'request'!)

    my favorite look-around games are shadow of the colossus, the three Jak n Daxter games (have real-time day/night) and the getaway.
  2. T

    Shadow of the colossus

    you have to play it another time on Hard. still, not buying it because of replay value is like not buying a painting because you've just seen it.
  3. T

    so what if the Wii controllers turn out to be an annoying gimmick?

    my opinion is that if I want to move and have an immersive experience I'll go skate or play tennis, otherwise I like the relative amazement and fun that moving my thumbs and indexes only can procure me.
  4. T

    14mins of Crysis gameplay footage

    wow, I didn't remember IE was this retarded, you can't even close the window and keep the download going.
  5. T

    I almost bought a copy of Zelda Ocarina of time but chickened out at the last moment!

    you did very well to get EP1 instead, I find OOT to be very overrated, it doesn't come close to a link to the past.
  6. T

    Half life ... THE MOVIE!!!

    who says gordon must be in it. I would not mind a 7 hour war based movie, if it was made by competent people with lots of supervision from valve.
  7. T

    Race X

    I don't see why tentacles and antlions couldn't be Race-X.
  8. T

    Is Half Life 1 worth playing?

    in its time HL1 was a revolution, it was by far the most coherent and detailed game world out there, the marines set the new standard for battling fun AI enemies, and without it Unreal Tournament and Quake3 would have been singleplayer and the multiplayer revolution would not have happened (what...
  9. T

    Black Mesa: Source Update

    WTF is up with the dam, you're supposed to see the structure at the far end of the dam from the other side of it, at the end of forget freeman, and those huge chunks of rock make that impossible. I hope i'm not the only one who realised that Surface Tension and Forget about Freeman are indeed a...
  10. T

    Game Of The Year predictions!

    my money is on AoE3, if it has even half the features they talked about, it will still be the most complete and full game by far
  11. T

    Masculinity Challenged, Men Prefer War and SUVs

    kerberos that is most troublesome, how come you know that?
  12. T

    PC Gaming vs. Console Gaming

    in the end, every console gets emulated on PC.
  13. T

    Xbox 1.5: Sega'ed or not?

    just let this go. I can't be understood it seems, I have no hatred for any console I just wondered what drives the popularity of the xbox. mass marketing seemed to me to be the sole reason. thehunter: what? Jak is a brillant game and was praised, but where do you get the idea out that it...
  14. T

    What's the best software for ripping a CD to mp3?

    I personally swear by Exact Audio Copy, you can hardly find more accurate and simple conversion
  15. T

    You've been pimped y0 ! Mexican gang warfare

    I either don't understand or you are in favor of busting the cars of people you have beef with. If that's the case, your insults having any effects on me are unlikely. How is it ignorant to think dealing with a car instead of with someone makes you an idiot? Is it that I said that Mexico was...