28 days later and F-vs-J

where do you live? It comes out the 27th in the US
Ive already seen 28 days later, its on DVD over in the UK :p
Ive not seen it. No one i knew wanted to see it except this one guy who went with his girlfriend, and tagging along would have been a bit awkward.
28 days later suuucksooorz ;FF

i shall dl Freddy vs Jason .. :b
28 days later's great. A fine British movie!
28 days later is great, was out about a year ago in british cinema's :D
In USA it is just coming out, and I watched Hulk on Friday (great movie), so today I will check out 28 day later.
British movies rock! "Snatch", "Lock Stock & two Smoking Barrels", "28 days later" and many more!!
Yer, Its a shame when the americans go and wreck the classic british films, by trying to remake them in an American style :flame:
Not in American style, but in Hollywood style. Big difference.
yer, that's what I meant, I just forgot the propper term... ;(
Why are you guys so racist towards americans? what you see on TV isnt what its like at all. If i judge you guys by what ive seen on TV you all have bad teeth and would rather stick a penis in your mouth than a toothbrush =). But i dont go by that.
Grrr, just wrote this but it didn't post :flame:
right I start again....

I'm not being Racist towards Americans, And if you ever read the "i'm back" thread you'd know that I am totally against Racism and Biggetry (SP?), We are talking about Holywood, American Film making industry, and that they ripp-off British Films, wreck them and then sell them again... :flame:
Don't worry Stone, Hollywood rips off many different movies from other countries. America is still in state right now where it is afraid of foreign movies. At least anime started to become popular right here, not mainstream of course, but still.
Whats wrong with the Matrix?

Personally i think we should abandon Hollywood and go over to bollywood. Technically its films are more popular. They are viewed by more people :)
Originally posted by SpuD
Why are you guys so racist towards americans? what you see on TV isnt what its like at all. If i judge you guys by what ive seen on TV you all have bad teeth and would rather stick a penis in your mouth than a toothbrush =). But i dont go by that.

What the **** have you been watching?